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The Guardian

by ashie

The Guardian


Disclaimer: I own nothing...but if I did, the show would still be on!

She kissed me and told me "I love you Will." And then she climbed that tower to her death. She sacrificed everything for this world and no one would know it. I just lost my best friend, had it not been for her I'd be dead. I lay in bed that night listening, trying as I may to hear her returning footsteps, but nothing. Giles took care of all the funeral arrangements; that was hard to attend. Her last words to me keep replaying like an anthem in my head, "I love you Will". She finally confessed what I've felt for her since that day at the water fountain. The fist few months after her I looked through books for resurrection spells, just to amuse the thought in my mind; I would never try to bring her back, it wasn't natural. So here I sit again at her grave, I go every week, hoping that maybe this time it'll be easier, it's not it never is.
"Why did you have to leave me Buffy? How could you just leave me before we could begin our life together? Why didn't you tell me before?" I miss you so much Buffy. Tara left me, she said she couldn't cope with my grief, "please come back Buffy, we need you.....I need you." I lay down the flowers and wipe my tears on the sleeve of my shirt.... "Come back to me"...

"I need you too Willow." It feels like forever since I took her in my arms and kissed her. From the minute I jumped from the tower into the portal my soul was transported to Heaven. So for the past 6 months all I could do is watch my family and the love of my life grieve. I so desperately needed to comfort them. When I arrived here I was greeted by an old friend, Jenny Calendar.
"Hello Buffy, it's been awhile."
"Yeah...sorry about Angelus."
"Don't worry about it. I'm hear to tell you that the Powers that Be will be sending you back to"
"When?" my face was so lit up with the news I just heard, I'm going back.
"All I can say is soon." That was six months ago.
"Buffy..." I turn around, I already know its Jenny, "It's time. You're going home, but you will no longer have any of your slayer powers. The Powers that Be are sending you back as a thank you for serving them, but you will still be responsible for the well being of mankind."
"How if I don't..."
"You will be given different powers, healing powers. You'll be allowed to live a normal life, but you are to act as a guardian."
"Yes, a personal protector of a witch, or charge, have you ever heard of white lighters?"
"Giles mentioned them once...they can teleport, read minds, and heal. Right?"
"Well that's what you are."
"So who's my charge?" I looked around; I was no longer in my sanctuary but standing outside in a graveyard.
"You'll know when you find her." Jenny's voice echoed through my head. Her? Okay guess I'll start looking but first...I orbed to my house that was freakin' awesome. I'll look for my charge after I break the news to my family. Just as I reach for the doorknob, the door swings open and all I can see is blinding white light. Just as soon as I can see again, I guess the person standing in front of me will be my charge, the person that I am sworn to protect.

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