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Something Pink

by zigpal



~I'm going to skip ahead a few months for story purposes.~

Since Willow was having her first sonogram in the morning, I got my assignments for the next day seeing as though neither of us will probably want to go to class after the appointment. Although, I'll probably train some with Faith while Willow tells the guys what we found out.

Then again, patrolling has come up slim pickings around school lately. That is probably because of Riley and his band of commmandos. I found out about them completely by accident. It was when the Gentlemen were in town, and I was at one end of town tracking them, and Riley and I 'ran' into each other at the clock tower. We swore we wouldn't tell each other's secret, but I let Giles and the Scoobs know because I don't exactly trust them.

Willow isn't showing too much, but her appetite has picked up. It now rivals Faith and mine after a good night of slaying, and she has been doing a really good job at taking care of my other H too. Thankfully, Tara found a spell to soundproof the room.

Everything else has been normal except that Dawn keeps testing her limits with Mom despite Faith and I warning her not to push it. At their beginning, Faith was sleeping at home, but lately is spending most nights with Tara. I think it might have something to do with Giles and Mom dancing around each other. All the couples made a poll, and if they don't get together soon, Dawn and Janice are going to win by default.

Willow and I finally picked out the nursery furniture so we knew the color scheme Faith and I were going to paint. Willow still has her really cranky days where I can do nothing but piss her off, and Mom keeps telling me that it is normal, so I let it go. Although, I have found out that if I get naked, it throws her off her rant.

Mom is another story. She keeps bringing up that she thinks we should move back in sooner because she isn't comfortable with Willow being by herself at the dorms while I'm patrolling even if Tara is with her. I fear bringing that up because it is liable to start a fight I don't want to have.

I was glad that classes flew by today, for once. Tara and I walked out of class together to meet up with Willow at the student union. Willow and I actually agreed that she shouldn't be on her feet after a hard days worth of class. When Tara and I walked in, I saw that there was a girl sitting in front of Willow talking to her. I know that Willow would never cheat on me, but I walked over and kissed the side of her neck before looking at the girl anyway.

"Buffy, we were discussing a class assignment, and I think her boyfriend would have something to say about her trying to pick me up," Willow said trying not to laugh at my sad puppy dog look after I chased off the other girl. Tara mumbled something about rotten before heading towards her dorm.

"Willow, I don't know what you are talking about, but do you think we should stay at home tonight so then we will be closer to the doctors?" I asked changing the subject quickly as Willow nodded before I offered her my hand and headed off towards our room.

While Willow was in the bathroom, I called Faith to pick us up. I figure that way Willow won't have to spend more time on her feet, but then again, this is another thing she is getting testy about. Me making things easier for her without talking to her first, but I ususally just tell her I'm spoiling her, and she lets it go.


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