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by Bwriter



Title - Possession
Pairing - B/W
Rating - NC/17
Spoilers - You need to have read Obsession to understand this one as it picks up after the events in that story
Summary - Buffy has turned Willow. What happens next?
Disclaimer - All the btvs characters belong to Joss and co, I merely borrow them
Distribution - the usual places for me
Feedback - Sure

Part one

Angelus was pacing outside Buffy's room when it hit him. As he slowly turned towards the door, he noticed the rest of his family turning with him.

Inside the room, there was silence. Not a sound could be heard.

Opening the door, he realised that his sense were spot on.

Buffy lay on the bed, rocking back and forth with Willow in her arms.


Buffy's head lifted, and her Childer flinched from the sheer pain they could see in her eyes.


He moved forward and crouched by the bed.

Resting his hand just above Willow's skin, he concentrated before pulling back.

"It worked Sire. She will rise again."

The humans in the living room heard Buffy's wail and rushed to the room, being kept from entering by Penn.

Giles paled as he met the Vampire's eyes, knowing, without having to be told, that Willow was dead.

Inside the room, Buffy wouldn't release Willow from her grip and Angelus sighed before standing up and taking out his cell.

"Have the car outside in ten minutes."

"What are you doing?"

Angelus looked from his Sire, to the dead Slayer, to his family.

"The council will hunt her down, we need to get back to L.A where they can't find us."

Bending over, he picked up Buffy, who was still cradling Willow, and carried both of them out of the room, paused the stunned humans.


Gunn stopped at the sound of Joyce's voice.

Taking her arm, he led her away from the others.

"Joyce, Willow did what she did, knowing the consequences."

Joyce followed Angelus with her eyes before turning back to face Gunn.

"Is my baby going to be a Vampire?"

He nodded his head, and caught her as she fell to her knees.

"Gunn! We need to leave."

Giles snapped out of it then, and realised two things. The first was that the Vampire's were leaving, and taking Willow with them, and the second, was that they would only take her body if his Slayer had been turned.


The Vampire's turned at the sound of his voice.

"Willow, is she...?" he trailed off, but they knew what he was asking.

Angelus nodded his head, and only because he knew Giles was about to explode, he handed the bundle in his arms over to Penn.

"Giles, what do you think the council will do when they find out? They wanted her dead when she was human, how are they going to feel now?"

Giles froze, knowing everything the demon was saying was true.

"Where are you taking her?"

Angelus moved back to his family, seeing that everyone but him was now in the waiting limo.


Before the watcher could say anything else, he slipped into the limo and closed his door, the car pulling away a second later.

"Giles? What just happened?"

Giles turned to face the stunned Scoobies even as tears came to his eyes.


Buffy hadn't spoken in over twenty-four hours, nor had she fed.

All she did, was sit by Willow's body whispering I'm sorry over and over.

Penn sighed as he turned away from the sight, to see Wes beside him.

"What happens when Willow wakes up?"

Wes shook his head. "I really don't know. This has never happened before. I have no clue if she will keep her soul, or wake as a normal Vampire. The combined strength of a Slayer and a Vampire will give her a Master's status instantly. I'm more worried about Buffy though."

Penn nodded his agreement, and went back gazing at his Sire.

The months without her had taken their toll on the family, and he was glad to have her home.


Buffy jerked away as she felt it.

From Willow took her last breath, the feeling inside she got that connected her to her Mate was gone.

It had just came back, a lot stronger now.

Turning her head, she saw the golden eyes of her lover looking back at her.

"Wes." Her voice was weak from not using it, but Wes heard his Sire from his place outside the room and brought in the tray of cups, each of which held blood.

Buffy watched as Willow's eyes shifted to the tray before resting back on her, and she knew that for now, the demon was in control and asking permission from its Sire to feed.

Lifting a cup off the tray, Buffy slowly moved it over to Willow, tipping it as the newly risen Vampire had its first meal.

Willow's eyes never left Buffy's as she fed, and Buffy couldn't help but think that she look beautiful.

Cup after cup was fed to Willow until they were all gone, then the others left, leaving the new Vampire alone with its Sire.

They sat in silence for a while, before Willow broke it.

"How do I get rid of the fangs and the bumpies?"

Buffy closed her eyes, hating that she was having to teach Willow this.

"Concentrate on what you look like without them."

Willow did as instructed and felt as the bones in her face shifted and her fangs ascended.

Buffy was relived to see green eyes staring back at her.

Belatedly, she realised that she herself was in game face and switched back. She could feel it pulsing through her borrowed blood, the need to claim this new Childe as her own, the need to reclaim her Mate.

Willow reached forward and pulled Buffy to her.

"Ask me what I know you want to ask."

Buffy knew exactly what she was talking about and closed her eyes.

"I don't need to. I know you don't have a soul."

a/n - two updates in one day, you have to admit, I'm getting better with them

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