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Down Twisted

by drkdreamer

Chapter 1


Standard disclaimer: not mine but wish they where! Please don't sue, I have nothing but my twisted imagination and writing skills as collateral.

disclaimer #2: i own both Alex, the words/situations i chose to put her into, this all springs from my sometimes depraved, decrepit brain. it is a particularly dark piece of fan fiction with violent content and rough language. as an added bonus, I've also included some extremely graphic love scenes between hetero and homosexual persons in general. i make no apologies to anyone but I'd definitely keep small children, people with extreme sense of naiveté and other wise close minded individuals far, far away from this story. Trust me, you Won't like what your about to read so, don't even bother with it. Please remember: You've Been Duly Warned!!!!!!!

Down Twisted

Chapter 1

August 15
4:45 p.m.

Alex Roberts walked into her new "home" and took a good, hard objective look at her surroundings. It was a small house, a one story plan, and it suited her unique needs to a capital T.

Thank God, she thought to herself, that I remembered to specifically ask my Realtor to make sure the house came with furniture included and a fully stocked kitchen!

The dark woman then pivoted upon her heels and slowly walked back to her waiting car. The 1996 Pontiac Grand Am was situated square in the middle of her new driveway and Alex knew she better get it unpacked before the sun went down in Sunnydale. It took her a full hour to first bring in the 2 boxes of clothes and other such amenities before putting them into their proper places. Once satisfied, she then went back out to retrieve the boom box, various tapes, cds and movies.

I'll be damned, she mockingly thought to herself as she proceeded to walk into the front doorway, if I'll be stuck in Sunnydale without my creature comforts!

After walking into the silent living room, Alex dropped most of the load onto the floor before taking the boom box over to the coffee table and plugging it into the electrical socket on the corner wall. She then moved back to her discarded music and chose one of her very favorite self made cassette tapes to listen too. She popped the tape in, pushed play and had to grin as soft 80's music filled the air. As Duran Duran's "Save a Prayer" began to play, the dark woman squared her shoulders as she tried to prepare herself for the last trip outdoors. This would be the hardest load, emotionally speaking, for her to carry but the silent southern knew it also had to be done. If anyone in the quiet neighborhood had been paying any attention, they would've seen her walk out to the car and reach in to grab a tightly rolled up map and a large, green duffel bag. They would have then noticed the grim looking woman locking her car before turning to walk back into the home.

Alex made her way back into the wonderfully cool house, turned around to carefully lock the front door and then retraced her steps into the living room. The woman then gently deposited the bag onto the floor before unrolling the map and tacking it up onto the far corner wall. Garish red circles pinpointed a path that led from AR to CA. Alex, well aware that her anger was beginning to build, wisely jerked her gaze away from that map. Anger could offer her nothing good, not at this particular time. The woman drew in a deep, cleansing breath and tried to force the sudden tension from her 5 foot 2 inch frame. After several seconds, she bent down to retrieve the duffel bag then silently padded into her new bedroom. The dark southerner couldn't help but sigh as she unzipped the bag and withdrew 2 objects from its dark depths. One was a cherry wood picture frame; the other was a battered photo album. Alex wasn't at all surprised to find that her hand's where shaking as she stood and placed the picture frame atop the oaken dresser. That woman made damn sure she avoided looking into the picture that it framed because doing so would only cause her to break apart and cry.

She made her way over to the bed and slowly picked up the photo album. The very remains of her life where contained within its pages and she took great care as she placed atop her nightstand. Alex stood there for several minutes, utterly lost in a haze of painful memories. She swallowed convulsively and then turned to quickly walk into the airy kitchen. Realizing she'd grown parched, Alexandra Roberts withdrew a ice, cold Citra from the fridge. She placed the can, momentarily, upon her forehead before opening it to take one huge swallow. As the blessedly cool liquid hit the back of her throat, Alex mutely stood staring out her kitchen window as she attempted to plot her next move. Angel had been quite clear; she needed to make contact with one Buffy Summers. That was all the rather soulful vampire would say, it'd been Cordelia who filled her in on the pertinent details. Alex was painfully aware that she had to get in touch with the college student but, dammit, that was easier said than done! It wasn't as if she could walk up to the girl and simply blurt out.

"Hello, Slayer, I need your help."

