Ten Thousand Days - 1 - For Marie

by Valyssia


Rating Information: I consider this story to be borderline NC-17. I would caution younger audience members away.

Description: *evil grin* An almost Crow-like revenge story based in season 8. If you are squeamish about violence you may want to avert your delicate eyes. The subject of the story is a character named Tamara who has just lost her lover of many years under dubious circumstances. This may not seem to fit at first. Patience...all good things in time.

Time Line: This occurs after the events of The Package. Which for those of you who are interested is another short story that stands pretty much independently of the major story arcs.

Lyrics: Tool - 10000 Days - Jambi

Disclaimer: Buffy, Willow and all things Slayer belong to Joss Whedon and the good folks at Mutant Enemy. Tamara is mine!

Here from the king's mountain view
Here from the wild dream come true
Feast like a sultan, I do
On treasures and flesh never few
But I would wish it all, away
If I thought I'd lose you just one day

Tam ran through the forest at a pace she could've only imagined in days prior. ...And I could live like this forever? A face splashed across her memory, twisted and cold, then like magic it turned warm, alive, laughing... I can't imagine wanting to. The one that brought me to this had. Centuries of life with just one purpose, pain. The thought caused her to reel. It boggled the mind.

I need to find cover. I can return to town tonight to finish it. There's a cave up here. She hastened her pace. The sun, once her friend, was painfully close to showing itself again, and she knew... Funny, most of what I know about what I am now comes from watching movies. Marie had insisted they were a waste of time, she mused as a sardonic grin crossed her face. Turning, she ran up the steep incline. She reached the cave and vaulted past the entrance, surveying her surroundings. "Just a bit deeper I think... That sunlight thing really sucked." She shook herself off, taking in the scent of her own burning flesh. Wisps of smoke still rose from leather as she made her way deeper inside.

Yes, this will do, she reflected as she took a seat on the cold cave floor. The last time I was here, I was with Marie. We found this cave together, exploring it, enjoying the wonders nature provided. What an amazing day that had been. She took in her surroundings and the memories returned. That warm smiling face. The pain that was a dull ache, hit her like a wave and she started to cry.

"Well that's a totally useless skill. Vampires can cry?" she pondered this as the wry grin returned to her lips. "You'd think that ability would leave right along with the soul. Utterly useless, obsolete..."

Lying flat on the ground, Tam reflected, "If I'd only been a few minutes earlier, I'd be lying in bed with her. The way it was." The face returned, this time broken and cold, lying in an alley. Her body crumpled, exsanguinated. She saw herself from the view of an outsider, bending over the corpse, broken, shaking, tears cascading down her cheeks.

Obsession. What could do that? There was no blood... What could drain a body and leave no trace, no blood? Of course, the coroner had ruled that she'd been murdered. Smart man, Tam snickered. No one had taken blame for the crime. There were no suspects.

Weary and restless, darkness fell over her like a veil and sleep came.

The devil and his had me down
In love with the dark side I've found
Dabblin' all the way down
Up to my neck soon to drown.

But you changed that all for me
Lifted me up, turned me round

Stirring, Tam watched the last traces of light vanish from her temporary home. She got up and moved to the cave entrance, breathing in the air of a new night. She started to move again, the same pace that would've eluded her old body. I could do this all night and never grow tired. Fascinating. She vaulted down the last of the incline, flipping in midair and landing on her feet, still running. Years of gymnastics as a child, Tai Chi as an adult, she'd never lacked in physical prowess, but in this form? It should be enough... Enough to finish it...

She reached the clearing, pulling the key from her pocket; she tossed her leg over the MV Augusta. This was the only other thing in life that I truly loved. Not enough, she considered as she fired the motorcycle to life. Marie had thought me quite mad when I made the purchase, but she knew. Even if she couldn't quite understand why I'd spend more than she had on a car... I remember laughing at the face she made when I said, "It's this or the Ferrari."

Another tear fell as Tam left the forest. Hitting tarmac, she scrubbed the tires by weaving back and forth. There's only one thing left to worry about. The rest of this is shit; she thought firmly as she revved the bike to redline and smoothly released the clutch. The front of the motorcycle rose into the air. It's not like dead people really care how many points they have against their license. She chuckled to herself as the front tire met pavement again.

