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Lies My Watcher Told Me

by Red

Lies My Watcher Told Me


Lies My Watcher Told Me
book 1
Joss' folk.
BW...nc17...VERY INTENSE...WARNING...this is a side of Giles we were only teased with.
Summary: Giles takes Willow to England for rehibilitation...when Buffy finds out exactly what that entails, she goes to stop him...and all hell breaks loose.
[NOTE: I'm in a mood...this is my way of dealing. I recently read a very well written fic, In Patience Possess, which can be found here..... It is a story in which Giles takes Willow to L.A. and meets up with Wesley...their intent, to 'fix' any means needed. It was well done, very well done, but I do admit, it triggered something in me. And here I am...with my own take on the whole, black eyed Willow incident. And of course, mine is full of angst, violence, BuffyWillowshipage and, nay, lots of spanky-esque activities...some good, some not so good. ALSO...Faith is out of jail and working with Angel Investigations in this world, completely good and reformed now.]


Buffy stared at her pizza.

"Waitin' for the pineapples to tell ya howdy?"

Dawn giggled and Anya smiled.

"You're still the funniest penis I know, sweetie," she cooed, rubbing Xander's back.

Xander blushed as he grinned. "I'm thee biggest bucket of funny in town, thank you, thank you."

Anya rolled her eyes and Dawn nodded, agreeing wholeheartedly. Buffy got up from the table and left the kitchen. Excusing himself, Xander went after her, telling Dawn to finish her dinner and to make sure Anya, the pepperoni thief, didn't eat his.

"She's gonna be ok."

Leaning against the porch railing, Buffy kept her eyes on the night sky.

"I should've seen, Xander. You did, Anya even told me. I was too wrapped up in my own crap to even pay attention."

"Buffy, your crap was big." She looked at him with a raised brow and he giggled. "Ok, so shoulda rethought THAT one before I said it...but you know what I mean. Hello, just came back from the dead...plucked from heaven...that's some seriously big cr-stuff...big BIG stuff to deal with."

"She's my best friend, Xander...and I promised myself, after the whole, Initiative thing, that I wouldn't lose touch with you guys again like that."

"I'm gonna refer to the, back from the dead, part."

She ran a hand through her blonde hair and sighed deeply, tears welling up in her eyes.

"What if...what if..."

She couldn't finish her question, but she didn't need to. Her other best friend was right there with her. Putting an arm around her, he hugged her tight.

"It's only been a week. She'll be back, Buf...I've known Will my whole life...when we were eight, I so tried to get her to go to another table at lunch, because Sally Warner was sitting with me and she was thee hottie for us eight year olds, let me tell ya. I tried everything...even offerin' Will my treasured Twinkie twin pack, if she would just eat elsewhere for this one day. Alas, I couldn't get rid of her. She did however, eat said Twinkies." He kissed Buffy's head. "She's Willow...she'll be back...babbling for the masses and eatin' all our Twinkies."

Buffy wiped the tears from her eyes and managed a small laugh.

"Plus," Xander went on, "She's with G-man...he'll take good care of her." He lowered his voice. "I think he's got a little crush on our fair Willow."

Buffy turned to him so fast, she nearly knocked him over.


"I know, kinda high on the icky scale, the whole, february-december thing, but it's Giles, the best guy we know...and hello, Willow, all with the lady love, but she's always crushed on our Mister Giles.."

"Xander, I really think those magick hits damaged your brain."

"Come on, Buf, don't tell me you've never noticed it. He's always liked Will. Ok, yeah, high school, he wasn't free with the looks...he is a respectable guy. But after, after we never noticed the looks?"

"No," she replied, through gritted teeth.

"Ok, breathe, we all know you're still daddy's favorite, Buf."

She turned her eyes back to the sky. The same sky that rested over England.

"Man, he totally lost it with her when he came back. That's when I knew. Before, I was all, ok, yeah, Will's a pretty girl who likes a pretty girl, that's what fascinates him. Hey, I looked. I admit it. But after that fight-"

Buffy turned back to him. "What fight?"

"When he came back from London, the first time...when he found out we brought you back."

"They had a fight?" How had she missed all of this?

"Fight may be too strong of a word. I mean, no actual fists or hair pulling was involved. Though I did get the feeling that he so wanted to bend her over the counter and give her one hell of a spanking."

The slayer's mind was suddenly flooded with far too many images, most of which she didn't want there...most...

"What happened?"

Xander hopped up on the railing. "I only heard a little bit...he called her a, rank amature and she said something like, if I'm so powerful, maybe you'd better not piss me off." A grin formed on his lips. "Gotta say, never heard anyone talk to Giles like that...kinda scared me but, at the same time, made me a wee bit proud. I mean, you have no idea how many times I've seen Will picked on...not that Giles was picking on her, just that, well, to see her sure of herself...ya know?"

More images flooded Buffy's head and she started down the porch steps. "I need to kill something."

Just then, the door opened and Dawn yelled for her sister. "Buffy, Angel's on the phone!"

Xander frowned as Buffy turned to go inside.

"Deadboy get a new job? Tell him you are perfectly happy with your long distance service, but maybe some of the big Hollywood types might get him some comissions."

