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The Good, The Bad and The Fangy

by dawnm

Faith, Love & No More Tricks



Chapter 13 - Faith, Love & No More Tricks

The blinding light diminished as the portal closed, leaving darkness in its wake. It took a moment for their eyes to adjust. When she was able to focus again, with only the light from the campfire, Willow cast a glance around the camp and her suspicions were confirmed. Buffy was gone.

The warrior and bard looked at her. "What happened?"

"She said something about Giles...before she disappeared." Willow paused, piecing it all together. "He must have found a spell, a way to bring us home. Buffy must be back in Sunnydale." The redhead smiled, jumping up excitedly. "That means I should be leaving any second...so I guess this is goodbye." Her face showed both the joy of finally going home and the hint of sadness that she would never see her friends again.

Both warrior and bard were quickly at her side. They hugged her, saying their good-byes. "It's hard to believe that we won't be seeing you again." Gabrielle said, squeezing Willow's hand. "You and Buffy have done so much for us."

"You've done just as much for us, maybe more." The hacker replied softly, tears springing to her eyes. "We're really gonna miss you."

Xena stepped forward putting an arm around Willow. "You'll tell Buffy goodbye for us?" The warrior asked. The redhead nodded, not trusting her voice. The whole event was a test of Xena's self-control as she tried to reign in her own emotions. "You two have been real friends to Gabrielle and me."

"The feeling is mutual." Willow smiled up at the warrior. "If you ever have another run-in with Kronos, you two better come and see us."

Xena grinned. "It's a promise."


"Giles?" Buffy ran a damp cloth over the watcher's face, wiping away the blood. "You awake?" He groaned in response. "Up you go." She said, pulling him into a sitting position. "Put your arm around my neck. I'm gonna help you onto the couch. Okay?" With little help on his part, Buffy managed to get him to the living room and onto the sofa.

"Here. Take these." She said, returning with two Advil and a glass of water. The watcher took the pills and lay back again with a sigh, willing his eyes to focus on the girl in front of him. "How are you feeling?"

"I'll be all right." Giles insisted, trying to sit up. His brave front didn't last and he collapsed back into the cushions.

"I think you better rest for a while." Buffy said. "Wanna tell me what happened?"

"Faith found out that you were missing." The watcher paused, drawing in a ragged breath. "She was trying to stop me from bringing you back. She burst in while I was trying to cast the spell--"

"I think I know the rest." Buffy interjected. "The drugs knocked her out, but she could wake up anytime. What are we going to do with her?"

"In my weapons chest." Giles pointed across the room. "There are some shackles. They should hold her."

"Right." Buffy nodded.

Moments later, with the shackles in hand, she looked around for something sturdy to chain the dark slayer to. Deciding on the metal desk chair, she moved it to the middle of the room, propped Faith's limp form up on the seat, and spent a good ten minutes securing the chains. She ran the chain through the back and around the legs of the chair, across the brunette's chest, waist and legs and locked the bracelets around her wrists at the back of the chair. When she finished, the blonde slayer stood back to survey her work. Satisfied that it would hold her, she turned her attention to the front door - what was left of it.

Faith had broken the doorframe when she kicked her way in. Buffy pushed the door into place and pulled the desk in front of it to hold it closed, deciding that would have to suffice. With a sigh, she turned and went back to the living room. Giles was already asleep on the sofa. She glanced at the clock and saw that it was nearly one in morning. She collapsed in a nearby chair to keep watch.

Home. After spending the better part of a week in Ancient Greece and a harsh Sunnydale homecoming, Buffy was nonplussed. It would take time to readjust, she realized. Willow's absence was a large part of the problem, she admitted with a frustrated sigh. She wrestled with the desire to wake Giles and demand that he cast the spell that would bring the redhead home. She knew that he needed his strength in order for the spell to be successful, so she resigned herself to waiting.

Eight days and nights had passed since they had first encountered Xena and Gabrielle in Restfield Cemetery. Eight days that had changed everything. Eight nights that she'd slept by Willow's side. With two millennia suddenly separating them, Buffy was coming unglued. She thrashed around in the armchair, willing away the hours until Giles could cast the spell again. Her only consolation was the knowledge that Willow was not alone. Xena and Gabrielle would keep her safe.


Several hours had passed since Buffy's disappearance from the camp. Willow's emotions had run the gamut, excitement to worry to pure distress. The warrior and bard sat with her, offering their support.

