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The Slayer and the Wiccan

by nab

The Slayer and the Wiccan



This is an Alternative Universe story using characters from Buffy the Vampire Slayer,
The X-Files and CI5, The New Professionals. I'm borrowing these characters from
their owners with no intention of making a profit. This is purely for entertainment. If
anybody wants to use any section of this story, please ask first. The same for anybody
who wants to archive my stories. This is my first published story so please be gentle.


The BBC commentator is Barry Davies, The Ice Skating expert is Robin Cousins. I'm
taking liberties with the characters to a certain degree. However, this is an Alternative
Universe story.


Washington DC

Monica Reyes was running in the pouring rain. Behind Dana Scully was barely keeping
pace, her injured ankle throbbing with each step. In front of them, their partners were
involved in a fire fight and were being cut to pieces. They tried to move closer to help, but
found that they couldn't for one simple reason - shots were being fired in their direction.
This caused Reyes to pull Scully to the cover of a metal wheeled bin. From there, they could
see that both of their partners were dead and, worse still, the bad guys were closing on their
position. Things were looking bad. Especially after both Reyes and Scully checked their

"Two left," Reyes said.

Scully held up three fingers.

"So who wants to be Butch Cassidy and who wants to be The Sundance Kid?" Reyes

Scully laughed and hugged Reyes. Which was just as well because two shots ripped past
their heads causing them to move behind the bin, effectively trapping them. They shot the
first five men who approached their position, but they both knew it was a futile gesture.
They grasped hands and braced themselves for the end. They even offered a silent prayer.
Then the miracle happened. Men were being thrown into walls as if being thrown by an
invisible hand. A blonde fireball launched herself at the other men, kicking one and
punching another into oblivion. From her hiding place Reyes could see the blonde's partner,
a fragile looking Red-Haired woman, sending fireballs from her hands and incinerating
anybody who got close. She heard Scully punch a guy and then landed a decent right cross
herself. Within minutes, the hopeless position had turned into a mismatch as their attackers
either lay dead or in ashes or were staggering away pleading for mercy. The police arrived in
force just moments later, but their blonde and red-haired rescuers were gone. Both Reyes
and Scully ran to their fallen partners but found that their fears were justified, they were both
dead. They both held onto their partners and rocked them, tears cascading uncontrollably
from their eyes. Two police officers approached with shame on their faces.

"Are they?"

Reyes nodded and hugged her dead partner even tighter as if squeezing him tighter would
bring him back to life. She looked at Scully and saw her smile weakly. She gently released
her partner and approached Reyes.

"We have to let go now," She said.

Reyes shook her head. Scully placed her hand on Reyes's shoulder.

"Monica!" Scully almost gulped "We knew there was a chance this could happen.
We have to continue what they started. The killers of our partners must be brought to

Reyes looked at Scully and saw the red stains and the tears on her face. She was trying to be
strong and at that moment Reyes knew that she had to echo Scully's strength.

"We will avenge you," Reyes promised before she let him go.

Arlington Cemetery - Two Weeks Later

The funeral was a sombre affair on a drab and wet day. Both Scully and Reyes were either
comforted by family members who knew they couldn't do anything or spat at by others who
didn't think they did enough. It was the second time they saw the blonde and the red-head,
whom they could see were smiling in sympathy. They then turned to walk away. Scully and
Reyes tried to catch them but found they had completely disappeared like phantoms.

"Agent Scully, Agent Reyes?"

The two women turned around and saw a tall distinguished looking man wearing a long dark
coat with matching dark gloves, which he took off to reach into his inside jacket pocket.

"My name is Harold Malone. I'm Director of Operations for the United Nations
Criminal Intelligence Task-Force. I have a proposition to put to you."

To prove what he was saying was true, he handed both Scully and Reyes a card. The two
agents studied the card and then the man.

"I assure you, I'm genuine," Malone said "And so is my offer."

"Which is?" Reyes asked.

"To leave the FBI and join us at the United Nations Criminal Intelligence Task-force."

