A Good Read

by Red


A Good Read
Joss' folk.
BW rated R
Summary: Will's been reading Buffy/Faith fic.
Note: I've been doing alot of dark lately...I needed a little funny. And I admit, I love Faith, I LOATHE B/F...less, well, Will's tucked neatly in between them. *smiles*


Buffy waved good bye to Xander and Dawn as they drove away and made her way up the front walk, a big ol' smile on her face. Her little sister was gone for the night, thanks to Xander and Anya and their invention of 'The official Buffy and Willow have the house to themselves night'.

One night a week, they took the youngest Summers out to a movie or the arcade, the mall, anywhere she wanted to go, then back home with them to stay the night. It had been Anya's idea. She was concerned that the slayer and her witch just weren't getting enough orgasm time. Buffy had to chuckle as she remembered when the ex demon voiced that concern a few weeks ago. For once, the slayer had totally agreed with her outspoken friend. So thus began the new and most definately loved tradition of what Giles referred to as, bloody hell, dear lord, night.

She laughed at loud at that and opened the front door. Xander and Dawn had seen her heading home after what had been a truly boring patrol, given her a lift and were now off to Blockbuster for movie night. The slayer smiled. Despite the whole, fate of the world resting on her shoulders, she really did have a good life.

Buffy closed the front door and was immediately pinned to the wall, Willow's lips pressed hard against her own. The slayer's arms wrapped around the witch, holding her tight as she returned the kiss. When Willow finally let them up for air, Buffy cock a brow and smiled.

"Someone's been reading fanfic."

Willow pointed to the stairs. "Bedroom, naked, now."

"Someone's been reading Buffy/Faith fanfic," the slayer clarified, taking Willow's hand. "Will, we talked about this...everytime you read one of those, you get all...growly possessive...and don't get me wrong, I so LOVE growly, possessive you...trust me, I do...but you also get way upset and that gorgeous head of yours gets crazy ideas and I'm pretty sure that Tara doesn't want her girlfriend turned into a teletubby doll again."

"I turned her back!"

"Yes, after I spanked your sexy little ass for a solid hour." Buffy's brow went up in a panic. "You didn't already do something, Will...did you?"

Before Willow could answer, the phone rang. Holding onto her mate's hand, Buffy stepped over to the table and answered it.

"Hello...Tara?" She fixed the redhead with 'THE LOOK' and Willow actually shivered. "Ok, Tara, honey, calm down, she'll fix it...yes...yes I know you love Faith, sweetie...uhhuh...yes, even if she is a hot pocket..."
Buffy's eyes widened. "YOU TURNED HER INTO A HOT POCKET?" Willow winced.
"No, I was talking to Will...NO, no, Tara, stay there and make sure that no one eats her, I'll handle this...oh, don't you worry..." 'THE LOOK' returned and Willow really wished she'd just said no to the fic and taken that hot bubbly bath. "Little ms. reads what she's not supposed to will NOT be in any shape to sit upright, much less concentrate by the time I'm done with her...yes, hold on please..."

Buffy cocked a brow at her lover. Willow's eyes closed and she muttered one, simple word..."Undone."

"Tara, is she..." The slayer sighed in relief. "Thank GOD...uhhuh, trust me, I will...tell her I'm so sorry...yeah, you do that and I'll talk to you tomorrow...good night." Hanging the phone up, it was her turn to say one, simple word. "Upstairs."

Willow moved faster than she had ever moved, not wanting to piss her slayer off anymore than the blonde already was. Buffy waited until she heard the redhead above her in their bedroom, then burst out laughing.

"A hot pocket, oh Will!"

She desperately tried to calm herself...as funny as it was, her girl was still in a load of trouble...and for more than just turning their friend into a frozen food. They had discussed the whole, fanfic thing, several times. Buffy had no problem with the fact that she and the gang were so popular in the world of fic. In fact, it kinda made her proud. And she herself had surfed a few times, out of curiousity mostly, and found most of the stuff hysterical. The things some people could come up with. She had found one author that she really liked...one who actually had them all pegged pretty good...right down to their love of spanking. But Willow was the one obsessed with it, which would be fine and dandy...if she didn't get so crazed when she came across one that paired the blonde slayer with the brunette one.

Tara was a witch...Tara was Faith's mate...and yet, not once had Buffy been turned into a toy or a frozen munchy. But Willow...oh, now THAT was a whole different story! It drove the red witch crazy if anyone shipped Buffy with someone other than herself, but Faith especially...

Buffy's giggles returned as she remembered the time her Willow had come across a site devoted entirely to Buffy and Giles. Poor Giles...when he saw some of the stories...well, Lens Crafters got paid a visit that day.

There were fics about all of them...the entire gang, including Angel and his crew out in L.A. Xander had an Angel loves Spike site bookmarked...and Buffy even suspected, he penned a few of the fics on there just to torment the vamps. Everyone took the writing in good humour, mostly and were actually happy that there little family had more sites than anyone else on the net.

Willow...well, Willow wasn't quite as...fic friendly as the others and since it made her upset enough to magick Faith into a damn teletubby, Buffy had forbidden her to read it anymore. The witch had promised not to, but Buffy had caught her several times in the reading act and each time, 'reminded' her rather thoroughly that she wasn't allowed to.

And now, not only did her naughty witch need reminding of that, but it seemed that she needed to be reminded who the slayer loved...who the slayer had chosen for her mate...and boy oh boy, Buffy couldn't wait to remind her!

Getting her giggles under control, Buffy locked the front door, then made her way upstairs. As she stepped into the bedroom, she was pleased to find Willow already in punishment posistion, laying over a stack of pillows on the bed, her sexy little ass bared and presented high.

Her breath catching, her undies getting a bit wet, Buffy closed the bedroom door and removed her jacket.

"Good girl, Will," she said, as she retrieved the wooden bad girl paddle from their toy trunk. "If only you good be a good girl all of the time..."

Buffy grinned. Nah, that would so be boring!