"What if something happened and Buffy didn't make it home?" The hacker's voice bordered on frantic. Gabrielle reached out to take her hand.

"Try not to worry. I'm sure everything's okay."

"Just a delay." Xena said firmly. "Buffy will see to it that you get home. You trust her, don't you?" Willow nodded and the warrior wiped a tear from the hacker's cheek. "She couldn't live without you. And I happen to know that she wouldn't want to." Xena smiled reassuringly at the hacker. Willow leaned into the warrior's side.

"Thanks." She said softly, releasing the breath she'd been holding.

Xena waved off the thank you and gave the redhead's shoulder a squeeze. "You really should try to rest."

Willow nodded. "I'll try."

Gabrielle stood up and moved their bedroll next to Willow's and the three of them settled in and said goodnight.


After a couple of restless hours, Buffy finally succumbed to her exhaustion. An emotionally charged day, the trip through the portal, and her fight with Faith had all taken a toll. Her keen slayer hearing woke her at the first sound of rattling chains.

"Awake so soon?" Buffy asked, moving across the room toward the dark slayer.

"Sorry, B. Didn't mean to wake you." Faith replied with a sly smile.

"I'm sure you didn't." Buffy snorted. "Do us all a favor and be a good girl."

"Little too late for that, doncha think?"

Buffy shrugged. "Struggle all you want. It won't do any good. When Giles wakes up, he'll call the council and you'll be on your way to England." Desperate determination replaced the lazy smile on Faith's face and the chair rocked as she strained against the chains.

"Cooperate, Faith." Buffy said, scooping the med kit from the floor and slamming it down on the counter. "Unless you'd like another shot."

Faith stopped struggling. "You can't call the council. They'll kill me, B." The brunette pleaded.

"You think I care, Faith?" Buffy paced; livid at the thought of the hell that Faith had put Willow through. "After everything you've done, do you really think I care what they do to you?"

"Is this about Angel?"

"This is about WILLOW. Or did you forget? You tried to kill her -TWICE?" Buffy said through clenched teeth.

"Red's okay--"

"No thanks to you." Buffy interrupted. "What about Angel?" She asked, when Faith's question finally registered. The dark-haired slayer squirmed in the chair, avoiding Buffy's probing gaze and her question. "I asked you a question, Faith. What about Angel?"

"We got into a fight a couple days ago..." The brunette started.

"And?" Buffy prompted. Faith didn't answer. Half a minute later, like the flip of a switch, understanding registered in hazel eyes. "He lost." Buffy guessed.

Faith nodded. "And Xander, he got in the middle of things--"

Buffy jumped her then, managing to grab hold of Faith's shirtfront in spite of all of the chains covering the brunette's torso. "Xander? What did you do to him?"

"He's okay." Faith managed to say. "I swear, B." Buffy released her hold and pushed away from the brunette, trying to put a lid on her rage. "He got beat up pretty bad, but he's makin' a full recovery. I checked with the hospital--"

"Hospital?" Buffy glared at her and Faith withered under the stare.

"I didn't mean to hurt him so bad." The brunette said sincerely. "Look, I'm sorry. Okay?"

"Sorry? You're sorry?" Buffy laughed harshly. "Faith, you killed a guy and tried to pin it on me. As if that wasn't enough, you joined the bad guys, tried to kill me AND my friends, and...Angel..." Buffy's voice trailed off. "Don't you think sorry sounds a bit lame?" She asked, her eyes boring into Faith's.

Faith winced at the blunt rehash of her recent deeds, dropping her eyes to stare at the floor. The brunette's reaction seemed to enrage Buffy even more. She struggled to keep her voice down with Giles sleeping nearby. "What's the matter? Did I hurt your feelings?" She asked with mock concern. "Sorry. I didn't realize you had any feelings."

Faith whipped her head up, glaring at the blonde, but words escaped her. The two stared silently at each other for a minute until Buffy turned away and walked into the kitchen. Faith craned her neck, tracking Buffy's movement, her dark eyes lingering on the blonde's butt until she disappeared into the kitchen.

With a groan and a sigh, she looked down at her restraints. A moment later, the slightest grin curled her lips at the thought of Buffy putting her in the shackles. As the object of her musings returned from the kitchen with a glass of juice, Faith shook her head to clear the mental image that was quickly making her squirm.