Both Scully and Reyes looked at the man with a certain amount of interest. Malone smiled
and took that to mean 'convince us'.

"You will be handsomely rewarded for your work, plus you will be allowed to
continue what you do now without interference from me."

"And you will protect us from whomever would want to harm us?" Reyes asked.

"I'll be doing a little bit more than that, Agent Reyes," Malone said "You see, I do
not like Agents being set up for assassination by their own people just for being too efficient
at their job. Your partners deserved better and so do you."

"Meaning?" Scully pressed.

"That I intend to help you bring the people responsible for your partners' deaths and
your attempted murders to justice."

It was that day that Dana Scully and Monica Reyes became partners in UNCIT. It was also
that day they started striking back at their partners killers. With Malone's help, they had
uncovered a conspiracy that struck like a cancer within the FBI. Nine months after the death
of their partners, Scully and Reyes were placing handcuffs on the Deputy Director of the FBI
and charging him with conspiracy to commit murder. He went down as did other corrupt
members of the FBI. However, the main architects, a shadow conspiracy that operated
outside the law remained untouched.

"We'll get them," Reyes promised as she and Scully left the Washington DC
courthouse under a hail of photographers and reporters, all shouting questions in their
direction and all being pushed away by UNCIT operatives and local police.


Scully pointed over the road. Reyes looked and saw, for the only the third time, the blonde
and the red-head. This time they were being hustled into the car by Malone and driven away
before they had a chance to finally meet their rescuers.

Bermuda - Two Years Later

They were to get that chance two years later under very trying circumstances. Scully and
Reyes were in, of all places, Bermuda. They were attending a conference on the Paranormal
where one of the guest speakers was a man called Rupert Giles. On the evening of the last
day, Reyes received a note under the door asking for her and Scully to meet Giles in a nearby
bar in an hour. They arrived to find Giles nervous and jittery. They found out that he was
CIA through an exchange of business cards. As soon as that was established he took them
out of the bar and for a walk along the beach. They stopped at a beach-side café where Giles
bought them a couple of soft drinks. They found a quiet secluded spot to begin their

"I need your help," He said "My charges have been out of contact for the last seventy
two hours and I don't know what to do."

"Your charges are?" Scully asked.

"Buffy Summers and Willow Rosenberg."

"Is it usual for them to be out of contact for this long?" Reyes asked

Giles shook his head.

"We trust each other implicitly. Every time Buffy and Willow are on assignment
without me, we arrange that they make contact with me every thirty six hours either
personally or by messenger. They have never broken that arrangement."

"So you think they are in trouble," Reyes observed.

"They must be."

"You have told your superiors this?"

Giles took off his glasses and shook his head.

"Why?" Reyes asked.

"Because I cannot entirely trust them. I'm convinced that they have set Buffy and
Willow up to be killed."

Scully looked at Giles quizzically. Giles took out a handkerchief and rubbed his glasses
before replacing them.

"I personally recruited them out of college five years ago," He continued "they have
unique qualities which make our bosses nervous."

"Such as?" Scully pressed.

"Willow Rosenberg is a witch, a very powerful witch with the power of telekinesis
amongst other powers. Buffy Summers is stronger than she looks. She's faster, more agile
and certainly more fitter than even the fittest athlete. They also share a powerful sense of
curiosity, which also makes our bosses nervous."

"That still doesn't explain why your bosses want them dead," Reyes said.

Giles took out his handkerchief and rubbed his glasses again. That alone told both Scully
and Reyes and that this was making Giles uncomfortable. Yet to his credit, the Englishman
took a deep breath, replaced his glasses and continued.

"For the last year and a half Buffy and Willow have been looking into illicit CIA
activity. They were actually inspired to do this by you and your late partners. Anyway, they
have uncovered a hornets nest of shady dealings and murder going back decades. Some were
linked to people you had arrested last year. However, they didn't quite have enough evidence
to convict. It was one of the reasons Buffy and Willow accepted the assignment in Cuba,"

He got to his feet and began walking. Scully and Reyes picked up their drinks and followed.

