Getting Perspective

by Scott


Getting Perspective
by Scott

Pairing: Main pairings Buffy/Willow, Xander/Faith, Kennedy/Dawn. Implied Willow/Kennedy.
Chapters: 1/3
Rating: PG.
Contact/Archives: Sure, just let me know where it's going.
Spoilers: Anything goes. Also small things taken from angel, such as where everyone ended up.
Summary: Post-Chosen/Not Fade Away, Xander thinks about the future.
A/N: If you didn't see Angel Buffy's in Rome, Willow's in Rio with Kennedy, and Xander's in Africa. However this changes in my fic.
Also, the next chapter will be from Buffy's POV and there will be one from Kennedy's POV as well.

Of all the weird things to happen to me over the past seven years, this has to be the
I've been in Africa since the battle with the First Evil finding and training new Slayers.
It's really lonely, especially since my best friends are off on the other side of the world.
Yup, Will and Buffy finally hooked up after Will went to visit Buffy in Rome.
Apparently Will and Kennedy broke up because of not Buffy, but Dawn.
Seems Kennedy and Dawn had been talking on IM so much that eventually they fell in love and
Kennedy decided to come clean with Will.
Buffy was furious when she found out but Kennedy and Willow showed up in Rome and both had
talks with her.
At the end of the day though Buffy seemed to accept it, albeit reluctantly.

Not to say that she didn't support Dawn when she found out..even if it was Kennedy
Dawn wanted to be with.
As for Buffy and Willow as Kennedy and Dawn were doing the couple thing
(this is what Dawn told me, anyways)
they both noticed how Will and Buffy were smitten with each other.
So Dawn and Kennedy decided to help Buff and Will out and set up this really fancy dinner.
They tricked Will and Buff into going and before the end of the night Willow and Buffy had
told each other and were on their way home for HLA.
Whoops, sorry, I went to a far away magical place for a minute there.
Anyways everyone's really happy over in Rome from what I know of the situation.
Giles knows about it too. He was suitably British when I told asked him about it,
which leads me to believe Buffy told him herself.

Oh, I forgot to mention that Bleach Boy is alive! He's with Deadboy in LA.
They didn't even call Buffy to let her know, so Buffy has basically washed her hands of the two
of them. Good for the Buffster! Will's better for her anyways. I should really go visit
sometime, but I'm not sure they'll take my news well.

Oh, I forgot to tell you my news. I'm getting married.
Yeah, and this time I actually plan to go through with it. Who am I marrying?
You won't believe me if I tell you.
Okay, you twisted my arm. I still want a hook for a hand and possibly a parrot.
This time tomorrow there will be a Mrs. Alexander Lavelle Harris.
Well actually it'll be Faith Harris, but...
Don't look at me like that! You're shocked about me and Faith?
So am I, to tell you the truth. She was the girl that threw me out of her room after taking my
virginity, after all.

Okay, so Faith came to help me with a Nikkukai demon that's been attacking girls around
the african villages.
My slayers are capable but not experienced enough to beat a high class demon
like the Nikkukai. Anyways she came down here and as the days went by we got closer and I began
to trust her more. She told me things that she hadn't told anyone before and in return I
talked to her about Anya and the pain her death had caused me.
I still loved Anya even at the end, but I couldn't marry her.
She would have suffered too much. Anyways, the closer we got the more attractive she became to
me, inside and out. Sure, she had problems, but everyone does. Heck, Willow tried to destroy
the world and we forgave her! If I can forgive that I can forgive Faith.
Anyways, eventually I fell in love with her. I could see that she loved me too, and the rest is

Well not really history, but it's a story for another time.
Anyways I asked Faith if she'd be willing to postpone the wedding until I tell Buff and Will.
She replied "X, I love you, but I'm not stupid. We'll get married in a civil ceremony and then
we can go to Rome and have a huge ceremony with all of your friends, you got me?"

Yeah, I got you Faith. I finally really do understand.

And this is only the beginning....