Laying herself against the fuel tank she thought back. Obsession. He'd been a young one. She wasn't sure how she knew that, but it was there. Not even sure why anyone would bother to turn him, but someone had. It was a waste, but it was good for her.

She'd intentionally dressed like a common prostitute that night in hopes of making herself more appealing, bright colors, as much cleavage and leg as she could muster given her form. I'm not really built that way, too muscular, not what you'd call voluptuous, but it worked. Stupid child fell for it. She knew instinctively that there was something wrong with him. He just smelled wrong, musty somehow. In this case wrong, was exactly what she sought. It had taken a couple of well placed kicks and a tazer to the chest. It was that easy.

All that was left was death. She was just finishing with the hair dye when he came to. Black. Gone were the red curls she'd worn in life. It was time to become something different. Suicide. I can't live like this. Not alone, not with the pain. I can't resolve what happened. I can't find peace in it. Someone needs to pay. As I am, I'd never be able to make that happen, but with this child? With this child I can...

She turned to look at the young vampire, considering him. He was writhing, trying to break free. She laughed to herself. He can try. More amusing still were the screams that failed to issue from his mouth through the tape. She smiled at him and started to undress. Sensing the hunger in him she couldn't help but tease. Just out of reach.

She stooped to open the taps, a bath, her last act as a living human being. She set the straight razor across the faucets and climbed in. The hot water rose around her body and she lay just enjoying the sensation. Eyes closed, listening to the rattles the struggles of her new friend. Would she call him 'sire'? She laughed at the ridiculous thought. She would be her own sire for the short period of her undead life.

Reaching forward she turned off the taps and took the razor into her hand, slicing straight across her left wrist. The water began to turn pink as the unrest in her guest increased. The last ounce of strength she possessed went to slicing his neck. She drank, knowing only vaguely what would come. The young one slumped, unconscious as she collapsed.

Waking, her first act as a vampire was to wrench his head from his body. She grinned coldly as he fell to ash in front of her. She could smell the blood, in the tub, on her flesh. Hunger. I must eat soon, she considered as she walked out of the bathroom to dress, but who? I can't become what I loath, the thing I seek to destroy.

As the memory faded, Tam looked at herself in the rearview of the MV. She barely recognized what she saw. She was gaunt, the appearance of which was accentuated by the white pancake and black grease paint makeup she'd applied before she left their home that final time. She'd never return and she knew it when she pulled the door closed that night. That part of her life was gone, it left as her blood had drained from the bathtub.

Weaving through cars she hit the edge of the city. She'd take the expressway downtown and find the club she and Marie had separately visited that night in hopes he'd return. She knew what she was hunting from the trips she'd made there in the evenings following the death. It was impossible to let go and just move on, so she focused her energies in a different way.

So I, I would wish this all away
Pray like a martyr dusk to dawn
Beg like a hooker all night long
Shout to the devil with my song
And got what I wanted all along

Why on earth they'd ever thought a goth club might be fun eluded her now as she looked at the doorman, handing him a tight roll of money. He gave her an uneasy smile, looking her up and down, before he motioned her inside. You can go anywhere with the right amount of money, even when you look like me, she mused.

The lights and noise filled her senses as she made her way to the bar. Red light and the useless dirge of some band she could've cared less about. Both sensations made her bristle. She was ready to fight, ready to feed. Patience. So many victims here, she could smell them. The blood that flowed through their flesh was maddening. I need to focus, she snapped as a young man approached her to flirt. She looked at him and snarled. In shock, he fled.

She could still smell the faint trace of blood on her own skin as she scanned the club, looking for her victim. She knew he would smell it too. Like a perfume, intoxicating, her mind went hazy as she considered it. There was something almost sexual about it. Strange, to live like this... No matter, he will come. Patience. She ordered a martini from the barman and continued to survey the room as she sipped the cocktail.

The patrons had described a sallow man in his mid 20's. Long black hair, the one distinguishing feature they'd given her was a tribal tattoo on his neck. That would be enough. Enough to know... Funny, the police weren't so persistent. It's just as well they hadn't gotten this far. They wouldn't have understood if they had. More deaths...the two were enough.