That, she was bloody well certain, would go over about as well as convincing someone they'd won a million dollar prize only to then turn around and reveal it was nothing more than a joke! Alex was frowning as she took another sip of her drink and walked back into the living room. It was only after she settled herself back against the oh-so comfy couch that she attempted to think of a nice, rational way to approach what was sure to be a shell shocked teenager. After sorting through a multitude of ideas in her overworked brain, Alex had to admit defeat. She was already living in an insane situation so rational would have to get out of town on some fast moving train.

Cordy had said that honesty would be the best approach, thought the dark woman to herself and by God, that's how I'm going to convey everything!

The woman downed the rest of her cola and, nonchalantly, placed the empty can onto of the coffee table's smooth surface. No reason to drag our heels, her brain whispered. Let's go hunting the Vampire Slayer! Alex was already making her way into the darkened hallway when the front doorbell, rather suddenly, began to ring. For a brief moment, that woman never moved a muscle but the door bells continuous ring never let up.

Bloody everlasting' hell, she savagely thought to herself, why did my neighbors have to pick now as the time to make my acquaintance?

The dark haired woman's brain continued to repeat that question like some mantra as she unlocked the door and pulled it open. Alexandra Katherine Roberts was, therefore, stunned down to the very depths of her being to see just whom was standing on her front door step in the waning sunlight. She had immediate recognition of the Slayer and Hacker/Witch from Cordelia Chase's vivid descriptions.

But why, thought the woman, didn't ya warn me how completely beautiful they'd be standing so close together?!?

Alex simply wasn't prepared for the utter beauty that was Buffy Summers and Willow Rosenberg. They made such a pretty picture standing there holding hands and Alex Roberts was, momentarily, enthralled by the sight in front of her. Buffy and Willow, for their part, where totally shocked by the other woman's surprisingly youthful appearance. Cordy's frantic, late night phone call had painted the picture of a bitter, hard shell of a woman and it looked like it couldn't be further from the truth! If this were Alex Roberts, she looked no different from any of the other hundreds of students who attended USC with them. The dark woman, on the other hand, couldn't help but be aware that those girl's remained holding hands. That simple little gesture caused a surprising bolt of feeling to shoot throughout the length of Alex's body and she didn't like it at all. Both brows arched towards the heavens as she ruthlessly squashed that emotion. Her inherent manners kicked in, at that point, and the dark woman took a half step back.

"You can come inside," the voice was low and amused, "I promise not to bite."

Slayer and Witch flashed identical surprised looks at one another because the idea of Alex being from the South had never once entered into this equation. The blond haired, hazel eyed girl and her red headed, green eyed friend then decided that this could be an interesting turn of events. Buffy, however, was troubled by the hard light flickering back in the other woman's dark gaze. The former Prom Queen hadn't told them enough about Alex Roberts, only that she was coming to Sunnydale to kill. The Slayer had been oddly surprised that Cordelia cared at all. The other girl had simply stated that, despite the other woman's hard exterior, she just instinctively liked Alex. Cordy had then ended the conversation with these prophetic words.

"Just talk to her, Buffy. Make Alex understand that killing won't ease her pain. In the end, it will only end up destroying her and I don't want to see that happen. She's already experienced too much pain in this lifetime but nothing I or Angel said seemed to make a difference. You and Willow are my last, best hope, please just try."

The gentle feel of her best friend squeezing her left hand brought Buffy out of her dark thoughts. She flashed a warm smile over to the other girl as they proceeded to walk into the house. As they made their way further inside, both could hear faint music playing in the background. It sounded strangely familiar to the college students but neither could place it until they walked into the brightly lit living room. It was a classic tune, Lisa Lisa and Cult Jam with Full Force's "All Cried Out". The blond and red head where stunned that someone as young looking as the woman standing opposite from them would be voluntarily listening to such an old track. Alex correctly guessed that the Slayer and Witch where utterly confused by her choice in music and, once more, damned her youthful appearance. With a muttered oath and plaintive sigh, the dark woman attempted an explanation.

"Despite what you may be thinking, I'm not as young as I appear. I was simply cursed with a "baby" face, combined That with my short stature and you'll completely understand why I still get carded at any R rated movie I chose to attend."

The girl with the warm green eyes could only smile at the other woman's utterly disgusted expression. She too knew a little something about looking younger than you actually where.

