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Lies My Watcher Told Me

by Red

book 5


Lies My Watcher Told Me
book 5
Joss' folk.
Summary: Buffy promised Travers dinner...bon'appetite!
(Just a vague disclaimer so I don't need my shovel.)


Buffy carefully applied the healing ointment to Willow, tears falling silently from her eyes. Her fingers moved as carefully as possible between the witch's thighs and the slayer's mind danced with all of the times she'd dreamed about this. Of course, in her dreams, it was touching for the sheer desire of it...and Willow was moaning in pleasure, her slim body writhing deliciously under Buffy's touch as her low moans and raspy pleading filled the air.

There was no pleasure here...Buffy's fingers weren't there out of desire, out of lust...but they were there out of love...gently, carefully taking care of her abused witch, soothing the medicine gently into the torn, raw flesh, her anger growing stronger with each passing second.

In all her time as the slayer, she had never felt such hate, such fury, as she did now. The Master was a souless demon, as was Angelus...the Mayor, evil as he may have been, would have found this display rude and tastless...Adam was a machine...Glory, a psycho god from hell...But all of their combined evil paled in comparison to what had happened here.

This was done by humans...humans who were listed on the side of the good guys. Well, most of them, anyway.

As Buffy tended to her witch, her mind raced with images of Warren, Andrew and Jonathon and the slayer understood, firsthand, how her best friend...the woman she loved...could have done the things she did that landed her here in the first place.

Buffy Summers was in total touch with the whole, flaying emotion.

As her fingers moved to Willow's bottom, Buffy had to force the strong need to throw up, back. The image of Ethan Rayne...HER Willow...Buffy had to stop for a moment and calm herself, before gently applying the cream to her witch. As she carefully began, a small, barely audible whimper that only a slayer could hear, hit her ears and Buffy stopped all movement.

"Will...sweetie, baby, it's me...I won't hurt you, I promise...I need to get this medicine on you."

Willow had yet to acknowledge that she was even aware of the slayer's prescence, or the fact that she was no longer in that room. In fact, Willow hadn't made a sound or even blinked since Buffy had found her. And that had the slayer more afraid than anything. Physical wounds could be healed...it was the emotional, the mental, that scared Buffy. Willow's once sparkling emerald eyes were lifeless.

She continued applying the cream, crying softly as she did, knowing each little movement was hurting her witch. Buffy finished, finally and, after wiping the residue off of her hands, moved up the bed and pressed her face softly against the redhead's her tears wetting Willow's cheek as gentle slayer fingers continued to stroke red hair.

"Willow, it's me...please, baby, talk to me."

"I'm sorry."

The whispered words were music to Buffy's ears and she nearly burst out into cheer.

"No, no Willow, I'm sorry...I never should have let then bring you here, honey...I should have told you so long ago how much I love you...I do, Will...I love you, more than anything."

She gently kissed the witch's wet cheek.


Each word seemed pained to speak, Willow's throat dry and hoarse. Buffy grabbed the glass of water from the bedside table and carefully lifted Willow's head, placing the water to her lips. The slayer's anger grew even more, if that were possible, as she watched her beloved desperately lapping at the water as if it was the first she'd had in a week.

When the glass was empty, Buffy returned it to the table and carefully placed Willow's head in her lap, holding her the best she could without causing any more pain.


"Giles is gonna pay for hurting you, baby, I promise," Buffy assured her, stroking her hair.

"Not...fault." Willow's hand searched for Buffy's and Buffy quickly took it gently in her own, bringing it to her lips and kissing it softly. "Magicks."

Buffy's brow furrowed, but she pushed it aside. Willow was her concern right now...HER Willow.

"Wesley is here...and Faith...he mixed up the cream for your wounds. It's all natural, nothing magicks...it'll take longer, but he said anything magickal would hurt you. And MY Willow has been hurt enough. I so love you, Will."

"Best...friendy love?"

Buffy had to laugh. "No, Will, in love, wanna love you all night long til' we can't move, love." She leaned down and kissed Willow's head.

Willow squeezed Buffy's hand the best she could and, for the first time since Tara's death, managed a small smile. "Me, too...wanna love you all night til' no moving..." She raised her head and turned, just enough to see Buffy's face. "I love you, Buffy."

Smiling, the tears pouring, Buffy leaned in and carefully brushed her lips of Willow's.

It was the best first kiss...ever.


Faith cracked her knuckles and took a long drag off her clove.

"Really, must you smoke that in here? There is a rather nice deck out back."

The slayer cocked a brow at her former watcher.

"No way, am I gonna miss this, Wes." She turned her attention to Quentin and Ethan, who were both tied down to tables...naked as the day they were born and smiled. "It's gonna be one hell of a show."

"Wesley, this is ridiculous!" Travers baulked. "You will release me this instant!"