And there...that must be him. She considered the man from across the room. Thin, wiry, attractive in a peculiar way. She finished her martini in one gulp and moved from the bar to meet him.

But I
I would
If I could
I would
Wish it away
Wish it away
Wish it all away
Wanna wish it all away
No price could hold sway
Or justify my
Giving away, my center

Gliding with cat-like grace, Tam took the stranger's hand, met his eyes, and smiled. She pulled him onto the dance floor and the seduction began. The idea had disgusted her at first. Seducing a man? Seducing this man? It was the simplest way, she thought as she stroked her body against him, feeling his pleasure for the attention. I want time with this bastard. Time that might be spend kicking his undead ass if I were to approach this any other way... No this was simpler, she told herself firmly as she took his mouth with hers. A kiss...passionate...deep... The last kiss she'd ever know. Forgive me Marie.

She took the strangers hand and led him from the club. He knew what she was. She could see it in his eyes. "Come with me," she purred as she looked deeply into the dark gray orbs.

He smiled as he considered her, "Wouldn't you prefer to feed first?"

Tam returned a wicked grin. "Plenty of time for that...I want to taste you first," she whispered against his neck. From the look on this poor bastard's face you'd think he just hit the lottery. She unzipped her jacket down to her midriff, making it plain that all she had on was the leather.

The stranger took her neck in his mouth, caressing the skin with his lips, teeth and tongue. He stooped, working his way down the exposed flesh, catching a nipple he began to tease the firm mass. "I see your point," he cooed as he rose to deliver another hungry kiss.

A combination of arousal and disgust washed over Tam as she felt him massaging her crotch. I have to keep up the façade if this is going to work, she told herself firmly. I'm so sorry, Marie.

So if I could I'd wish it all away
If I thought tomorrow, they'd take you away

You're my piece of mind,
my om, my sentence.
I said I'm just trying to hold on
one more day

She took the stranger's hand in hers, walking down the street, zipping the jacket up. She walked with purpose. Arranging the room in advance had been a good plan. She had everything she needed all prepared and neatly arranged. It would be just like with the young one. She'd play with him, and then she'd rip him to ribbons. For Marie...

Once inside the suite she pushed the stranger to the bed. Landing atop him, Tam continued the game, removing clothing, stroking flesh. His skin, like hers, was oddly cold. It just didn't feel right to the touch. Funny, that touch is still one of the key things that connect you to this place in your unlife. She moaned as his hand slipped inside her leather pants, massaging, fondling. He tossed her off of him, lying on top, having his way with her.

Men, Tam sneered, as she reached under the pillow and grabbed the tazer. She shoved as she pulled the trigger. It wouldn't do for her to be caught in the same electrical pulse that appeared to be working so well on her victim. He lay in the middle of the floor, writhing in pain. His body convulsed as she let the last of the charge drain. Walking up to him, she kicked him as hard, in the side of the head, as her new body would allow. His neck snapped with a satisfying crunch.

"Well my guess is that didn't kill you. So now would be time to get with the fun." Tam broke into a broad grin as she reached to the floor to claim her discarded jacket. She pulled the garment over herself, feeling less violated as she covered the exposed skin.

Damn my eyes!
If they should compromise a fulcrum:
Want and need, divide me
Then I might as well be gone...

She chained the stranger to the same Saint Andrew's cross she'd purchased to contain the young vampire. 10,000-pound test cable should hold him when he wakes up. Amusing, I never would've considered even looking at things like this in life. In death...this is sort of fun. Sickly, liberating...not much time for playing though...I'm on a schedule. That, one more day, is fading. She kicked the vampire in the chest and the entire cross fell with a satisfying thud. The look on the hotel staff face's when I wheeled this thing in the door was priceless. More money and their protests had vanished. Much like my guest soon will.

As she paced, waiting for the stranger to wake, the plastic sheet she'd placed on the floor crinkled under her boots. His head lolled. Tam grew impatient, pulling smelling salts from her jacket; she cracked the casing, and placed the foul smelling thing up to his nose. "I don't have time for you to take a nap. On a schedule..." she smacked his cheek hard enough she could see the finger impressions afterward.