"Then," she felt compelled to ask, "how old are you, Alex?"

Those all too intelligent gray eyes locked fully upon the red haired girl before the woman made her reply.

"I'm thirty. How much did Angel and Cordelia tell you about me?"

She never got a straight answer because the bemused blond found herself blurting out 4 surprised words.

"You're 30? No way!"

Alexandra Roberts merely chuckled; the Slayer's response was similar to most everyone's she ever came across. There was an oddly gentle grin playing across the other woman's lips as she put forth this question.

"Been to the movies recently, Buffy?"

She was gratified to see both heads nodding yes even though the question had been directed too one.

"Theaters are OK, I guess but I still miss drive-ins! They were the perfect environment for me. You 2 just don't know the sheer joy of what ya missed out on."

Willow Rosenberg found herself, noticeably confused by this turn in the conversation. She turned to look at Buffy but the blond was staring straight at Alex.

"What, if you don't mind me asking, was so great about drive-ins, Alex?"

The dark woman pursed her lips before answering the pretty red head with a question of her own.

"Tell me, ever paid your hard earned money for a movie only to discover that said flick sucks to high heaven?"

"Of course," was their very smart reply.

At those words, Alex allowed her cockiest grin to over take her face.

"At the drive-in-- if you where a smart person-- you had every right to walk over to the opposite side and see what else might be playing. No one cared and if both movies tanked, you had other--options to consider."

Willow clearly had no clue to what she might be referring, Buffy, on the other hand, looked like she perfectly understood. The blonde's mouth had gaped open in stunned shock and before she could call the words back, they tumbled from her lax lips.

"Alex! You didn't?"

The dark woman's only recourse was to throw her head back and laugh uproariously. It took her several minutes before she could get herself back under control. Once this was accomplished, she answered the waiting girl with a mouth that still threatened to erupt in laughter at any moment.

"I'm only 30, remember Buffy? I was way too young to date back then, hell, the best parts of my childhood where spent at the local drive-in."

With two sets of equally confused eyes staring back at her, Alex realized she better backtrack and quickly.

"Never mind, it doesn't really matter anyway. I was merely trying to make you understand that I retain memories far older than you are."

Being astute people, they wisely chose to let that subject pass. The dark Southerner then motioned for them to get comfortable on the couch. She waited only for them to settle in before trying again.

"You never did answer my original question, ya know? What, exactly, did Cordelia or Angel tell you about me?'

The Slayer leaned forward to lock the arms atop her knees before answering. She took a calculated risk and went straight for the heart of the matter.

"Not nearly enough, Alex. Only that you've come to Sunnydale to hunt down and kill another human being."

Buffy observed that her words caused Alex Roberts to go perfectly still and blink her eyes painfully shut. It confused the girl and she, unconsciously, cocked her head to the side as she awaited the dark Southerner's answer.

Dammit all to hell, she thought to herself, why couldn't Cordelia have saved her from having to relive some painful memories?

There was, of course, no answer to that question. Alex knew she had to say something and not remain hidden behind her tightly closed eyelids. When that woman glanced back at her, Buffy Summers was horrified by the utterly blank expression captured so perfectly within Alex's muted gray gaze. It didn't bode well, her spider senses where already starting to tingle, the Slayer was quite certain she would hate whatever Alex Roberts was about to say. The Southerner squared her shoulders and then stated it as simply as possible.

"Death is soon coming to your town and I intend to be the one to stop him. He's not yet here but the media will surely alert you the moment he crosses the state line."

Those 2 softly spoken sentences immediately set the Slayer and Hacker upon edge. Though they'd not yet encountered the famed Grim Reaper before, both where frighteningly sure that Alex could offer up no viable defense against the legendary taker of souls. The dark woman, in the meantime, had turned and walked back into the bedroom to retrieve her photo album. Upon returning to the living room, she found the two girls simply staring deeply into each other's eyes. It was only after staring at them a long moment that Alex, suddenly, realized exactly what had just been said.

Sweet Jesus, she thought to herself, I must really be off my game tonight!

"Here," said Alex, "this will explain everything."

It was Willow who reached up to take the book because Buffy's every nerve endings where literally screaming out to her that she really didn't want to know what was contained in those pages.


The grass eyed girl asked after becoming aware of the emotions racing throughout her best friend's taunt body.