Wesley eyed him hard. "This, is justice, Mr. Travers...pure and simple."

"It is barabaric! I am the head of the watcher's council!"

"Were, the head, of the watcher's council," Wesley corrected. "I spent a good hour speaking with Mrs. Wellington...she dropped by earlier. She and the others called an emergency meeting...you, have been let go."

Travers eyes widened in both anger in shock. "What? They cannot do that!"

"Yes," Wesly purred, smiling, leaning up in his chair, "They can and have. It seems that alot of...actually, most of, what the council has been doing, hasn't exactly been, favored by the entire association. You've been threatening people far too long, Quentin...blackmailing your council, forcing them to do as you wish..." Wesley's brow raised. "You really are not a liked man, Quentin...your own people hate you. They seemed rather relieved that this has happened. Not what was done to poor Willow. That seems to have sickened them nearly as much as it has us. Oh, and on that note, Mrs. Wellington has arranged for a dear friend of hers to assist Willow in her magickal rehibilitation...the proper way. A lady known as, Astrid..quite the powerful witch who went through a similar situation herself...years ago...seems Mrs. Wellington suggested her from the begnning, however you refused to allow it." Wesley leaned back in his chair and smiled. "It would appear to me, that the Quentin Travers show, has ended."

""About damn time!" Faith quipped, grinning. She looked to Ethan, who hadn't said a word since they had come into the room. "You don't strike me as the quiet type...Wes, your pals cut his tongue out when they tied him down?"

Wesley chuckled. "No, that honour shall be for Buffy...tho' I suspect she shall use her fingers as opposed to a blade of any sorts." Ethan's eyes widened. "No, I merely did a binding spell on his mouth...I truly cannot take listening to him."

Faith laughed. "Should've done one on the old guy, too."

Wesley looked to Travers. "Actually, I rather like hearing him beg."

Quentin glared at him. "Rupert won't let his slayer kill a human."

"This slayer does what she wants..always has, you should know that, Quentin." Buffy sauntered into the room, straight to the tables, her eyes moving from Travers, to Ethan and back. "Here's the deal..." She nodded to Ethan, her eyes on Travers. "He's gonna die, plain and simple. I love Willow...I am IN LOVE with Willow. I have been since I met her, but me, being me, was too damn stubborn, scared, whatever the hell ya wanna call it, to tell her...so I sat by for seven years, watching the woman I love being loved by someone else. First, a werewolf...then a witch...both were good to her, treated her like a queen. Which is why, despite the fact that they touched what was mine, I didn't kill them." She ran her fingers up Travers' leg, slowly, and he whimpered. "You might think, hey, what right do I have to say that? I never made my feelings clear, never professed my love...who am I to say anything about anyone and Will?" She pasued a moment, then smiled. "I love everything about Will...inside and out. I love her smile, that hair like fire...reminds me of Will's heart, passionate...I love her passion, her fire, her love of live...the way she never gives up, no matter what happens. Like right now...you think you've broken her...that was the plan, right? Break her, then rebuild her to fit you sick needs...personal witch, to kill for you, help keep everyone in line, punish those who dare defy you?"

Travers swallowed hard. "You've no idea what you're talking about, girl."

Buffy's brow raised. "Really? I've never heard that one before. I know all about you, Quentin...Mrs. Wellington, very nice lady...actually restores some of my faith in the council...I had a nice long chat with her. She told me all about what you did to Giles when he came back months ago...how you had him, re-evaluated...put him through special tests, special training..." She looked at Ethan, then back to Travers. "You were juicing him up with dark magicks...not as dark as Willow, but just dark enough to feed Ripper...bring him to the surface. You knew Giles would NEVER do to Willow what you wanted done...and you knew what was happening, with Will...knew her power was getting stronger, darker...and you saw that as your chance to finally have total control...any one disagrees with you, you could sick your own little dark witch on them. Plus...once Giles came back, came out of his magick funk, he'd remember what he'd done...and the guilt...the guilt would drive him crazy. You knew he couldn't live with that...just like you knew the council wanted him to take over. With him out of the picture, you were basically home free."

Travers smiled. "I always did underestimate you, Ms. Summers."

"You know," she purred, ignoring him and moving to Ethan. "Willow's beauty isn't just on the inside...hello, we all have eyes here. And I admit, as shallow as it may be, I do love her cute little butt. Call me an ass girl."

"Ass girl," Faith clepped, grinning.

Buffy grinned back at her fellow slayer. "Faith used to say things...about how cute Will was, complimenting her, assets...in that Faith way of hers..." Buffy turned back to Ethan. "What was it you said about her ass on the plane, Faith?"

Faith blew a perfect smoke ring, prompting Wesley to wave a hand to shoo it out if his face. "I said, I always loved that ass...I bet it's so good and, well, was gonna say tight, but you hit me before I could."