"What in the bloody hell?" the vampire barked groggily as he came to.

Tam straddled him, reaching into her coat.

The vampire growled, "My, but aren't you a kinky one," he said as he tested the restraints.

Tam's stomach clenched as she produced the picture from her jacket, forcing him to look. "Do you remember her?"

"Can't say I do, but if she's anything like you," he purred, as a wicked smile crossed his lips.

"Nothing like me...nothing like I am now... You killed her, in back of that club two weeks ago. Drained her body and left her lying there like some misshapen doll," as Tam spoke her face contorted with pain.

"Ahhh...and this bitch meant something to ya, I see," the stranger said with a satisfied grin.

"She meant everything to me. Allow me to demonstrate," as she replied Tam produced an old Spiderco knife from her pocket. This has to be him. Only a mindless predator would make light of such things. She flipped the knife open, as though this was second nature, and plunged the blade into the soft tissue directly under the vampire's sternum.

He screamed, his head drooped to one side as his body shook underneath her.

Using her left hand she crushed the stranger's esophagus in her fist. "Shut up! It's my turn to talk."

She began to saw upward, with the knife as she spoke, "You know...since I found out that you weren't just a story recited to make children behave, I've been wondering. What does the heart of a vampire really look like? Wanna see? I do... I'm curious. Is it really black?" she queried as she pried the blade inside the incision and wrenched his chest open with her hands. The sound of splintering bones made her stomach heave again. "Yup, dried up and dead just like you... Just like me..." she said, controlling the impulse to retch.

She grabbed the stranger's head in her hands, forcing him to look at the cavity, splayed grotesquely open before them. Then, she wrenched his neck up to meet her lips. Her face changed as she buried it and drank. When she could milk no more blood from the body, she heaved up, ripping his head free. It turned to dust in her hands. She kneeled, considering this for a moment before rising to her feet. Purposefully she moved to the bathroom, removing her clothing as she went. A shower then my final date for the evening...

Shine on forever
Shine on benevolent sun
Shine down upon the broken
Shine on 'til the two become one

Tam made her way to the coast south east of Glasgow. One last ride, she thought as she dove into a corner. The roads here are good. She enjoyed the dance as she made her way along the shoreline at a brisk pace.

Tam pulled into the parking area, shutting off the MV; she set off for the shore. "God how I loved this place in life, fitting I should die here," she whispered to herself as she walked. She sat on a rock and looked out over the dark ocean.

Tam had started to drift off when she heard it, the sound of a v-twin engine. They're so distinctive, she reflected as she looked around for the source. Maybe a Duc, might be a Buell... I didn't want company, but it might be nice to have someone to pass the time with. Though she'd have to scare them off at dawn, should they hold out that long. The sound grew nearer. This person was obeying the law, but just barely. They know where the little plastic sentries are. Must be a local.

Finally as she suspected a black Ducati pulled to a halt. She watched as the small blond woman dismounted and pulled off her helmet, looking over the MV.

Shine on forever
Shine on benevolent sun
Shine down upon the severed
Shine on 'til the two become one

"I've never even seen one of these. Sorry if I'm bothering you...that is if I am," Buffy called out in a friendly voice, taking in the scene. She surveyed the red haired woman. The hair's fake...she'd just dyed it recently. No dark roots. Have to give her an A for effort...the skintight red leather sort of clashes... Though it does match the bike...bonus points... Pretty, but not much with the fashion sense, she mused to herself.

Tam watched with mild interest as the young woman approached. She couldn't be 25, if she's a day. Wonder what brings her out this way? "Come have a seat if you'd like. The company would be welcomed."

Buffy watched as the other woman stood up. She's a vampire, the Slayer thought, reaching instinctively into her coat and withdrawing a wooden stake.

Tam approached the young woman slowly, as she moved she unzipped her jacket, pulling it open to expose her bare chest. "Please if you would, it'd save me some time. If you find you don't have the stomach for it. Then come sit. I assure you, it'll be quite safe."