Buffy glanced at the clock. It was nearly five in the morning. She pulled up a chair and sat down a few feet away to keep watch over the rogue slayer. Faith watched the blonde out of the corner of her eye while Buffy simply stared off in space. Silence stretched out between them.

Buffy's thoughts were back in Ancient Greece with her heart, held captive by a beautiful redhead with engaging green eyes. Her mind wandered, replaying many of the events of the past week. She and Willow had gone from best friends to lovers in little more than a week. Put in those terms it seemed unreal, but a week in the life of the slayer and hacker is often like a year in the life of anyone else. This had been one of those weeks. Besides, Buffy reasoned, their relationship may have outwardly transformed in a week, but the entire process began nearly three years earlier when they had first met.

She thought back to that day, her first day at Sunnydale High, when she had been inexplicably drawn to Willow - a pull she had never felt with anyone else before or since. It had taken a long time - too long - but she finally understood the connection she'd felt from that first day. Buffy realized now that she had been falling in love with Willow little by little ever since then. A few near-death experiences along with a handful of nights sharing Willow's bed and all of those feelings so deeply buried had bubbled to the surface, screaming to get out.

In Buffy's silence, Faith's thoughts drifted to the man that she had accidentally staked in the alley three months earlier. The younger slayer had always been rebellious - far from a saint, but equally far from evil. Her mistake that night sparked the true beginning of her downward spiral.

Faith's outward air of confidence was largely put on. The dark slayer was a contradiction wrapped up in an enigma. Her name itself was a twisted irony. Faith had no faith. The product of a shitty childhood, she didn't believe in herself and had even less trust in others. She'd been alone her whole life and had thought she always would be...until she came to Sunnydale.

Buffy had quickly become her first real friend and, soon, the object of Faith's affection. The brunette had hoped that she had a chance to win Buffy's affections - a hope that died along with the man that she had mistaken for a vampire. After that night, she knew that Buffy would never look at her the same way again. Self-destruction reigned from then on and Faith gave it her all. In three short months, the girl who had never really liked herself turned self-loathing into a fine art.

Buffy pulled herself out of her thoughts and looked at the girl in front of her. Faith wore a distressed look on her face and Buffy wondered at the change. The brunette could go from cold-blooded monster to lost little girl in the blink of an eye. For a split second, Buffy's heart went out to the little girl. When she caught herself feeling sorry for Faith, she rendered a mental slap. This was Faith, she reminded herself, a little girl maybe, but one with superhuman strength and a tendency to try to kill people. "Why'd you do it, Faith?"

"Do what?" Faith asked distantly. Considering all that she had done, the question definitely required clarification.

"Join the mayor."

The brunette shrugged. "After what happened with that guy in the alley..." Faith's voice trailed off.

"We were trying to help you with that. You just didn't care."

"I cared, B." Faith's eyes blazed. "You're the one...all you cared about was your boy-toy and Red."

"I cared about you too, Faith." Buffy said angrily. "I tried to be your friend."

The brunette laughed roughly, but her dark eyes softened. "I didn't want to be your friend, B. I wanted..." Faith stopped just short of revealing all and slowly shook her head. The words hung between them and the dark slayer averted her gaze, but not before Buffy saw the truth.

"What? What did you want Faith?" It was like a train wreck and Buffy couldn't look away. She couldn't let it go, even though in her gut she already knew the answer.

"Don't play dumb." Faith said softly, meeting the blonde's questioning gaze. "You know what I wanted. You knew all along."

"You...me...?" Buffy stammered. "I didn't...I didn't know."

"How could you not know, B?" Faith asked incredulously. "I followed you around like a lost puppy."

"You were new in town."

"Okay, how d'ya explain all the times I kissed you?"

Buffy paled at the comment. "You didn't kiss me kiss me. You kissed me on the forehead, Faith. I thought it was just a game." Faith squeezed her eyes shut, wondering how this conversation got started in the first place and wishing that it hadn't.

"Look...forget I said anything." She said, opening hurt-filled eyes to meet Buffy's gaze. She balled her hands into fists, determined not to cry.

Buffy ignored the plea, caught up in her own thoughts. "You're the one who always said 'get some and get gone', Faith. You know...a different guy every night." Buffy waved her hands in the air for effect. "Do you really expect me to believe that you were...what? In love with me?" She asked in disbelief.

"Shit, B. Believe whatever you want." Faith said dejectedly, turning away from Buffy as a tear escaped and ran down her cheek. "It don't matter anyways."

