Fellowship of the Scoobs

by Electronis


Spoilers: anything up to 703 — Same Time, Same Place, "The Fellowship of the
Ring", and "Chasing Amy" are fair game. Anything up to 712 — Potential may be
hinted at
Disclaimer: All the characters from the show "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" belong
to ME. I mean ME as in Mutant Enemy, not me as in myself. If only I were so
lucky. Characters from the film "Fellowship of the Ring" belong to New Line
Cinema and /or the estate of J.R.R. Tolkein. Chasing Amy belongs to Kevin Smith
and the folks at View Askew, makers of the ONLY Jennifer Lopez movie I will
voluntarily see
"I still can't believe you got a DVD player! That's so cool. Hello Third

"Ah Dawnie, two things. One, the DVD player kinda came out in the last
millennium. Two, for my people, it's the year 5763."

Buffy smiled at her friend, happy to have her back. "Anyway, as I told you
before since I'll be starting the new job soon, it's a combo Christmas,
Chanukah, Welcome home Willow present."

"Does this mean I won't be getting any thing for Christmas?"

"No, you'll get a lump of coal." Dawn was about to protest before Buffy cut her
off. "No, you'll still get presents, just not as many."

Hearing that she would indeed be getting Christmas presents cheered her up. "So,
what movie did you rent to break it in anyway?"

"The Fellowship of the Ring. I thought since we didn't get to see it in theaters
what with the badness that was last year, we should watch it now."

"Oh I love Liv Tyler!" Buffy and Willow stared at her. "What, Willow likes
girls, that means I can't? You didn't notice my little crush on Tara?" Willow
began to choke up at the mention of her beloved. "Oh God, Willow I'm so sorry!
It still hurts me think about her too. But hey, Liv Tyler with Elf ears, cute

"So, you were just going to let me figure things out when you brought a girl
home?" The slayer asked her younger sister.

"I was going to tell you if I found a girl I liked. But I'm not gay, I like boys
too, I just don't want to limit myself"

"Chasing Amy" Willow offered

"What was that?" Dawn asked.

"The movie Chasing Amy. Ben Affleck falls in love with a lesbian, and she tells
him she didn't think it was right to halve her options by excluding her own

"Yeah kinda like that. Besides Buffy, what about you and Faith? You mean to tell
me nothing went on between the two of you?"

"Faith did flirt with me, and I thought about it, but she wasn't my type."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Willow asked.

"Just that, she wasn't my type. Now I believe a certain teenager said something
about Liv Tyler as an elf?" With that, they began to get drinks and snacks
around to enjoy the movie.

Three hours later, as the movie ended, Dawn was the first to speak "That was so
cool, I can't wait to see it in theaters. Promise me we'll see it in the

"Sure, unless something Apocalyptic comes up, but what are the odds of that

"Uh Buffy, in this town? Besides, remember the great power rising thing the
coven sensed?"

"Good point. I promise you we'll see it, first chance we get."

"You know, if you really want to know what happens, you could try reading.
Remember that place we used to hang out? You could have found it there, or in
your case, the new library."

"Uck, reading? Don't I have to do enough of that for school? Anyway, it's late
and I'm tired. I think I'm going to go dream of a beautiful elf girl saving me.
Love you guys"

"Night, love you too Dawnie." Buffy said as she hugged her sister.

"You won't be the only one dreaming of her" added Willow as she got a hug of her
own. With that, Dawn ascended the stairs toward her room.

"That little imp! I just realized she left us to clean up. Maybe I should
reconsider the coal."

"Aw Buffy, it's not so bad, I'll help you." Willow said as she gathered up the
bowl and bags of cookies, leaving the glasses for Buffy.

"So, how are you Willow? I hope Dawn didn't hurt you too much when she said what
she did. You know us Summers girls, we don't always think before we speak."

"No, Buffy, it's ok. But the movie kind of got me thinking. The whole thing with
the ring drawing you, and eventually devouring you? I can really relate to that.
When I did that spell to bring you back, I tapped something. Little by little it
kept wanting me to use it. I had to resist. And after the incident with Amy and
getting Dawn into the car wreck, oddly enough while on the way to see the very
same movie we just watched, I stopped. I didn't do a single spell. Till that
bastard Warren came along. Then I just gave into it. I was the magic. You know
it wasn't me that killed Warren, it was the magic. If I had kept on the path I
was, the magic would have devoured me. If I didn't just burn out like Sam said,
I would have been as warped as the wraiths. If it weren't for Giles and Xander,
I would have been. If you think about it, Xander's my Sam, the loyal sidekick,
always by my side to make sure that nothing bad happens to me."

"Hate to break it to you, but Xander's Pippin or Merry, and Dawn's the one he's
not. Always getting into trouble, needing to be rescued. Ok so we've all needed
to be rescued from something or another at some point, but that's not my point.
I'm Frodo. One person, on a quest to stop evil. Ring a bell? Let's see if I can
remember 'In every generation, there is a chosen one. One girl in all the world
who can stop the demons and vampires, hell gods, nerd trios' something like
that. But you were the one who stopped the nerd..." Willow began to look
dejected at the mention of what she did, magic or otherwise. "Anyway, I'm so
Frodo. If anybody's Sam, it's you girl. Faithful companion through and through.
You've always been looking out for me. Who was the one to bring me back around
when I went catatonic after Glory got Dawn? Who brought me back from the dead?
Forced my lazy butt to pick classes freshman year? You Will. You've always been
there, and you always will be. I'm awfully lucky to have a friend like you"

Willow blushed at Buffy's words. "Well, you have to agree that Giles is

"Totally! I can just see him with the same white beard." Both girls chuckled at
the image. "But seriously though, wise old wizard who guides the younger ones
before he goes away? If that's not Giles, I don't know what is."

Willow let the thought sink in a moment before changing the subject. "Buffy,
earlier, when you said Faith wasn't your type, you never actually said it was
cause she was a girl."

"Good observation. You get a gold star. Or maybe a rainbow sticker? That's good
too right?"

"Let me be perfectly clear, you're saying you like girls too?"

"I'm saying I agree with what you said about not halving your options. But then
again, you don't practice what you preach."

"Well, Outside of Xander and Oz, I really haven't found any men I like. And I'm
SO over both of them now. It's like I told Anya, it's not about hating the men,
I'm just centered around the girl on girl action. So, if Faith isn't your type,
then what is?"


"Me?" Willow asked, taken aback.

"You." Buffy leaned in and kissed Willow, ensuring her she was serious.

"Hmmmmmmmm I think now that Elf girl I dream about might look like a certain
vampire slayer I know."

"You mean to tell me that Faith's your type?"

"BUFFY! You knew what I meant."

"I'm kidding Will! I love seeing you all flustered like that. I think it's

Willow blushed again, and hugged the slayer tightly. "I love you Buffy Summers"

"And I love you Willow Rosenberg."