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by Bwriter

part 18


Willow wasn't sure what woke her up, that was until her eyes focused on the game faced Vampire sleeping beside her.

Reaching her hand up, she felt the mark on her neck that she just knew was going to scar.

As her fingers ghosted over the mark, a flush went through her body and she saw Buffy stirring.

Buffy opened one sleepy eye and closed it again, before they both popped open and she leaned over Willow.

Lowering her head, she gave her mark a lick, purring at the shudder that went through Willow.


Willow pulled back and stared at her lover.

"Yeah, about that. What the hell happened last night?"

Buffy smirked and pulled Willow tighter into her arms.

"Simple, I claimed you, and then you claimed me. Have to say, I didn't really except you to return the claim, but because you did, its just made it that much stronger."

Willow frowned. "What's a claim?"

"It means that you belong to me, and I belong to you. Nothing can tear us apart now, not even death."

Willow pulled fully away and looked down at the now human looking Buffy.

"Does this mean that you wont be fucking anyone but me?" When did she start talking like this, Willow asked herself.

Buffy vamped out and pulled Willow on top of her.

"No-one but you." Buffy didn't need to say the same thing to Willow, she had already staked that claim when she first got her to L.A


Angelus knocked on Buffy's bedroom door at nine o'clock to give his Sire some blood. When he had left, Buffy turned to Willow and saw the look on her face.

She knew exactly where this conversation was going to go.

"Where are you getting the blood from?"

Buffy sighed and downed her food in one go before licking her lips to make sure she got every last drop.

"Blood bank. I've been to busy with you to hunt for my own meals, so my boys commandeered some for me the other night."

Willow scowled. She didn't like that, but it was better than the killing.

It was at that moment that Buffy realised her earlier fears would be right.

The Vampire thing would always come between them.

She needed to change that, and the only way to do that, was to turn Willow.


Penn looked up when Buffy entered the room. He dropped the boy he was draining and gave her a toothy smile.

The smell of the fresh blood brought out Buffy's demon and in seconds she had her fangs in the teenagers neck, draining the rest of him.

One of the minions had his body removed as soon as she was done.

Angelus, Wes and Gunn all smiled. They had been worried their Sire was going soft because of the Slayer.

Her next words shocked the hell out of them.

"I've taken Willow as my Mate. You will all give her the same respect you give me."

They all nodded, each showing their surprise.

Anything they would have said was cut short when Willow came into the room, fully dressed.

"Going somewhere?" They had decided to stay in in the end, it seemed Willow had changed her mind.

Willow stepped up beside Buffy showed her her Resolve face.

"Out, I'm bored." She didn't want to admit it, but she was itching to go slaying.

Buffy turned to Gunn and motioned him over.

"Take her out. Any harm comes to her and I will hold you responsible."

Gunn gulped but grabbed his coat anyway before leading the Slayer out to the garage and taking one of the cars.

Just as they were driving away, Buffy appeared and leaned over the convertible to give Willow a bag.

"There is money in there to get new clothes."

Leaning in, she fused their mouths together before pulling back and watching them disappear.

As she reached the living room again, Angelus threw her an odd look.

"Why send Gunn? Why not go yourself?"

Buffy smiled and poured them all a glass of wine.

"Because everything has to be ready for when he brings her back."

At his raised eyebrow, Buffy turned to her remaining Childer.

"Tonight I take a knew Childer. Tonight, I turn my Mate."


Much to Willow's disappointment, she found that she actually got on with Gunn.

"So Red, we still have some cash left, what's say we go grab a drink?"

Willow pondered over that. She was underage after all, but what did that matter when she was living with the undead?

"Sure, why not."


Buffy paced the room, growling out her displeasure. She had sent Gunn with Willow so they could get her new clothes, but that was hours ago.

She snarled and picked up the closest object, throwing it at the wall so hard the plaster in the wall dented.

Turning, she marched down to the basement deciding to take her frustration out on one of their prisoners, wishing that they had found Darla. But it seemed the Vampire had vanished.