"Right." Buffy agreed. The sight of Faith crying - even just a single tear - shocked Buffy to the core. Faith was so not the crying type. The blonde slayer shifted in her chair feeling incredibly awkward in light of Faith's confession of love and the girl's sudden vulnerability. Buffy grew quiet, staring at the dark-haired slayer as if seeing her clearly for the first time.

Faith began to squirm under Buffy's unwavering gaze. "Think maybe you could find somethin' else to look at? I'm not that interesting."

Buffy snapped out of the stare. "Sorry. I just...I can't believe it." She shook her head, still trying to process. Some of the things Faith had done finally started to make sense...in a twisted sort of way. "Angel...and Willow...?" She wondered out loud as she started to see a pattern in Faith's choice of targets. The brunette shrugged in response. But the guilt shone on her face, leaving no doubt in Buffy's mind.

"I want you to know...I am sorry...for all of it, B. I don't expect you to forgive me or nothin'. I just needed to say it." Faith paused, glancing over at Buffy. "I'm not proud of the things I done."

"You should have told me, Faith."

"Would it of made a difference?" The brunette asked, searching the hazel eyes in front of her.

Buffy's eyes widened and she drew in a deep breath, unsure what to say. "At least I would have understood what was going on with you. We could have been friends...not enemies. None of this had to happen."

"I never was good enough." Faith said distantly.

"It was nothing like that. I liked you, Faith. We were close for a while even; at least I thought we were. I cared about you. I just...I'm in love with Willow and nothing could change that."

Faith's eyes almost bugged out. "Red? I mean, I always knew there was somethin' between you two, but with Angel and all..."

Buffy sighed. "First of all...I really wish you'd stop calling her that. Red is her hair color. Willow is her name. Wil-low." She enunciated. "And what do you mean you knew there was something between us?"

"It was wicked obvious." Faith said seriously. "Red--I mean Willow...hardly ever let you outta her sight, B. She was always jealous of the time you spent with me. Besides, I could just see it. The way you acted around each other, you know?"

Buffy chuckled in disbelief. "How long have you known?"

"Let's see...I came to Sunnydale in October. So, 'bout seven months I guess."

"Ever since you got here?" Buffy asked, raising an eyebrow at the brunette.

Faith nodded. "Yeah, pretty much. Like I said, wicked obvious."

Buffy shook her head. It was a little unsettling to think that Faith had known about her feelings for Willow before she had even figured it out herself. She decided a change of topic was in order. "Anyway, as I was saying before...it was nothing personal against you, Faith. I did care about you." Buffy paused, grinning at her next thought. "For future reference...if you want a girl to know you like her, attempted murder is not the best way to show it." Buffy shook her head. "I mean, I know you're a slayer, but still...not the best way to woo a woman." For the first time in months, Faith smiled a genuine smile. "You should have talked to me. I'd still be with Willow...but we could have all been friends."

The brunette gave a slow nod of agreement, turning suddenly silent. The sincerity in Buffy's voice made Faith feel like utter trash for the way she'd treated her. She wondered how Buffy could still be nice to her after all that she had done. Willow's words came back to her then, the things the redhead had said earlier that week in the mayor's office. 'You had a lot more in your life than some people. I mean, you had friends in your life like Buffy.' It was true. Buffy had tried to be her friend and, like a fool, she had thrown it all away. Regret crashed over her in waves until she thought she might drown. She drifted away, lost in her thoughts, wishing that she had it all to do over again.

A minute later, Giles' voice broke through the silence. "Buffy?"

"Yeah, Giles. I'm here." Buffy said, walking into the living room. "Feeling any better?"

"Perhaps a little. Is everything all right? Faith?"

"It's all under control." Buffy nodded. "Not to seem pushy or anything, but when can we do the spell again? I'm sure Will's wondering what happened to me and I'd kinda like to get her home ASAP."

"Of course. We should start right away." A wave of dizziness hit him as he tried to stand up and Buffy reached out to steady him, guiding him back down to the couch.

"Don't take this the wrong way...but don't you at least need enough strength to stand up if we want the spell to work?"

"Quite right." Giles nodded. "And I'll need some more sacred sand from the magic shop." He remembered.

"What time do they open?" Buffy asked, looking at the clock to find that it was going on seven o'clock.

"Ten, I believe." The watcher answered. "Did you get any sleep, Buffy?"