Yeah...way pretty and not very modest either...she could be a model... Tall, light skin...delicate features... Has no clue what a cheeseburger is either. I wonder what her story is? There's always a story when they ask you to stake 'em. Buffy stood watching the vampire for a moment, with unabashed curiosity. She approached the woman cautiously, offering a hand as she spoke, "Buffy Summers, Vampire Slayer, and you are?"

"Tamara Eldritch, vampire, just call me, Tam. All my friends did in life," she said, zipping her jacket. She turned her back on the Slayer, moving to return to her seat.

Buffy was more than a little intrigued now. What sort of vampire turns her back on a slayer with a stake in her hand? Either not a very good one or she really does want to die. She walked over to look down at the other woman, noticing the tear stains on her cheeks, as she sat at her feet. It's only an hour until dawn. She'd be bedded down or in route if she gave a crap.

"So, what's your story, Tam? Most vampires...not so much for the dying... In fact, they seem to be more scared of it than us mere mortals," the Slayer asked, looking for answers on the other woman's face.

Tam eyed the Slayer, giving her a dark look, "I'd rather not talk about me. Tell me about yourself. You know what I mean to do. There's no reason for either of us to spend my last hour here on a tale of woe."

"Fair enough... I'm a Southern California native. Moved here a few years ago...have a girlfriend named Willow. She's the most important thing in my life. Used to be the slaying, but things change. You gotta prioritize," Buffy said in a friendly manner.

"I know what you mean. Marie was my life too," Tam said, growing distant and sullen as she pulled the photograph from her jacket.

Buffy took in the change in the vampire's manner. How weird is this...a vampire in love? I mean like really in love. Rare, that... "Was Marie a vampire too?" she inquired.

"Oh no, she was mortal and so was I until last night," Tam said, looking into the Slayer's eyes. "Your eyes are very beautiful. Though, I'm not certain I've ever seen anything quite like them."

"Oh...thanks..." Buffy said with a smile.

Tam returned the smile. "Tell me about Willow. I'd like to know something about her," she said in an amiable voice.

Yeah...this is one really screwed up vamp. A warm, sentimental smile passed over the Slayer's face as she spoke, "Willow? She's a witch. In fact, I think she's the witch...the most powerful one I've ever known."

"Witches too? Curious...they actually exist? What I mean is real witches. Obviously, I know about the Wiccan religion, but it works? Well I suppose once you get past the whole shock of the vampires, it gets easier from there," Tam reflected as her face filled with mirth.

"Yeah...witches, magick, slayers, vampires, demons, all that...pretty much real. There's a bullshit factor in just about everything, but most of it...totally true," Buffy said, looking amused.

Tam tried to speak. "Inter...resting," she finished in a low mumble.

The Slayer interrupted, appearing a bit sheepish, "You know we've restored vampire's souls before. If you wanted to live...I mean really live... I assume you've not killed any humans yet? You could do good...be part of something."

Tam considered the younger woman for a moment before she replied, "I have no desire to live, not like this, and not without Marie. And no, no human deaths, 5 vampires, nothing else..." She took in the hurt look on the Slayer's face before inquiring, "So how'd you and Willow meet?"

Buffy nodded before she spoke. "Wills and I met in high school, never imagined that we'd ever be together. She was my best friend for years and years...like around 9 of 'em... Then one day, things just changed. It was totally weird at first, but now I can't imagine living without her. Well...yeah...I couldn't before, but it's like way different now. I mean...I can't imagine waking up and not seeing her face." This woman's amazing. I wish I'd known her in life.

Tam stood up causing the Slayer to startle and move to her feet. It was unlike anything she'd ever seen before. This young woman's not quite human, she reflected as she put her hands into the air. "It's okay, Buffy. I should've warned you. I just want to walk back to my motorcycle. Please, come with me. There's not much time."

Buffy joined the vampire as she moved. She eyed the MV Augusta with indiscreet desire as she vaguely watched Tam open her jacket again, extracting two pieces of paper. "May I hear it run?" she inquired, walking around the motorcycle, surveying the details.

Tam turned, handing Buffy the key. She set the documents on the tank before she spoke. "As I said. I died last night. I set all my affairs in order before the change. My attorney understands that I left my benefactor open, as there was no one else to really leave my possessions to. Subsequently, when you arrive with these papers he'll know that I've chosen you. Tell him I said, that love, above all else was important to me. Just say the words and he'll understand. Should any issues arise, he'll work for you under my retainer."

