The Pregnant Slayer Drabbles

by acs


Disclaimer: All BtVS characters belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, Fox Television, and others. None of these people or organizations have read this nor endorsed it. I'm sure they would be horrified at the idea.
Summary: A drabble (100 word ficlet) in the key of 'pregnant'. First in a series.
Spoilers: Assorted seasons. But it's AU folks.
AN: This is the result of a discussion on the "Buffy wants Willow" mailing list. There will be more.


Title: Hungry


His eyes bugging out, almost like Roger Rabbit getting hit with an anvil, Xander gasped in horror as the bedraggled slayer dipped another slice of dill pickle in yet another one of her endless supply of cherry flavored yogurts.

Noticing his disturbed expression, Buffy frowned. "What?!" She asked, as she leaned back into her girlfriend's hands as they gently rubbed that one spot in her lower back that seemed to be affected the most when she went patrolling in her current condition.

"How can you eat that?" He sputtered, looking slightly green.

"You've eaten worse." Willow admonished, shaking her head.