What had started off as one drink had suddenly turned into more than one, and Willow was officially drunk.

Luckily, Gunn wasn't as he was driving.

"Oh man, Buffy is gonna kill me."

Willow giggled before getting herself under control.

"'S'okay, I'll protect ya." by the end of her sentence, she was in fits of giggles again.

Gunn looked up as a shadow fell over the table.

"Hey sweet thing, why not leave the nigger and come have a good time with me and my buddies?"

Gunn growled as Willow rolled her eyes.

The guy obviously didn't realise the danger he was in and grabbed Willow by the arm to pull her up.

Gunn growled and stood up before grabbing the guy by the neck.

"If you don't let her go, I'm gonna crush you windpipe."

Gunn's last thought as he saw the guys friends stand up, what that Buffy was definitely gonna kill him for this.


Buffy looked up from the fireplace when she heard the front door open.

The scent of blood hit her and she vamped realising that it was Willow's blood.

She wasn't prepared for Willow and Gunn to fall through the door to land on the floor, giggling like children.

Snarling, she hauled Gunn up off the floor and slammed him against the wall.

"Don't move Childe."

Gunn froze, knowing that his earlier thought was right and that Buffy was going to kill him now.

Buffy bent down and picked Willow up in her arms, finding out that the blood she smelt was coming from her spilt lip.

She also reeked of alcohol.

Buffy turned golden eyes on Gunn before carrying Willow up to their room and stripping her before going into the bathroom and turning the shower on cold.

Stalking back into the bedroom, Buffy grabbed her naked Mate before carrying her into the bathroom and setting her under the cold shower.

Willow's shriek could be heard all over the mansion.

"What the hell was that for?"

Buffy pulled Willow out of the shower, happy that she was now sober, and threw a warn towel at her.

Willow noticed that Buffy hadn't said two words to her, also that she was still in fang mode.

As soon as she had given Willow the towel, Buffy stormed out of the room to deal with her Childe.

Angelus met her on the stairs and tried to stop her from going down. He knew what she was like when she got upset, and normally he loved seeing her like that, but not when it was directed at a member of the family.


Angelus stared at his Sire a moment longer before silently moving out of her way.

Gunn was still where she left him.

Before he could even say one word, she lashed out, throwing a hard punch to his jaw.

"What the fuck happened tonight?"

Angelus' eyebrows rose. He didn't think that Buffy was actually going to give Gunn a chance to explain.

Gunn massaged his jaw and looked at his angry Sire, seeing Angelus and now Penn standing behind her and off to the side.

"We got the clothes like you asked. Then we went for a drink and some guy thought he'd take Willow away from me. Well, I wasn't about to let that happen so next thing I know a fights broke out. You should have seen her Sire, she likes to fight."

Buffy smiled at that before turning her had gaze back to Gunn.

"Is he dead?"

Gunn smiled at his Sire and relaxed his stance.

"No, but I was able to stick him in the trunk when the Slayer wasn't looking. She had a strict no killing policy going on."

Buffy finally reverted to human and gestured to Angelus to go get the guy.

Turning her attention back on to Gunn, Buffy didn't know what to do with him.


She turned at the sound of her Mate's voice.


Willow made her way down and stood in front of Gunn.

"Don't blame him. It wasn't his fault."

Buffy looked from Willow to Gunn, knowing that it was well within her rights as his Sire to kill him, and snarled.


Buffy turned and headed in the direction of the basement. When Willow went to follow her, Angelus held her back.

"You really don't want to go down there."

Willow paled and looked in the direction Buffy had left.

"Tell me there are no humans down there."

Angelus smirked and let go of her arm.

"You don't need to worry about humans being down there."

He smiled to himself. He hadn't lied to her, he just didn't answer the question fully.


Buffy took out all her frustration on the guy that had touched Willow.

The guy screamed in pain as Buffy cut off his left ball.


Willow's head shot up at the scream and she looked over to Gunn as if to ask 'who or what was that?'

Gunn shrugged one shoulder. "Spike's still down there."

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