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A Plethora of Possibilities

by fantagismo



a/n - Rin, I stole your comment on the pizza spewage. Thank you!


Xander Harris was actually an ok kind of guy. He played the goof, but he had the potential to be a really good friend, and more and more frequently so, he was living up to that potential. He couldn't in all honesty say that he was one hundred per cent about the whole Buffy Willow gay slayer lusty wrong feelings about the two of them fiasco, but he recognised well enough to know when to leave alone. And that's precisely what he did, and while the two girls were kissing on the stairs he made his way out the still open front door. And then had to come back inside again when he realised he forgot the pizza. So maybe he could have gone a little sooner, but it was hardly his fault that the two girls had forgotton that he was in the room, and seemed to miss the noisy spluttering of half eaten pizza on Willow's floor as he witnessed the scene before him, but at least he didn't hang around to clean it up. Pizza retrieved, he closed the door, and started thinking about the two of them together.

He grinned. Maybe Jesse would be up for a night out.


Willow and Buffy, or the tangle of limbs that had formerly been known as Willow and Buffy, broke away from their kiss, breathing desperately and raggedly. They looked into each others eyes, and then down at their bodies, particularly Buffy's, which had overruled chastity and straddled Willow on the stairs. Not that she was objecting anyway, indeed, she was more set to squirming her way into a very comfortable position...

"Maybe we should actually go on this date," came the breathy voice of Buffy, not exactly convincing Willow as said breathy voice was doing wonders when whispered in her ear. "Maybe we should have the date right here, on the stairs?" Buffy half laughed half moaned and pulled the two girls up. "By the way, Will? You look amazing." Seeing the cute blush rise on Willow's cheeks was all Buffy needed to confirm that she had made the right choice in allowing them to find out about her slayer abilities. Truth is, she hadn't tried to deny it when Xander had confronted her, and when Willow had seen the vampire dusted, she hadn't wanted to lie then either. She had had enough of lying about herself, and had decided that the happy medium could in some way, shape or form, involve her having friends to share her worries with her.

"You look beautiful, Buffy, although of course you already know that being the hotness that is you and all, but you really do, I mean more beautiful than anyone I've ever seen, and although this is a small enough town, it's still pretty big, and I've seen a lot of people, and this is California where beautiful people hang out, so-"

She was cut off by Buffy's laughter, and so to maintain her dignity, pouted until Buffy managed to reign in the merriness. "What?!" Demanded a petulant Willow, milking the cuteness for all it was worth without shame.

"Nothing. It's just, you're really sweet when you babble. And even sweeter when you compliment me, I especially like that," cue the quirky smile, "so, carry on!"

"I could do it all day, so let's just leave the cheesiness for now and head to the coffee shop. Where did you say it was?


They had walked the streets of Sunnydale chatting about various incidents, family, and any anecdotes that came to mind. Buffy talked about her slaying in L.A, Merrick, her parent's divorce, things she never really had thought to talk about. But now, here she was, sharing her past eagerly, wanting Willow to know about her and wanting to know even more about Willow. Willow on the other hand talked about her relatively mediocre worries, hesitating a bit as Buffy had gone first in the share-fest. Seeing the rapt attention on Buffy's face, however, allayed and soothed her fears, and she found herself chatting away as though they had known each other for years.

There was no other word for it, they clicked, and before long, they had wiled away two hours, and guzzled their way through four mochas. Each. Willow was close to the point of spontaneous combustion, such was the caffeinated energy pumping through her bloodstream, and Buffy was still on edge after her first stake since last year. They made it to the Bronze, and quietly resolved to dance their asses off, whilst savouring the feeling of people looking at them, doing double takes at Willow's gorgeous transformation, and appreciative looks towards the hot new girl, known to be from grand old L.A. Before the dancing could commence though, they had a drink, as Willow, for all her bravado of the night was now running on sheer nerves, whilst Buffy, confident as she is, was only distracted by the sight of Giles in the rafters. **Ugh. Way to ruin my date!**


"Yeah, Buff?"

"You remember the slayer stuff I told you about?"

"I gotta wonder why you'd think I'd forget?" Willow responded with a hint of a smile in her voice. "But yes, I do recall the slayer stuff."

"Well, I missed out something. Slayers are trained, if you will, by stuffy British guys called watchers. And speaking of, you know the librarian we talked about earlier?"

"Again, yeah?"

"Well, he's my watcher. And he's here. I've got to go see what he wants, but the minute I do, I'll be right back, ok?"

"Yup. Hurry back!"

"Don't talk to any strangers!"

Willow trailed the retreating figure, her amusement - and something else - clear. **Hate to see you go, but I most certainly love to watch you leave...**


Moving through the throng of people, Buffy found Giles looking very uncomfortable in his tweed suit, trying to maintain his dignity in a mostly student populated bar whilst, well, being a middle aged man dressed in tweed. Buffy sighed to herself, drawling sarcastically in her head, **Wow, this guy seems fun...**

"So, you like to party with the students. Isn't that kinda skanky?"

Giles looked wryly at her. "Oh, right, this is me having fun. Watching... clown hair prance about is hardly my idea of a party." Giles gesticulated towards the stage in a distinctly British manner. "I'd much rather be at home with a cup of Bovril and a good book."

**And my 'fun' theory just got itself proved.** Buffy couldn't help remarking before she got round to the shop talk with Giles, "You need a personality, stat!"

"Very droll. This is a perfect breeding ground for vampire activity. It's dark, it's crowded... Besides, I knew you were likely to show up, and I have to make you understand..."

Buffy had trailed off, thinking of Willow beneath her on the stairs. There was no denying it, she was pissed at the watcher for interrupting the date, but at the same time, she remembered the man in the alleyway, and pre empted Giles.

"I know, the Harvest, right? Your melancholy friend told me."

**God this better be over soon...**


Willow felt a little strange. No need for concern or anything, just a little, well, strange. She was literally buzzing with the vibes she was getting with people, and a new found confidence was sweeping her lithe frame. It wasn't just that though, there was just something different about Willow. Something barely perceptible had happened, but it had changed her entire demeanour, the way she sat in her chair, the way she scanned the room with her eyes, looking for something. **Someone,** Willow had time to think before her eyes locked with a pale looking blonde a few feet down the bar. Willow shuddered, and didn't like what she saw in that woman's eyes. It was a look predators wore, and it had the practised look of someone who was good at getting her prey. The blonde smiled.

**Oh, crap.**

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