"They had heard that Luis Macarin wanted to defect. He had evidence that linked the
CIA to several assassinations around the world including a possible link to the death of John
F Kennedy," Giles continued once they were far enough away from the café.

"And you think it's a trap?" Scully said.

Giles nodded.

"I warned them of that possibility," He said "However, they still went in saying that
they couldn't afford to miss such a vital opportunity. They are like daughters to me. If they
are dead, I wouldn't know what to do."

"Why us?" Reyes asked.

"Because you owe them a debt. It was Buffy and Willow who saved your lives a
couple of years ago."

Reyes looked at Scully. They had finally put names to the blonde and the red-head.

"Let us talk to Mr Malone," Scully said.

"Thank you," Giles said gratefully.

Bermuda - Ten Hours Later

The news brought Malone to Bermuda to meet Giles. Giles told Malone everything that he
had told Scully and Reyes. Malone himself added that he had heard from one of his contacts
in Havana that Macarin was dead and that Buffy and Willow were on the run having been
accused of his murder.

"This whole thing definitely smells of a set up," Reyes said.

Malone nodded his agreement. He didn't like this one little bit. It actually wreaked of a very
nasty CIA plot to have Macarin assassinated and Buffy Summers and Willow Rosenberg
killed along with him in order to 'kill two birds with one stone' to coin a phrase. The two
men and two women walked along the beach in silence. It was clear to Scully and Reyes that
Malone was deep in thought and they didn't want to say anything to disrupt this mood, even
when Giles kept throwing anxious glances at them. Malone suddenly stopped causing the
others to stop as well.

"Do you have access to Miss Summers and Miss Rosenberg's data on illicit CIA
activity?" He asked Giles.

"No, but I know where the information could be,"Giles answered.

That answer seemed to satisfy Malone.

"I want you to take me there," Malone said "Miss Scully, Miss Reyes, I want you to
go to Cuba and find Miss Summers and Miss Rosenberg."

Malone took out a small note pad, scribbled something down and tore off the page.

"This is the address of a cigar shop in Havana, ask for a man called Hector. He will
help you."

Reyes took the piece of paper.

"Please be careful," Malone said.

Reyes and Scully took Malone's hand.

"We will," Scully promised.

Cuba - Two Days Later

Scully and Reyes took a plane to a nearby island and then hired a yacht to sail to Cuba. The
ride was choppy and it took a great deal of skill to control the yacht. However, they managed
to land in a northern harbour. After tying up, they arranged for the Harbour Master, a man
sympathetic to American causes, to ensure that the yacht disappeared. He sold it to a
fisherman looking for a quick sale and split the proceeds with Scully and Reyes. That
ensured that they had money for a longish stay.

"Look after yourselves," He said "I don't want to read about you in the papers."

"I think we can guarantee that won't happen," Reyes quipped.

The Harbour Master laughed and hugged both of them.

"God Speed."

They started the long walk out of town in a hope of hitching a ride. The Harbour Master had
offered to get them a ride, but, Reyes felt that he had done enough and declined. They
managed to catch a ride with a businessman trying to get home to his family a few miles
outside town.

"You've just got in?" The man asked as he started up the car.

"Yeah!" Reyes said "We had a small problem with our yacht. Damn thing developed
a slow leak. I think we hit something on the way in. There's no way we can afford the

"So you've sold it for scrap," The man deduced.

"We've sold it to somebody who can fix it, The Harbour Master managed to get us a
barely average price," Reyes said "Oh well! Easy come, easy go."

The man chuckled.

"That's the trouble with the waters around here, too many rocks," He said "And too
many people ready to take advantage."

Scully could feel him looking at her through the rear view mirror and felt uncomfortable.

"So what brings you to Cuba?" He asked.

"We're trying to find a couple of friends," Reyes said honestly.

"Really! I have some contacts within the government, maybe I can help."

"It's okay," Scully said "We have one or two leads to follow."

"If I can be of any service please don't hesitate to ask."

The Businessman gave Reyes his card.

"Thank you," Reyes looked at the card "Mr Louis Collargo, we'll keep it in mind."

