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Re:[buffywantswillow] FF: Realms (5/?)

Like a fat middle-aged man in love with a mcdonlad's nymphete i find myself sweaty and anxious whenever i check my email and there is no shadowmage fic. Of course the upside of this is when there is some its always more parts, allowing me to gorge on succulent hmaburgers, er, fic rather. Or something like that. 
Realms good. Foamy.

The Fool, honouredfool@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Unofficial List Hermit and Skittles Addict.

Campaigner to see Buffy drop Tara for Willow in Sam's upcoming epic

regradless of threesome potential.

ICQ: 6412938

AIM: honouredfool

Faith: You can't trust guys.

Buffy: You can trust some guys. Really, I've read about them.


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