Buffy smiled at Ethan. "And all she did was say she loved it. Can you imagine what I'm going to do to you? You touched it...you violated it...you forced yourself on it..." Buffy leaned down, far too close for Ethan's comfort. "You raped it." She stayed there for a moment, the fury dripping off of her and onto the sorcerer. Then, she straightened up and stepped back to Travers. "As did you. What was it you said, cleansing her...forcing out the evil with good." Her fingers brushed over the Englishman's bits and pieces and he shivered. "Ethan...and may I say, saying the name makes me want to shower for a year...he's an evil, sick, twisted fuck...no surprise there. You...you were the head of the watcher's council..." She squeezed a bit. "It was your job to protect the innocent, NOT use them and abuse them." She squeezed harder and Travers winced. "What did I say would happen if a red hair on Willow's head had been harmed?"

Quentin closed his eyes, whimpering. "You said...you would feed them to me."

Buffy's brow raised. "Feed what to you?"

"My...my testicles."

Buffy smiled. "You do like catsup, yes?"

Faith laughed and Wesley smiled. Travers merely whimpered louder. Buffy released him and stepped over to Ethan.

"You know, I have been wanting to do this for sooooo very the long time."

With the speed, grace and strength of only a slayer, Buffy reached down and ripped the tongue from Ethan's mouth. Faith ew-ed aloud and Wesley's face wrinkled, echoing the thought. On the table, Ethan Rayne's eyes widened in both pain and shock, staring up at what was, moments ago, in his mouth.

Buffy held the oral appendage up and stared at it.

"This is one big tongue," she noted. "Faith?"

"Yeah, B?"

"Little help."

Faith hopped up, handed Wesley her freshly lit clove and hurried over to Buffy. Wesley frowned at the cigarette and watched the slayers, having a very good idea what was about to happen. Travers, in complete shock, watched on in horror, as Faith untied Ethan and flipped him over, onto his stomach.

"Anything else, B?" Faith asked, smiling sweetly.

Buffy mirrored the smile and nodded ever so slightly. Faith grabbed Ethan's ass hard.

"Like I was saying earlier," Buffy began, bending down so she was face to bloody face with Ethan. "What right did I have saying or, even feeling, any way about someone touching Willow when I hadn't even made my love for her known? How could I call her, MINE, when she had no idea I even loved her?" She leaned in to Ethan's ear." I'll tell you." Straighting back up, she looked to Travers as she posistioned herself behind Ethan. "It may have taken Buffy a long time to get her shit together...but the slayer...the slayer claimed that beautiful red witch a long time ago." She smiled, raising Ethan's tongue in her fist. "And no one touches what belongs to the slayer."

Travers' eyes widened even more, as he watched Buffy's hand disappear inside of Ethan, the sorcerer's body coming off the table as it nearly split in two. Faith grimaced as she dropped her hold on Ethan, the force of Buffy's intrusion throwing her back a bit.

"Damn." It was all she could say as her eyes fixed on the shaking, writhing body in front of her. She looked away, and found Wesley puffing away on her clove, the color drained from his face.

Buffy pulled her hand out, minus the tongue and smiled as she watched the life quickly drain from Ethan Rayne. Once it had, she turned her attention to the trembling, now begging Travers.

"Anything...money...as much as you want...I can get yo-"

Buffy shushed him by taking a firm grip on his balls. "Faith?"

"Yeah, B?"

"Got that catsup?"

"PLEASE!"Travers yelled.

Faith bent over and picked the bottle up, handing it to Buffy.


"You're welcome."

Catsup in one hand, Travers in the other, Buffy gave a repeat of Ethan's tongue, and this time, screaming was heard. Faith and Wesley watched, the former watcher still puffing away, as Buffy covered the, manly appendage, in tomatoey goodness, then put it to Travers' lips.

"You want fries with this?


"She did what?"

Anya looked to Xander, who held the cordless in one hand, the other hand pressed against his forhead.

"Xander , what's wrong?"

He waved her off and listened to Faith.

"She smothered it in catsup and fed it to him," Faith repeated, legs propped up on the former council head's desk.

"That's, symbolically, right?" Xander said. "It has to be...symbolically...Buf's big on the symbolic."

"Xanman, she tore it off, catsuped it and made the son of a bitch eat it."

Anya's eyes grew wide as her former fiance suddenly tossed his cookies.

"I warned you about that, bacon burrito," she said, hurrying to help him. "But did you listen? No."

Faith's voice echoed from the phone and Anya put it to her ear. "He threw up, I warned him about bacon burritos...the name alone is enough to make my tummy curl...what...uhhuh...uhhuh...she did?.....uhhuh.....GO BUFFY!"

to be continued.....


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