"What do I call you?" He asked.

"Carla, Maria," Reyes said

"Well Carla and Maria, how about some dinner, maybe tonight."

"We're going to have to take a rain check on that," Scully said.

"A pity!" Collargo said "I know some good restaurants in Havana."

"Maybe soon," Reyes said.

Havana - Three Hours Later

When Collargo dropped Scully and Reyes off, the two women breathed a sigh of relief.
There was something about that guy that unnerved them. For a start, despite his claim to be
trying to get home to his family, the way he was eyeing them up suggested he was interested
in a little bit more than dinner. It was more than possible that they were the main course,
both of them, probably at the same time. That made them both shudder. Putting that to the
back of their minds, they began searching for the cigar shop. They found it in a back alley
and at eleven o'clock at night. Reyes pressed the door bell. Within a minute a tired, world
weary woman answered.

"We're here to see Hector," Reyes said "Harry sent us."

The woman looked around and then ushered the two of them into the shop. She took them
through the shop into the back, where a Hispanic looking man was having supper. He
stopped eating and got to his feet.

"Are you Carla and Maria?"

Reyes nodded.

"I'm Hector Borrego. Alicia, go and get something for our guests."

The woman nodded and hurried out of the room.

"It's okay," Scully said "There's no need."

"Nonsense," Hector said "You've had a long journey. Please have a seat."

Scully and Reyes took seats at the table as instructed. Hector sat down and poured out two
drinks from a beer pitcher, which he offered to both Scully and Reyes. Reluctantly the two
women accepted the drinks.

"Ever since Harry Malone contacted me, I've been doing some checking. It's not

Both Reyes and Scully braced themselves.

"It seems Miss Summers and Miss Rosenberg had got to Luis Macarin and was on the
verge of getting him out when they were ambushed by Fidel's Militia . Macarin was killed
and both Miss Summers and Miss Rosenberg were taken prisoner."

"And they escaped," Reyes deduced.

"The Cuban secret police still do not know how," Hector allowed himself a smile
"Two little women ripped twenty grown men apart and then walked out the door. Fidel
himself wants to know why."

"We know," Scully said with a grin "We've seen them in action."

"You said it was not good," Reyes interrupted.

"Last night, there was a fire fight in the Northern village of Jerez between a unit of
the Cuban Militia and Miss Summers and Miss Rosenberg. They escaped, but there is a
possibility that one of them may have been wounded."

The woman returned with two plates of stew and placed in front of Scully and Reyes. Both
women thanked Alicia and started to tuck in.

"Can you get us to Jerez?" Reyes asked after swallowing a mouthful.

"Give me a couple of hours to arrange something," Hector said "You can stay here
until I get back."

"May not be possible," Reyes said "Have you heard of a man called Louis Collargo?"

Hector closed his eyes in anguish.

"He's Secret Police, isn't he?" Scully said.

"One of Fidel's best," Hector said "He gave us a lot of problems a couple of months
ago. How do you know him?"

"He gave us a lift into Havana."

"Damn it!"

Hector thought for a minute.

"What did you say to him?"

"That we were looking for a couple of friends," Reyes said "We didn't say who."

"Then there may be a way out. Alicia!"

The woman entered on the call of her name.

"Have Carlotta and Margarete returned from that trip?" Hector asked.

"Si, they arrive last night."

"Can you get them here?"


"Get them here and brief Miss Scully and Miss Reyes as to who they are."

Alicia nodded and left the room. Both Scully and Reyes looked at Hector quizzically.
Hector smiled.

"Carla and Maria are going to have their tearful reunion for Mr Collargo's benefit,"

He said

As promised Scully and Reyes got their tearful reunion, in front of the cigar shop with a
couple of Secret Police members in an unmarked car two blocks away taking pictures with a
long range photo lens. To keep up the pretence, both women had even changed into Cuban
native clothes and had made a point of trying on scarfs and head-wear in front of the shop.
Two hours later, as promised, Hector returned with a jeep and a map.

"Try and keep off the main roads," He said "There will be road blocks on every main
road leading to the Northern ports."

