Something in the Water

by Scott


Something in the Water
by Scott

Disclaimer: Any and all characters from BtVS aren't mine. They actually belong to a cool guy by the name of Joss and his company Mutant Enemy. Just taking 'em for a spin.
Rating: PG for femslash!
Contact/Archives: Stay Fallen LJ list, IKOLY. Anyone else, ask and ye shall recieve (maybe).
Pairing: W/B all the way. Possibly a Kennedy/Dawn reference or two, if I can squeeze them in.
Spoliers: The last season of Angel and S7/post Chosen BtVS.
Author's Notes: Just a short fic, really. If you want it, e-mail me. Feedback is wanted and indeed welcome. Oh, and I need a beta reader, if anyone's interested.
Summary: It must be something in the water, I guess...(Dawn's POV)
(Dawn's POV)
Well then.
This is new.
And by new I mean "Since when is Buffy gay?"
She's my sister! I should know these things.
And with Willow?
Can we say "completely unexpected?"
It's weird.
Scratch that, it's really weird.
My sister, Buffy, the most experienced living Slayer, Ms. Poster Child for Heterosexuals herself, has suddenly switched teams...for her best friend?
Does not compute, grasshopper.
And what's with Willow? Buffy and Will haven't talked in quite a while. Suddenly she decides she HAS to come to Rome to see us, or rather Buffy? Something has to be up. And besides, what about all of the crap between them? Willow sided with us when we..uh..kicked Buffy out of the house. Yeah, I hate that we did it too. Where was I? Oh yeah, emotional distance between my sister and her new girlfriend..god that's so weird. And where the hell is Kennedy in all this, may I ask? Kennedy with her tan body, all hard angles and muscles..wait a second, what the hell am I thinking? I'm going insane. Anyways, so Buffy and Willow? Totally unexpected. The fact that I think Kennedy's hot? Also unexpected.

It must be something in the water.