
by blueeyes


Disclaimer: All characters belong to Joss Whedon and Mutant enemy

Willow looked out her window and sighed. 'Rain' she thought, 'gloomy rain' She turned back to her laptop but couldn't concentrate. The rain was wreaking havoc on her brain. She wanted Buffy, she had always wanted Buffy. "Stop!" Willow said out loud, chastising herself. Buffy is her best friend, thats all.

Buffy stood at her window, watching the rain. She was hoping it would stop before patrolling tonight. She thought about calling Willow and smiled. Willow always brightened Buffy's day. She wanted Willow, she had always wanted Willow. "Oh God" Buffy said outloud, mentally berating herself. Willow is her best friend, thats all.

"Will?" Buffy asked into the phone. "hey Buffy," Willow said, her voice full of happines, "what's up?". "This rain sucks," Buffy answered, "why don't you come over?" "On my way" Willow replied. Willow arrived in record time. In Buffy's room they sat indian style on the bed and talked. They talked about Xander, Giles, Vampires, music, tv. They talked about everything but each other. After about an hour of aimless chatter Buffy's mind drifted. She wanted to brush the stray hair back behind Willow's ear, she wanted to trace Willow's jawline with her finger, she wanted to... "Earth to Buffy" Willow interupted Buffy's thoughts. "Sorry Wills, I was just thinking" "About what?" Willow asked. "Noone" Buffy said quickly. "OK, who is he?" Willow asked, jealousy rising within her. Buffy shook her head and reached out to brush Willows hair behind her ear. "Nothing Will" Willow nodded and suddenly had to leave, run, try to calm this jealousy and rage over Buffy's secret love. "I gotta go" she said, taking Buffy by surprise. Willow took off and Buffy ran after her. There stood Willow, outside the front door, standing in the pouring rain, and crying. Buffy moved behind Willow and put her arm around Willows shoulder. "What is it?" Buffy asked gently. Willow turned and looked into Buffys concerned eyes. "Why can't it be me?" Willow asked, tears mixing with rain. "Why can't you love me?" Recognition sparked in Buffys eyes. She gathered Willow into her arms and held her silently for a moment. "It is you" Buffy whispered into Willows ear. "Its always been you." Willow pulled back in shock, than melted into Buffys gaze. "Buffy, I love you so much." Willow said, tears of joy replacing tears of sadness. "And I love you Willow" Buffy replied. They looked into each others eyes, seeing all the emotion that had always been there. Both soaked, both finding new and old emotions, they leaned in and kissed their first kiss. It was sweet, passionate, and better than either had dreamed. Willow broke the kiss and pulled Buffy into a fierce embrace. "Lets get out of the rain" Buffy whispered. With that they walked inside, hand in hand, ready to finally be true to themselves.