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Holiday Blues

by bad shot

Chapter 18


Chapter 18

Glory smiled, and lifted herself to her feet. She looked over to Willow, and let the barrier down. Willow scampered out of the shield to Buffy's side. She pulled Buffy to the side of the room, and stepped up to Glory. She looked down to the ground, and said, "I'll help open the portal if you stop hurting Buffy."

Glory smiled, and pulled Willow out of the room. Willow pulled away a little scared of leaving Buffy, but Glory pulled on her arm, "Now all I need you to do is follow the instructions on this little book," Glory said handing Willow a heavy book with a black cover.

Willow followed Glory into another room. She saw a platform in the middle of a huge hole in the middle of the room. Glory grabbed Willow around the waist, and snapped her fingers. The platform by itself flew over the Glory, and they both stepped on.

Glory whistled, and another man came in through the door dragging a beaten Wesley with him. When he saw Willow, and Glory he dropped Wesley, and went on the platform with the other two. The platform then flew back into the middle. Glory nudged Willow, and she started to read out of the book.

"I var art. hot. spirit de iad. A crea un port so altu gods a putea a veni gÓt. Deschidere art. hot. port. Bring art. hot. gods. De la sÓnge de magic deshi dere art. hot. gates," Willow said slowly.

All of a sudden lightening started to strike around them, and a ring of fire erupted underneath them. Glory smiled, and pulled out a knife, and stabbed Willow in the back right through the heart. Willow cried out when she felt the intrusion, and looked down to see the tip of the knife sticking out of her chest. Her eyes glazed over, and she fell into the fire, and disappeared.


Buffy cried out when she felt a huge pain enter her chest, and leave. All of a sudden a white light burst in front of her, and out stepped, "Whistler?"

Whistler smiled at her, but quickly frowned seeing her condition, "Geeze kid I leave for a couple years, and I come back to this."

Buffy growled at him, "What are you here for?"

Whistler whistled at her, "It wasn't supposed to go down like this. You weren't supposed to fall for Willow. She was supposed to fall for you, and this would have turned out fine. Now I have come here to turn back time. You will go back with all your memories, but just so you know. You cannot I repeat cannot get together with Willow or she, and everyone near to you will die."

Buffy looked at him like he was crazy, "Are the PTB threatening me?"

Whistler frowned, "I guess. I am just the messenger so don't kill me. Oh by the way Willow died so we suggest you take the deal."

Buffy seemed shocked by the news, and started to cry. Whistler tried to touch her but she shrugged his hand off, "Just do it."


Buffy found herself back in the dorm room with the necklace in her hand. The door opened slowly, and Willow slowly stepped in slightly flushed. She saw the necklace in Buffy hands, and asked, "What's that?"

Buffy looked at it for a second before putting it in her back pants pocket, and saying, "Nothing."

Willow seemed interested in it, but let it go. Buffy walked back to her bed, and shut off the light. She tucked herself under the cover. She saw Willow go into her own bed, and say, "Goodnight."

When Buffy was sure that Willow was asleep she whispered, "Goodnight Willow. I love you," a lone tear left her eyes as she went to sleep.


A/N: So sequel? Hope you liked it. Remember to review.

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