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Once Upon a Time in Sunnydale

by Rach

Once Upon a Time in Sunnydale


Once upon a time in sunnydale, there were 2 girls. One was a slayer, the chosen one, she alone was to stand against all the forces of darkness. However she was not alone, there was also Willow, a witch, with power beyond all belief. This is one of their stories. In fact, its the first story that will take you through a journey of life, love and some serious deamon ass kicking!
"Buffy! Damn Buffy wake up!!"
"Wh...what...?" Buffy jumped at the full force of her best friend jumping on her "What the hell are you doing Will?"
"First day of college!! First day of college!!" Willow started frantically running around the room in excitement. Buffy sank back under the covers.
"I don't wanna learn, im gonna become a bum, now leave me alone!"
Buffy peaked over the covers. The room was empty.
Buffy got out of bed, raced to the door of her room and looked down the hallway. Her best friend was not in sight. Surely Willow wouldn't leave her? Buffy didn't want to start college on her own...all those new people...the questions...where does she even need to go?! Argh! Buffy raced back in to her room, threw on her clothes and ran downstairs, heading for the door directly at the end of her stair-case to chase after her friend.
"Yo Buff! In here!" It was Willow, she was in the kitchen frying pancakes, she had that evil smirk on her face that Buffy found incredibly annoying...and also, if she admitted it to herself, incredibly cute.
"You knew all along didn't you?"
"Oh well no-one said you was predictable."
"I was racing outside to check if the paper was here you know. Not running after you. Just so ya know."
"Oh yeah Buff your a regular paper-reader."
"Sure am!"
"Your mother doesn't even get the paper delivered."
"Oh... wel obviously I knew that. I meant next door."
"Just give up Buffy before that hole you've dug becomes deeper. Now get more excited! College starts today!! Woo woo woo!"
"Since when have you become the domineering type?"
"Sice first day of college woo wo.." Willow was cut short by a dish cloth being thrown a her, "OK! No more hyper-Willow, I'm just excited for...."
"Yeah first day of college we know this!"
"I just know this'll be a day we won't forget!"

"Well, you were right Will, definately a day im not gonna forget."
Buffy and Willow, along with a few hundred would-be students were standing outside of the sight that, one can only assume, would have been Sunnydale College. Standing before them however, was a bulding sight. The crunbling bricks of the once proud college were in piles, scattered around the derelict area. Smoke clouds were still erupting from what must have been the fall of the building. No-one could move, the crowd could only stand there in wonder as the last wall fell down with a large crash, spraying even more dust into the stunned crowd. Those who weren't quick enough to move out of its path were spluttering and coughing as Willow turned to her best friend and said; "So this isn't gonna be the first day of college?"
Buffy looked at the defeated expression on Willows face and putting an arm around her shoulders said; "Well not this one anyway."

Walking into her house, Buffy could already sense something was wrong. "Where is everyone?!" Buffy searched the whole house, first racing up to her mothers bedroom, hoping preying that she would find her mothers sleeping form. The bed covers were strewn around the room, Buffy could feel a cold pang of dread form around her heart as she next moved onto her sister Dawns room. The same mess as apparant there. Buffy could only stand in her sisters doorway, staring up at the posters of boy bands and and pictures and other trinkets her sister loved to keep. Buffy was frozen, her worst nightmare was here, her family should be home right now, asleep, safe. But they weren't. Where were they? Where the fuck were they?! Buffy could bearly choke the word; "Willow."
After hearing her name called in a way she had never heard it being called before, especially by the Slayer, Willow ran upstaire's, also noticing something was seriously wrong. "Is there anywhere else they could be?!" Willow asked after she in turn searched the whole house. Buffy was still in same place, she couldn't move.
"Its not that Will, I know somethings wrong, I just know it." Buffy started sobbing, she could feel it weel up inside her, from the pit of her stomach and escaping through her eyes, Buffy sobbed, crouching down as if she were winded Buffy knew in her heart that her family was dead. Collapsing onto her friend, Buffy wailed with pain, crying as if she had never done it before and clinging to Willow like her life depeneded on it. In her minds eye, she could imagine her mother and sister dying in awful pain, screaming out her name for Buffy to help them. And she wasn't there. Buffy and Willow half crouched, half leaned against Dawns' doorway for what seemed like eternity, not fully comprehensing what had happened. As the morning sunlight lowered into a humid midday setting. The slayer finally stood up, taking Willow with her. Then leaving her best friend, started walking downstaire, her eyes red from bloodshot and body weary from emotion Buffy instinctively walked down the staire's and opened the door to find Giles just about to ring the doorbell.
"Buffy I'm sorry but..." But Giles already knew, she could see it in her eyes, in her stature, in her dead eyes. Giles had been here when the bodies had been taken to the hospital, he automatically ran to the college knowing what day it was, then searching everywhere he could think of when he found what state it was in. It never occured to him that she would come straight back home. He knew her and Willow had plans to meet Xander and Anya at Xanders new apartment and then go for a meal to celebrate them not having to go back to learning for a few more months. What had made her come here? His logical mind wondered, he knew t must have something to do with the Slayer instincts. But he pushed those feelings back and let his fatherly side come to the front, he took Buffy in his arms and held her as hard as he could. As hard and fircely as a father would to his child going through an enormous amount of pain. Willow then came running out and the three of them hugged and cried until they couldn't take it no more. Buffy's Slayer instincts then again took control. She needed to hurt something. She needed to cause someone as much pain as they had caused her. Actually no, she wanted to cause it more pain. She wanted to fight and kick and punch and make it bleed, she wanted it to scream in pain, she wanted to rip it apart with her bare hands. Whoever had done this to her family was gonna pay. They were gonna pay big time.

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