"Not much." The slayer admitted. "I was worried about Will and keeping Faith company."

"You should get some rest."

She shook her head. "I'm all right. Go back to sleep. I'll wake you at 9:30 and you can stay with Faith while I go to the magic shop." Giles started to protest, trying again to rise from the couch, but Buffy put up a hand to stop him. "You need to get your strength up for the spell." The watcher relented, sinking back to the sofa.


Willow tossed and turned through the night, sleeping very little. At daybreak, she gave up all hope of rest and sat up on her bedroll, looking around the camp. She shivered as the chill in the air finally registered and she wrapped her arms around herself, immediately wishing they were Buffy's arms instead. She'd grown quite used to the love and warmth of Buffy's embrace, she realized.

They'd been apart for no more than eight or ten hours she guessed, but it seemed more like days or weeks. Not knowing where Buffy was or if she was safe made every minute drag on torturously. The nagging fear that she may never see her again, well, that was just plain unbearable and she forced the thought out of her mind every time it crept in.

She pulled her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around her legs, rocking gently back and forth as she stared at the last dying embers of their campfire. Her mind, in true Willow style, sped a hundred miles an hour playing over all of the possibilities. If she'd been capable of speech, which she wasn't at the moment, it would have surely been an endless string of incoherent babbling - the worst case she'd ever had. But in her current emotional state, she was uncharacteristically speechless - almost catatonic, held prisoner by the thoughts and fears that flooded her mind.

It was in this state that Xena found her when the first light fell on the warrior's face and pulled her out of her slumber. She carefully removed herself from the bard's embrace and sat up next to Willow. The redhead's body was rigid with stress and the look on her face made the warrior's heart ache for her friend. Seeing Willow shiver against the cold, Xena instinctively wrapped an arm around the hacker's shoulders.

"Did you get any sleep?" Willow tried for a verbal response, but couldn't quite form words yet, so instead she shook her head. "I didn't think so."

Not knowing what to else to say, but wanting to offer some form of comfort, the warrior pulled her into a hug. Her arms couldn't replace Buffy's, but there was an unmistakable feeling of safety associated with being held by Xena and Willow sank into the embrace, sighing softly as she started to relax.

Xena simply held her for a minute or two before finally pulling back slightly to meet Willow's eyes. "You know, if we keep this up, somebody could get the wrong idea." The warrior joked, a teasing smile playing at her lips. Her words had the desired effect as Willow's face first registered the trademark shock, then a small, but genuine, smile.

"You've been hanging around Buffy too long." Willow declared, giving the warrior a playful shove.

"I know." Xena said with a conspiratorial smile. "She's been good for me, though. Don't you think?" Willow nodded shyly, looking up into soft blue eyes. "She always knows how to make you smile. So, I thought I'd give it a try."

"Well, it worked. And, not an easy feat right now, I might add." The hacker said, her smile slowly working its way up to her green eyes.

"I've learned a lot from you and Buffy." Xena said, her tone turning suddenly philosophical. "Your lives are so much like mine and Gabrielle's. It's hard to believe." The warrior paused, capturing Willow's gaze. "Before we met you, I didn't laugh much. The kind of life we all lead...it has a way of taking a toll. Maybe I embraced the misery, thought it was all part of the warrior life." Xena shrugged and Willow nodded in understanding. "But Buffy leads the same kind of life I do and she handles it better. She's happier. Watching the two of you, I realized I've been letting life pass me by. So, I'm making it my business from now on to be more like Buffy." The warrior said decidedly.

"Wow. I don't think I've ever heard you say that much at once before." Willow teased. Xena grinned at the truth in the comment. "You're not gonna kiss me now, are you?" The hacker asked with mock concern followed by a crooked grin. "Cause...that's what Buffy would do."

Xena smiled down at the redhead with mischief in her eyes. "I would, but Gabrielle might kill us both."

Willow chuckled appreciatively. "You're really getting good at this." She said with a decisive nod. "Buffy would be proud."

"You can tell her all about it when you see her." Xena brushed a strand of hair back from Willow's face and lifted the redhead's chin to meet her gaze. "And tell her I said she's lucky to have you." The hacker blushed and rested her head on Xena's shoulder.

The bard rolled toward them, groaning as the sun made its presence known. "Wake up, Gabrielle, or I'm going to get my good morning kiss from Willow." Xena teased. The bard's eyes flew open to find the warrior and hacker both smiling down at her. She slapped Xena's thigh, but her lips formed a grin in spite of her efforts to look stern.