"It's okay, Will," said the Slayer as she tried to smile, "let's just look at it together."

They where slow to open the album but once they did, where instantly sickened by the sheer amount of carnage about which they read. Tom Skyton appeared to be nothing more than a human killing machine. The hazel eyed blonde's mouth tightened, killing in no way adequately described the depths of the serial killer's perversions. Page after page told of every form of torture known to mankind. There where multiple strangling in Washington, assorted knifings in Seattle, fires in North Dakota, gunshots and hangings in Oklahoma, damn near every state in the Continental USA appeared to have been visited by this prolific killer.

"How--how are you connected to Tom Skyton, Alex?"

Willow's voice was as soft as she could make it because she, intuitively, knew that Alexandra Roberts was walking along the proverbial tightrope where her emotions where concerned. In answer, the woman took back the album and flipped to page 43. Alex was very careful not to glance down at the picture contained there because she KNEW doing so would cause her heart to break into about a 1.0000 different pieces once again. Buffy took back the book, all too aware of the massive amount of emotional pain reflecting back from the dark woman's sad gray eyes. Slayer and Witch looked down at the color picture of an open. Caring face completely overtaken with sheer joy. Scott Roger Maddox, the caption read, found in his apartment March 29, tortured and eviscerated. In life, he'd been a handsome man with sandy brown hair and laughing, bright blue eyes. Neither Buffy nor Willow wished to imagine how Scott had looked when the police found him but That image came unbidden into their heads anyway.

"Scott was my baby and I love him to the depths of my being. Do you have any concept of what it did to me to find him like that?"

The 2 teenagers, still caught up with that sickening thought, raised their head's at the low, furious sound of that woman's pain-filled voice.

"Jesus, Alex, I'm so sorry. How long had the two of you been together?" Buffy asked the still, dark Southerner. Alexandra Roberts was helpless to stop herself from stealing a quick glance down at her baby's picture before trying to form a coherent answer.

"You've misunderstood me, sugar. We were never a couple because Scott was gay. Despite the fact that I'm straight, we just connected perfectly together. I loved like the brother I always wanted and the feeling was mutual. Besides being a beautiful, warm, infinitely caring individual, Scott was able to make me laugh at a time when I desperately needed to do so. I adored him completely and my fondest wish was, that one day, he would be able to find the man who would bring him the greatest happiness."

While it was clear that Alex truly loved Scott, the girl with the inquisitive hazel gaze was also certain there had to be more to this story. That woman held within her this almost tangible sense of overpowering darkness and Buffy held no illusions that Alex would ever hesitate to kill Tom Skyton. The death of Scott Maddox had left its mark upon the dark woman's psyche, the Slayer was certain that death would be preferable to Not fulfilling that goal. While Buffy Summers could understand, on some level, she still felt compelled to ask the question that had been haunting her since Cordelia's phone call.

"Alex, I need you to explain why Skyton has chosen to come to Sunnydale."

Those formerly sad, tortured gray eyes took on the appearance of hard ice at those words. The Southerner was wholly unaware that both hands had clenched into fists as she struggled to answer. Willow, silently watching both Buffy and the woman with the pissed off expression, was surprised to find herself dreading the words that where about to spill forth from Alex's tightly compressed lips.

"He wants immortality. You have to help me stop him from achieving his ultimate goal, Buffy. That bastard deserves nothing more than a infinitely slow, lingering death. Immortality can never belong to the likes of Tom Skyton, I'd rather die first."

The Wiccan was totally horrified by the sheer amount of vehemence in the older woman's softly spoken words. That last sentence sent a cold chill racing down Willow Rosenberg's back and she shivered, silently to herself. Buffy, realizing how that little speech affected her soft hearted best friend, instantly tried to somehow make things better for the other girl.

"Everything's gonna be all right, I promise this to you, Will"

It was a lovely thing for the Slayer to say but the Witch very much doubted her friend could do anything to stop Alex from erasing Tom Skyton from the Earth's surface. Brutally intelligent hazel eyes locked upon the silently waiting older woman.

"I may help you search for Skyton, Alex but I'll never help you kill another human being, no matter how much he might deserve it. That's my final offer, are we in agreement, Alex Roberts?"

The older woman's only course of action was to smile, sadly, at the obstinate younger girl. She even admired the steel that ran through Buffy's words although she was a little floored by that bold assumption.

