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by Red

chapter 9


chapter 9
Joss' folk.
B/W, T/G, An/F, X/S nc17
Summary: Buffy's back, now what?
Thoughts in italics.




Buffy stopped, mid-suck, a low growl escaping from her lips. Did HER witch just say her watcher's name while she was...?


The slayer forced herself not to bite hard, instead, opting for a, somewhat gentler approach. She trailed her fingers underneath the writhing redhead, digging her nails into the red, well spanked bum of her lover, causing Willow to cry out.

That'll show her!

"Goddessssssss, Buffyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!"


Her happy back, Buffy started sucking again, harder, showing no mercy to Willow's deliciously sore clit, her tongue thrusting fast and hard, having found the witch's 'spot o magick' and moving in.

Willow's eyes rolled back in her head as she tugged on the scarves holding her hands to the headboard, with all of her might. A spell would've been nice and helpful, but her concentration was so anywhere but there, it was impossible. All she could do was moan, mewl and enjoy the slayery ride...akwardness and humiliation be darned.



Wesley regained conciousness to the soft, femmine voice and opened his eyes to find a smiling Fred.

"Rupert? Tara?" he asked.

"Fred...how hard did you get hit?"

He sat up, the washcloth dropping into his lap. His head hurt and he was sure he had seen Giles and...Tara...Tara...

He looked up as the sounds of Willow echoed throughout the empty lobby.

"She really is vocal, huh?" The shy girl smiled as a faint blush covered her beautiful face.

Despite his less than stellar condition, the Englishman got up and made his way up the bottom of the stairs as quickly as he could, without adding to his concussion.

"Tara...where is she?" he asked, turning to Fred.

"Who's Tara?

"Willow's girlfriend, from Sunnydale, she's here with Rupert?"

"Who's Rupert?"

"Bloody hell."

"Oh, Mr. Giles...I didn't know they were here? Are they here?"

He nodded and regretted it instantly.

"They arrived shortly after I returned...we need to find them, right away. The last thing we need is for the poor girl to walk in on her lover with Cordelia."


His brow crooked. "Yes, they are probably worried about her, because of Buffy's death..."

"No, not Cordelia, Buffy."

His other brow joined the first. "Fred, luv, perhaps you should stick to soft shells for a bit."

"Cordelia isn't here, she left...I think she went to Caritas, she was in a, drinkin' mood. Buffy showing up really freaked her out...especially since she had Willow bare butt over her lap at the time."

Wesley just looked at her as if she had grown a second head.

"Fred, what in the bloody hell are you talking about?"


"It was because we were both sad...and in shock...that's all." Anya tried desperately to convince herself why she had woken up in slayer arms. "Just like Xander and Spike...two saddened souls, mourning the loss of a loved one...comfort...in the firm, muscled body of another...strong arms embracing, fingers relaxing, lips sucking..." She paused a moment and stared off into space with a smile, the visual of her Xander and the vampire dancing in her head.

"Even as a space cadet, you're beautiful."

Faith's voice startled her out of her daydream and she turned to the brunette, unable not to smile as their eyes met.

"Did you rest well?"

Faith pulled her into her arms and kissed her softly.

"Best ever...you?"

"Yes, I was very tired after the many orgasms we shared...by the way...wow!"

The slayer chuckled and kissed her again.

"Glad you did, cause you're gonna need it."

With another kiss, Faith rolled atop her and pinned her to the bed, talented slayer hands roaming the delicious ex demon body below it.


Angel sat down at the bar and looked at the stage where Cordelia was singing her oh so drunken heart out.

"Workin' 9 to 5, what a way to make a livin', barely gettin' by, it's all taken and no given'...want to move ahead, but the boss won't seem to let me, I swear sometimes that man is out to get me..."

His brow shot up.

"Don't take it personal, peach pie, it's the Quervo a' talkin'."

He turned to Lorne, who was now resting on the stool beside him.

"Dolly Parton?"

The demon grinned. "Ya never know what you're gonna get when ya hand them that mic, handsome...it's the booze...never lies. And speaking of, what can I get ya? Aside from a nice hot shower and some clothes that don't smell like they're fresh from Woodstock?"

"Beer, thanks."

Lorne waved to the tender and pointed to Angel. The attractive blonde smiled and nodded back, grabbing a bottle of the vamp's favorite and hurrying it to him. Angel thanked her, as did Lorne and she returned to the other end of the bar.

"Why is she drunk? Did she and Willow have a fight?" Angel inquired, taking a sip.

"She's afraid the slayer is gonna smack her down cause she found Red Rose bare tushed over her lap."

Angel went to sip again and stopped, bottle in mid tilt, his eyes on his friend.



"Bloody hell....how...when...is this even...?"

Fred watcher as Wesley paced the lobby, seriously afraid the poor guy's head was going to explode.

"Wesley, maybe you should..."

Her voice trailed off as she saw a very pale Giles and a very pale blonde descending the stairs. Mr. Giles and Tara, she presumed. Wesley saw them too and hurried to meet them at the bottom.


He didn't know what to say. It was painfully obvious they had seen firsthand how Willow was doing...and he couldn't quite tell if their numb expressions were because Buffy was with the witch...or because she was alive. As his brain actually returned to functioning mode, he realized it had to be a combination of both.

"I'm so sorry, I certainly didn't want you to find out this way. I didn't even know myself Buffy was back, until Fred just told me."

The former watcher was suddenly hit with two pair of very wide eyes and a unified....

"Buffy's back?"

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