"She's always grumpy in the morning." The warrior said turning to Willow.

The bard sat up then, her orneriness fully awake. "I'll admit that I'm not much of a morning person, but it doesn't help matters when I wake up to find another woman in your arms, what, three days into our relationship?"

"She does have a point." Willow said, smiling up at the warrior. "You should probably kiss her...make her forget all about this." The redhead added, waving her hand in Gabrielle's direction.


Buffy reached out to touch the watcher's shoulder. "Giles. Wakey-wakey. Time to get up."

"Is it half past nine already?" He asked in a sleepy voice.

"Yep. Do you think you'll be ready to do the spell in about an hour?" Buffy asked anxiously. "Cause I'm sure Willow is freaked, you know? I mean I vanished last night with no warning and she's still stuck there. I'm sure she'd like to come home pretty much right now."

"I'm sure you're right, Buffy. And yes, to answer your question, I think I'll be strong enough to cast the spell. I just need to wake up a bit and I'm sure I'll be fine."


"How is Faith?" The watcher sat up, suddenly remembering his shackled houseguest.

"She's okay. You have the med kit if you need it, but I don't think Faith's going to give you any trouble." Buffy said, casting a glance at the dark-haired slayer.

Giles followed Buffy's gaze and saw Faith shake her head. "Nah. No more trouble." The brunette said softly. The watcher cast a questioning glance at Buffy wondering how she had managed to tame the rogue slayer while he was sleeping.

It was a discussion for another time, Buffy decided. Right now, getting Willow home was all that mattered. "Is there anything else you want while I'm out besides sacred sand? Cause if not...I'm gonna book."

Giles shook his head and Buffy strode toward the door, pushing the desk aside with ease, and made her way out of the apartment, walking determinedly toward the magic shop.

"Well," Giles started, addressing the dark slayer uncertainly. "How are you feeling, Faith?"

"Shouldn't I be asking you that, G?" The brunette asked, surveying the cuts and bruises on the watcher's swollen, battered face.

Giles stared at her with a puzzled expression, trying to gauge the sincerity of the girl's words. "Yes...I suppose you're right. I'm, uh, feeling much better. Thank you for asking."

"I know it don't really change nothin', but for what it's worth...I'm sorry."

Giles looked utterly dumbfounded by the suddenly repentant slayer. He searched his memory for the last time he'd seen Faith like this and could only come up with...never. He'd never seen the insolent brunette so humbled. "Yes, well, I'm pleased to see that you're feeling a bit calmer. I believe I will make some tea. Would you like something?"

"Nah, I'm good. Thanks though."


"I come bearing magic sand." Buffy announced, breezing through the door. "So...are we ready to make with the mojo and bring Will home?"

Giles looked up at the impatient blonde. "First, can I speak with you for a moment, Buffy?" He asked, gesturing toward the hallway.

Buffy shrugged. "Sure." She followed the watcher down the hall and into the guest bedroom. Once inside, Giles closed the door and turned to Buffy. "So...what's the up?" The slayer looked at him curiously.

"Would you mind telling me what you did to Faith while I was sleeping?"

"I didn't do anything to Faith. We just talked."

Giles looked unconvinced. "It must have been some chat. Do you plan to enlighten me?"

"Well..." Buffy began with a shrug. "I don't know. We talked about a lot of things. She's been having trouble dealing ever since she killed that guy by mistake. It's hard to explain, but I think we've come to an understanding."

Giles waited for her to continue. When he realized that she didn't plan to elaborate, he glared at her for a moment before pulling off his glasses and pinching the bridge of his nose in frustration. "Surely you can do better than that."

Buffy shrugged. "Turns out she was having some personal issues and didn't feel like she could talk to me. Besides, you know Faith...she doesn't ask for help." Buffy paused, meeting the watcher's gaze. "And you know, she blamed herself for killing that guy, even though it was an accident, and she thought we wouldn't accept her anymore. Hence the joining the bad guys and the lashing out at us."

Giles looked at her like she had three heads. "What? I can't know some things?" Buffy smiled at to the look on the watcher's face. "I'm not just a pretty face, you know."

"Right. Of course." Giles said, still looking at Buffy in awe of her explanation. "So, what's going to happen now? With Faith? Is she going to cooperate with the council?"

