Here's Another Challenge

by Scott


Alternate Challenge

Buffy, after being kicked out of her house in S7, is visited by the Powers that Be and given the chance to be reborn as their vessel on Earth, a being with extrordinary power able to seal away the first Evil. However, this will come with a price. She must give up the life she has known, her friends, everything in order to take the power. If she takes it, the timeline will be reset as if she had never became the Slayer. Instead, Kendra will take her place. If she doesn't take it, the power is lost forever and as punishment the Powers that Be take the scythe with them when they go.

Meanwhile, Willow is feeling extreme guilt for siding with the others in kicking Buffy out. Her feelings for the Slayer play a part in deciding to go find her. She manages to convince Spike to stay at the house and she is the one to find Buffy just as Buffy is about to give TPTB an answer.

So your challenge is the following:

If Buffy says yes: How will B/W get together in the reset world? How do they even meet? How does Buffy learn about her new abilities (you decide what they are)? Do B/W even find each other in this world?

If Buffy says No:
What will she do without this new power? Without the scythe? Does Buffy have feelings for Willow and if so, does she act on them? Do B/W get together in THIS world? If so, what about Kennedy and Spike? Does Buffy go back to her house? Is she even allowed back? If not, where does she go? Does Willow stay with Buffy or go back to the house? If she goes back, what happens to Buffy? If she stays, what happens to everyone back at the house? Do they go look for Willow? If so, do they find her with Buffy?

Must Have:
coffee (mochas okay)
an old woman
The Powers that Be

Pick One:
A butterfinger bar
a desk
a bag of doritos
The Penguin (from Batman)
a bear
an angry dog