Heh. Challenge.

by Scott



Post Chosen, post not fade away.

Willow is made a vampire. We all know Buffy's...jonesing for vamps, so
hook 'em up. Slow build preferred.

Kennedy cannot be directly involved in the story. She can be
indirectly involved though.
Tara's being brought back to life must complicate things, but not
*too* much
Spike and Angel may also make an appearance, which will result in
Willow being "territorial" towards Buffy while they are around

Items that MUST BE included somehow:
a ninja turtle (action figure)
a box of wheaties or the actual cereal
a hairbrush
three books of your choice

the appearance of Evil Buffy
the appearance of Dopplegangland's vamp willow
the first evil
Blue's Clues
high-speed internet
a dog (or puppy)
The King of Hell