Challenge: Completion

by Scott


Set just after Buffy leaps off of the tower.

She still dies, but she does not end up in heaven. Instead, her soul wanders aimlessly, without hope or purpose. Ghost Buffy has only one purpose: to find Willow. However, Willow is in the depths of despair, retreating into herself after Buffy dies, so deep inside that no one can draw her out. The only person able to reach Willow at this time is the Ghost of Buffy, except for the fact that Buffy's ghost cannot find her. (You figure out why).

Must Have:

An upset Xander
A sexually frustrated Anya
Dawn/Tara mother-daughter like interaction
Tara knowing that B/W are soul mates
A happy ending

At least 1 of:

The First
A letter from Faith
A request from Angel
Riley and Sam