The Wiffy Fic Exchange

by Scott


A challenge for the B/W fandom!:

Okay, for those of us who write and enjoy B/W here's a challenge.

Let's have a B/W fic exchange this month.

The rules are:

You MUST sign up by December 10th 2005.
The signup is as follows:

Send an email or leave a review saying who you are, a method of contact (email address preferred as I don't have IM)

My Email:

Also give a fic idea you want to see written. (chapters, premise, pairings)
The max. number of chapters is 3. The minimum is 1 (obviously) decently long chapter. We don't want drabbles!

Submit your fic to me and it'll be posted on a different WiffyFicExchange account here at IKOLY. Master list of those participating will be available to those who ask me for one via email.

Sign up soon guys!

(My fic challenge)

Pairing: B/W (all others can be any you want if there are any others)
Setting: Post Chosen/Not Fade Away
Premise: Buffy/Willow hook up. Spike and Angel find out and head to Rome for a discussion with our favorite blond and redhead. Oh, and Tara's back somehow too.
Rating: Any you choose
B/W hookup (B/W must be the main pairing of the fic. They CANNOT be broken up and Buffy cannot leave with anyone else. Same goes for Willow.)
Spike smashing something.
Angel in game face.

Optional (try to have at least 1!):
A song.
The line
"She betrayed you once, slayer! What stops her from doing it again!?" said by either Spike or Angel.
A phone call from Kennedy
A visit from the pope
A visit from TomKat (bonus points for this one!)
A steamy B/W shower scene (also bonus points for this one!)

On December 23rd 2005 all fics are due. Email 'em to me with summary and rating and I'll post 'em on the WFC account here on December 27th.

Once we're done in the WFC userinfo it'll have a thank you for all those who participated..and possibly if there are as few people as I think there will be..a special secret prize. :)

The IKOLY Account is: WFC2005