The slayer ignored him and hurried to her sister, taking the cordless from her.



Rupert Giles opened the door and stepped into the darkened room, flipping the light on. A part of him ached at what he found inside. However he had a job to do...a job that he knew, never should have needed to be done.


His voice was cold, no emotion at all and Willow would have been hurt by it, had she not been in tremendous pain already.

He stepped over to the table, where the young girl he had taken so fondly to so many years ago, lay face down...bound by leather restraints, magickally enchanted to not only be break free, but to also keep a small current of magick flowing through her body.

"How are you feeling?"

"Hurts." Her voice was barely above a whisper, her throat dry from both screaming and lack of water.

Giles opened the bottle of water in his hand and placed it to her lips, raising her head enough so she could drink. His eyes moved over her back, the marks from their previous session now closed.

Willow drank fast, the cold water hitting her nearly dehydrated body like rain on the dessert. She wasn't expecting water again so soon. When it was all gone, Giles laid her head back down and tossed the bottle into the trash can that sat in the corner.

"Thank you."

Those two simple, whispered words hit that small ache and he wished more than anything, that he could free her and carry her out of there.

But he couldn't.

Quentin had been very specific in his orders...bring the witch here...rehibilitate her in the old way, the ONLY way, as far as he was concerned...or she will be disposed of.
Giles knew how the council disposed of what they considered, threats...there was no way he would let them kill Willow. He had been given two hours to decide and in those two hours, he had desperately contemplated every possible way that this could be avoided. He had come up with nothing.

Moving to the cabinet across the room, Giles opened it, forcing Ripper out. It was the only way he could do what he had to do. Willow whimpered, knowing what was going to happen.

"Please...please, Giles...I'm so sorry, goddess I'm so sorry."

Tears fell hard, her voice choking with them and Rupert Giles allowed himself one final ache, before slipping into Ripper and moving to the table...whip in hand.


"Buffy, calm down...please."

Buffy ignored her sister's attempts to calm her and continued packing.

"Buf, Dawn's right, ya just can't run off all, crazy slayer. This is Wesley...he's not exactly, mister, in the council's good graces," Xander clepped.

"No, he's not...but he knows them...knows what they do, how they work," she threw some socks into the duffle bag and rumaged through her closet. "I believe him...they wanted to get their hands on Faith...GOD only knows what they would have done to her." She grabbed her leather jacket and turned to the trio standing in her bedroom. "I will NOT let them do this to Will."

"Buffy, this isn't the olden days...they don't just, stone witches...or burn them at the stake."

Anya nodded. "Xander's right. There are much easier methods of disposing of someone."

Xander shot her a look.

"Buffy," Dawn began, "Wesley didn't say the council was going to kill Willow. He said they were going to rehibilitate her. That's a good thing, yes?"

"Plus," Xander added, "Giles is there...he's not gonna let anything happen to Will."

Anya nodded. "You don't let anyone hurt potential orgasm partners."

The slayer growled...loud enough to make the entire room jump.

"An, honey, let's not help, ok."

Dawn's brow furrowed. "Ewwwww, Giles is like, dad guy, please don't ever use the 'O' word anywhere near him."

Buffy looked at Xander and Anya. "I think you both have, magick side should take asprin and rest."

"No, but he did tell Angel the ways that they rehibilitate...barbaric...using starvation and beatings and-"


Buffy tried to ignore the ex demon, zipping her bag up and turning her attention to Dawn.

"Wes and Faith will be here any minute...Dawn, promise me you won't give Xander and Anya any trouble." She eyed her little sister.

"I promise...Buffy, Giles, he wouldn't let them hurt Willow, right?"

Buffy forced a smile and hugged her sister tight. "No, he wouldn''s gonna be ok, Dawnie, promise."

But inside the slayer wasn't quite so sure. Her watcher had seemed different when they had left a week ago. Buffy had chalked it up to, well, everything that had happened. But after talking to Angel...not to mention, her own dealings with Travers.....

"I love you, Buffy...remember, you have so got alot of showing me stuff, to do, "Dawn said, hugging her tight.

The doorbell rang and Buffy broke the hug, picking her bag and jacket, up. The four of them then hurried downstairs. Hellos were quickly said, followed by good byes and Buffy followed her fellow slayer and former watcher to their car.

Anya and Xander returned to dinner...Anya complaining that she was going to have to microwave hers now and Xander telling her to be more sensitive or he'd spank her. Dawn paid no attention, standing on the porch and watching Buffy drive away.

And as she did, the youngest Summers said a little prayer.


Willow had never been in so much pain. Not even when she was dark and feeling the pain of the entire world. Her back was raw, the smell of her own blood filling her senses. She heard, no this wasn't Giles...she knew Giles and he would never, ever hurt her like this. Not even if the council ordered him to. Willow knew who had been weilding the whip...who had beaten her day after day since they had arrived here.

It wasn't Rupert Giles.

It was Ripper.

"Now then, I do believe your back needs a rest, so I shall work on this adorable little arse."

He tapped the riding crop against her pale flesh...her untouched flesh...

And Willow begged for mercy.....

to be continued.....

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