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I lost My notes to most of My current stories when My tank got hit during the latest fun and games that happened.
I'm trying to recover Them but while I try I'll crank this one out, It's a Buffy/Stargate crossover but the Stargate part will come much later.
Of course I own nothing let alone Stargate or Buffy

Willow walked throught the store room of Sunnydale UN. as a freshman She picked up a part time job hunting down what was store here.
She came to a bookcase that had sevenral scolecases on it.
"Ohhh Giles will love these." Willow squealed as She took one from the case and opened it.
"Hmmm Celtic." She said and began to read, a wave of dizziness overcame Her and before She could move sank to the floor.

Xander and Buffy stood outside the UN warehouse as police and fire department vehicals sat around the ruined building.
Xander turned to another student and asked.
"What happened?"
"The Warewhouse fell down no one seems to know why." was the answer.
Fear gripped Buffy's gut as She knew that Willow was suppose to be working here today.
Xander saw Buffy's face and stated, "Buff I'm sure Will got out besides Nobody is looking for Bodies yet."
Buffy looked harder at the destroyed building again and said.
"Xander doesn't that building look as if something broke out not in?"

Willow took another flight over Sunnydale night sky never had She felt so happy or alive, She was flying over Sunnydale at amile high yet Her new eyes could pick up writing on candybar wrappers tossed on the street.
'Boy am I in trouble for what I did to the warehouse' Willow thought as She may a lasy loop in the sky.

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