Weird Challenge

by Scott


Set post-chosen. Everything is going crazy! Kennedy and Xander are getting married, Willow is lusting after Dawn, and Buffy is dying because Willow nearly killed her! Spike is a ballerina and Angel is a drag queen while Illyria loves anything pink and frilly! A spell has fallen over the Survivors of Sunnydale and that is causing them to act very strange.

The only way to stop this curse...
is to get B/W to admit their feelings! But how is this possible when Willow wants Dawn and Buffy wants...Harmony?

Must Have:

W/B overall
D/W (references)
B/H (references)
K/X (references)
a mouse
a silver dress

At least 2 of:
a red carpet
a monkey
a pair of sunglasses
an umbrella
a mink stole