Scully and Reyes got into the jeep.

"When you get there go to this address and ask for Ricardo, he will help you."

Hector gave Reyes a slip of paper.

"What about Collargo?" Reyes asked

Hector looked at his watch.

"Give it ten minutes then go."

"Will the boat be there when get there?" Scully asked.

"Don't worry," Hector said "The boat will be there. Just make sure you get
yourselves, Miss Summers and Miss Rosenberg to the rendezvous point."

Hector went back inside. Ten minutes later, Reyes gunned the engine. She took the road to
the main road to find that the Secret Police car had gone. She and Scully gave the high five
and then drove off.

Northern Cuba

For the first couple of hours, it was plain sailing. For a start they had the cover of darkness
and a four wheel drive that allowed them to stay off the main roads for as long as possible.
When they ran into road blocks, which was seldom, paperwork provided for them by Hector
allowed them to skate through. However, as they closed on Jerez, they saw troopers
everywhere, stopping every car, prodding every hay-cart with pitch forks. Even they were
stopped and searched.

"Where are you ladies heading?" The Sergeant asked them as two of his troopers
searched the jeep, opening the boot at the back and rummaging through the luggage.

"We're going home," Reyes said.

"And where's that?"

"Port Rogue," Scully answered.

"Really," The Sergeant said suddenly interested "I suppose you know the Hacienda

"We've heard of it," Reyes said with a wink.

Which was true, as it happened to be the town's brothel. Another snippet of information the
resourceful Hector thought might be useful. Both Scully and Reyes now knew why Malone
trusted this man with his life. The guy was a genius.

"It's clean Sergeant," His Corporal said.

"Of course it is,"

The Sergeant leered at both Scully and Reyes. Then, as an afterthought, he produced two
pictures from his pocket.

"I suppose you haven't seen these two on your way home?"

Reyes took both photographs and looked at them. They were unflattering pictures of Buffy
Summers and Willow Rosenberg.

"No!" Reyes said innocently "Why? What have they done?"

"What about your friend?"

"Maria, have you seen these people?"

Reyes gave Scully the photographs. Scully looked at them.


She handed the photographs back to Reyes, who handed them back to the Sergeant.

"Okay," The Sergeant said "Just be careful if you run into them. They killed six
people whilst trying to escape. I wouldn't want you to risk your pretty heads."

"We'll certainly be careful," Reyes said.

They got back into the jeep and moved away. Just as they were about to turn the corner,
Reyes saw a familiar looking car pull up at the check-point.


Scully looked through the mirror and saw Collargo get out and the Sergeant snap to attention.

"Damn it!" She said.

"We have to remain calm, Dana," Reyes said.

Scully took Reyes hand and squeezed it. Reyes took a deep breath and moved the jeep away
again. They were lucky, nobody moved against them.


Ricardo Morais was as good as Hector said he was. He was able to narrow the search area
down to three possibilities: an abandoned gold mine two miles north of Jerez; an old
farmhouse south of Port Rogue and an old church in Port Rogue itself. Although all three
had been searched by the militia, there were hiding places that only certain people knew
about and they would rather die than reveal them to the forces of Fidel Castro.

"The church is tended by a woman called Rosa. If Miss Summers and Miss
Rosenberg are there, she'll be looking after them. Tell her that Ricardo sent you."

"Thank you," Reyes said.

"Don't thank me," Ricardo said "Just find them and get them out of here. The last
thing we need at the moment is Fidel's thugs stomping around. It's bad for business."

Port Rogue

Ten minutes later, in a car supplied by Ricardo, Scully and Reyes were on the road. The sun
was starting to rise on the horizon making life a little more difficult, especially with Collargo
being in the area. With time running short, they decided to gamble on Buffy and Willow
being at the church in Port Rogue reasoning that they could always double back and check
the other sites if they weren't. It was also the most likely place to find a safe haven. A gold
mine and a Farmhouse, especially this close to Jerez, were just a little too obvious, and the
one thing they had learned about Buffy Summers and Willow Rosenberg already, they had
developed a healthy doze of paranoia. In that aspect, they were a lot like their late partners.
They arrived at Seven o'clock that morning. Scully and Reyes approached the cottage next
to the church. Reyes knocked on the door. Within a minute the door opened and a woman in
her seventies looked out. Reyes put on her best smile and asked.