"She seems genuinely sorry. So, yeah, I think she'll cooperate." Buffy nodded, moving toward the door. "Why don't we ask her?"

"Um, one moment." Giles said, stopping her departure. "Did she happen to mention anything about Xander or Angel?"

"She told me." Buffy nodded, her expression cloudy. "Is Xander okay?"

"He'll be fine." Giles assured her. "Cordelia has been keeping him company and I believe he's doing much better."

"Good." Buffy said. "When we get Willow back, we'll have to go see him."

"And Buffy...about Angel, I'm sorry." Giles said softly, reaching out to put a hand on the slayer's shoulder. "If you need to talk, I'll be here."

Buffy nodded. Her vision blurred as she met his concerned gaze, but she held back the tears. It was a sad thing - Angel being gone. Buffy knew there was good in the vampire, but she'd also seen his dark side. Angel would be missed by some, but the world was undoubtedly a safer place without the threat of Angelus.

Taking a deep breath, Buffy turned and walked out of the room. She ducked into the bathroom to regain her composure. She ran the water ice cold and splashed it on her face, leaning against the sink with a sigh. When she re-entered the living room a minute later, Faith looked up.

"B, I didn't wanna say nothin' earlier...but I kinda need to go to the bathroom and...." She trailed off, glancing down at her restraints meaningfully.

Buffy followed her gaze, realizing the obvious problem. "Right. Giles...the keys?"

"You can't be serious."

"Any other suggestions?" Buffy asked pointedly. Giles just looked at her with a puzzled expression. She turned to Faith. "Are you planning on making a break for it?"

Faith shook her head. "Nah. I'm tired of runnin'." The dark slayer looked up at Giles. "Like I told B, I done a lot of things I'm not proud of. It's time I face the consequences."

"See." Buffy said, directing her statement at a stunned Giles. "Keys please." The watcher hesitated, then moved to the desk and rummaged through the bottom drawer. Moments later, he handed the keys to Buffy and stood back cautiously as she freed Faith from the intricate makeshift prison.

"Thanks." Faith said, slowly rising from the chair. She locked dark eyes on hazel and Giles watched as a silent understanding flowed between the two slayers. Finally, Faith turned and walked down the hall to the bathroom and Buffy focused her attention on Giles.

"Why don't you call the council and set things up?" She suggested. He stood there, still stunned by recent events. "In this lifetime, Giles. Willow's waiting, you know." The irritation in her voice jarred him out of his daze.

"Quite right." He said nervously, moving toward the telephone.

Fifteen minutes later, Faith sat in the armchair in the corner of the living room, quietly waiting for the council's arrival, allowing Buffy and Giles to concentrate on preparations for the spell. Within minutes, the watcher nodded to Buffy that he was ready to begin. She stood waiting impatiently, mentally crossing her fingers, as Giles shifted ingredients around on the worktable and finally began to chant.


The sun was high in the sky overhead as Xena, Gabrielle and Willow sat by the lakeshore. The morning had been an odd one with the three friends alternating between moments of laughter and tears. Willow sensed it first and a relieved smile spread over her face when the portal began to open. She leapt to her feet, throwing her arms first around Gabrielle and then Xena.

"Buffy made it. She's home. It's time." Words spilled from the redhead's mouth and she was genuinely surprised that she sounded halfway coherent. The warrior and bard both nodded. "Take care of each other." Willow added, feeling the magic calling her home.

"You too." Xena replied.


"Willow?" Buffy called, racing to her girlfriend's side as she materialized on the floor near the front door and the temporal fold closed. Giles collapsed against the wall, exhausted from the spell, and watched as the slayer knelt by Willow's side.

A grin formed on the hacker's lips as she registered whose voice was saying her name. Buffy leaned over the redhead, brushing her fingertips across the silky skin of Willow's cheek and sparkling green eyes fluttered open to meet her gaze. The blonde pulled her into a crushing embrace with an audible sigh of relief. "Oh god, Will."

"Miss me?" Willow managed to ask just before Buffy's lips captured her own.

The next minute would forever be burned in Giles' brain, filled with images of a reunion that the stuffy British watcher would rather not have witnessed - images of the slayer and hacker wrapped in each other's arms, their lips locked in a heated kiss.

Continued in Chapter 14

A/N: So, what do you think? Some of you seemed really worried about Willow. You didn't really think I'd hurt my favorite redhead, did you?


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