"I assure you, Buffy Summers; that was never my intention. Only I will experience the joy of wiping that bastard off the face of the Earth. My only question is how the devil do we stop him from finding some soulless creature that'd gladly gift him with his greatest wish?"

It was then that both Slayer and Witch came to the stunning realization that Alex Roberts Knew the truth about not only Sunnydale but, also, Buffy Summers herself! The weight of that knowledge left them reeling in an ocean of shock.

"How," whispered the red head. "Who," the blond quietly demanded.

Alex, feeling bad for putting them in such a horrid situation, took pity upon the floundering teens.

Sometimes, she thought to herself, I really gotta think first before I open my mouth.

"Cordelia told me everything I need to know. I ask that you don't think badly for her about doing That, I kinda badgered her into it. No worries though, you both have my solemn promise that I will take this knowledge into the grave."

The Southerner spared a glance at her wristwatch and saw, with little surprise, that it was now 7:45 p.m. It was precisely at that point that Alex Roberts stomach began to grumble with hunger pains.

"Enough about Skyton," she said. "I don't know about you 2 but I'm positively starving. Say, do either of you know a place I can pick up some serious Southern food?"

It was poised in such a hopeful tone that Willow, finally recovering from all that had been said, regretted she'd have to be the one to pop that woman's bubble.

"No, sorry, but I would be happy to show you where you can scarf down some pretty fine Chinese food."

Although the older woman's thoughts had been centered around some home style fried chicken, her Grandma's recipe for potato salad and a side order of cucumbers marinated in a combination of vinegar and water, she instantly banished those kinda cravings.

"Deal, I don't suppose ya'll have eaten supper yet?"

Watching as they shook their head's no, Alex utterly surprised herself by blurting out this question.

"Join me then, it's my treat. I promise to keep things on a nice, even tone and not discuss any more dreary thoughts. Hey, maybe after filling up on food, y'all can show me what the masses do for fun in good, old Sunnydale."

That caused the Slayer and Witch to grin widely up at the dark woman. Alex remained standing there as Buffy and Willow flashed wicked smiles to one another.


The word left Alex understandably confused. It meant nothing to her and she couldn't seem to recall either Angel or Cordy ever repeating the damn thing.

"Okay, which one of you will kindly explain what in the Hell bronzing might be?"

The blonde's eyes sparkled with devious merriment as Buffy tried to answer.

"Before I say anything else, tell us you like to dance, Alex."

One finely drawn brow arched upwards as that woman gave this question some serious consideration. While she did, on the rare occasion, like to groove on the old dance floor Alex also knew she'd have to take care if that where on her plate this evening.

"Depends," she finally said. "What kinda music are we talking about?"

The question was met with dead silence and, for one long moment, the dark woman feared she'ed pissed off the two girls.

"It's dance, of course, but does that really matter to you, Alex?"

Willow said, rather mundanely, never expecting that woman to fully answer. Alexandra Katherine Roberts was unaware of the wholly sensual grin she sent over to the red headed girl. Buffy saw it and couldn't help feeling a little put off be That look.

"Nope. I'm pretty easy where music is concerned, ladies. So long as it's not Rap and has a down-n-dirty stripping beat, I'm there!"

Hearing those words, a somewhat predatory smile crossed over the green eyed girl's face.

Maybe, she half hoped to herself, just maybe Buffy will have some actual competition out on the dance floor tonight.

The Slayer, having already realized that Alex moved with an almost unconscious grace, also couldn't stop from trying to imagine exactly how the dark woman would move to music.

God knows, she thought to herself, I certainly appreciate good moves where ever I may happen to see them.

Alex Roberts, meanwhile, allowed herself the rare luxury of fully relaxing. It felt damn good and the woman couldn't resist smiling openly at the silent teenagers.

"Shall we go then," she said motioning towards the front door.

Buffy and Willow fairly jumped off the couch at that sentence. Alex popped her back for a moment then began to head to where the Slayer and Witch where already awaiting her. She was careful to lock the front door before stepping onto the grass and heading to her car. After unlocking the doors, she ended up with Buffy taking the back seat with Willow in the passenger's side. Alex started the car, backed out the driveway and headed off into the warm night. As they drove towards the interior of Sunnydale, she couldn't help hoping that this evening would continue to be so nice and carefree.

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