"Are you Rosa?"

"Who wants to know?"

"Ricardo sent us," Scully said "He thought you might know the whereabouts of a
couple of friends of ours."

"The blonde and the red-headed woman?"


"They didn't kill Macarin you know. That pig Collargo was responsible."

"We know," Reyes said "We've come to help them."

"The Rosenberg child is hurt, she is a powerful witch, but even she may not be able to
pull out of it," Rosa said with a tear in her eye, "She could be dying."

That was news Scully and Reyes didn't want to hear. Scully took the woman's hand.

"I'm a Doctor, I can help."

Rosa grasped Scully's hand and looked into her eyes. Believing her, she left the house and
shut the door carrying a basket in her hand.

"We must go quickly."

Scully and Reyes followed the old woman to the church and down a passageway into the
crypt. She then produced a key and unlocked a side door to reveal a flight of wooden steps
going down. They took the stairs quickly, reaching another door which Rosa knocked on
three times and then another three times. The door opened to reveal a visibly upset Buffy

"I have brought you some more food and a Doctor," Rosa said.

Scully and Reyes came from behind Rosa. The light almost shone from Buffy's eyes as she
recognised them.

"Monica, Dana, thank god!"

She hugged both women in turn.

"How's Willow?" Scully asked.

"Bad! She's lost a lot of blood."

Rosa handed Scully the basket and then departed. Scully and Reyes followed Buffy into the
room to see Willow lying in a makeshift bed. Even from this far away, Scully could see that
the red-head was in trouble. Buffy moved to Willow's side and gently shook her.


Willow opened her eyes.

"Buffy," She said weakly "Have they come?"

"Monica and Dana are here," Buffy said "Just as you predicted."

Reyes took Willow's hand causing Willow to look in her direction and smile.

"Hi there," Reyes said.

"Thank you for coming, Monica. You could be too late."

"Don't say that," Reyes said squeezing Willow's hand.

Scully crouched down beside Reyes and lifted the blanket covering Willow to see the extent
of the wound. It had been well bandaged and treated by Buffy, but, there was still a serious
risk of infection. Scully undid the bandage and gently touched the wound causing Willow to

"Damn! Internal bleeding," Scully said "Monica, have a look through Rosa's basket,
find out what medicine she brought."

Reyes emptied the basket. There was food and medicine but only medicine to keep the fever

"It's going to have to do," Scully said.

"Is she going to die?" Buffy asked in a small voice.

"Not if I can help it," Scully said "Monica, go and find Rosa, tell her we need plenty
of hot water."

"You're going to operate?" Buffy asked.

"I've no choice, that bullet has got to come out now."

That was enough to send Reyes flying out the door.

The Church - The Next Afternoon

It was early afternoon before Scully got the bullet out. Willow was luckier than she initially
thought. There was internal bleeding but not life threatening if they could get her to a
hospital and get her started on anti-biotics. Having said that however, there was something
about Willow's recovery that was puzzling her. It started the moment Scully touched her as
if Willow was drawing strength from her. It was an odd sensation, but, based on nothing
scientific. However, Willow did look brighter and stronger. Scully disregarded it as a
figment of her imagination and continued dressing the wound.

"Is she fit enough to move?" Reyes asked.

"Ordinarily I would have said no, but, considering Collargo could be here any minute
and Hector wont wait that long......"

Without even thinking about it, Buffy gently lifted her partner up and carried her out and all
the way to the car. Scully and Reyes followed admiring Buffy's strength and obvious love
for her partner. By mid-afternoon, the four women were on the road heading for Hector and
safety. If it was plain sailing before, things were about to get worse because there was now
no way they could bluff their way past checkpoints. They had to abandon cars, walk around
road blocks and steal new cars, but as Reyes said.

"This could be fun."

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