The Slayer turned the key to the MV over in her hand. She considered it and found herself unable to speak. Chosen?

"Sign your name here," she pointed, "and here," then print your full name here and here," she said pointing again. Fishing in her jacket pocket she withdrew a small ring of keys. "You'll find my street address on the title for the MV. Please go there later today, once you've contacted my attorney and you'll find your answers."

"You're giving me this? Why? Don't you have any family?" Buffy replied, looking concerned as she read over the papers. One was a common title to a 2005 MV Augusta F4-1000 Tamburini. The Italians so love naming stuff. The other was The Will and Testament of Tamara Leah Eldritch. No bullshit...this is for real. Being a skeptic the Slayer even read the fine print at the bottom of the page before signing her name.

"No one survives me. They all died years ago. Marie was my only family and benefactor," Tam said in a soft, emotionless, voice, taking the pen and signing her name to the documents.

Divide, I wither away
Shine down upon the many, light our way,
Benevolent sun.

"It's nearly time. I can smell it now. Please take Willow with you when you go." Tam turned, walking back to the cliff. She stood watching the first traces of light on the horizon.

Buffy tucked the papers into her jacket and strolled up to the vampire. She put her arms around the other woman and gently captured her in a hug. "I'm sorry...just looked like you needed one," she said bashfully as she withdrew.

"Oh no, not at all... The compassion's appreciated. Understand that I died in my bathtub roughly 30 hours ago; this is not me, just a shell. The absence of a body may puzzle the police, but there'll be plenty of DNA evidence left behind to eventually satisfy them," Tam replied, her flesh was beginning to smolder in the light of the new day.

Buffy considered the vampire and pulled her close again. I'm not even sure what to say. She felt the heat, flame and ash, and found herself holding nothing. A tear rolled down her cheek as she dropped her arms to her side.

Breathe in union

So, as one, survive
Another day and season

Turning from the spot where Tamara had died, Buffy walked up to the Ducati. "Bernadine, I love you. Don't think I'll be all about the cheating, but I need to take Tamara here for a spin. I'll be back in a bit to take you home," she pushed the Ducati further off the road, to the edge of the parking lot and locked its forks.

"Hello Tamara," she said, throwing a leg over the MV and putting her helmet on. The seat on the MV was higher than Bernie's so she found herself having to take greater care. Dropping this would be a sin. She fired the engine and rolled gently away from the parking lot. Willow's reaction should be interesting, she considered as she shifted lazily through the gears.

Silently, just save your poison
Silently, just stay out of my way


Buffy looked down at the gold, oval plaque on triple-clamp of the MV as she rode. Massimo Tamburini, you know it has to be good when the designer signs it. Good didn't even begin to describe it, gentle corrections, subtle movements, it answered. And the power, it was hard to keep the front tire on the ground, more tempting not to.

As gifts went this was one of the most amazing things she could've ever imagined being given. The price was just too high. She'd never truly enjoy it. Absently, she caressed the side of the fuel tank with her left hand. "Let's get you home, Tamara," she whispered to the machine. I'd trade you in a second for a chance to really know your mommy.

The sun was just beginning to dissolve the morning dew away when she pulled into the castle drive. The Slayer thought to herself, I died in my bathtub 30 hours ago. She knew what that meant. The idea horrified her as she turned it over in her head. Being so desperate for revenge that you could...well it was...unthinkable... Wickedly brilliant in a way, but unthinkable... I wonder what she was like in life? Wonder what Marie had been like?

Motions that Buffy had been through many times before occurred with little thought. She raised the garage door with her remote, keyed in her code and pushed the new arrival through the training area of her home. Parking it haphazardly in the walkway between the rooms, she pulled off her jacket and took a seat on the couch. She was sitting there just taking in the details again when she sensed Willow waking. Her mind was numb. I have no clue what to say to Will, but I'm gonna have to say something...and soon.

Willow climbed down the stairs from the loft, taking in the addition with a sleepy glance. "You didn't buy another one did you?" she queried, sounding half amused. Yawning and stretching, she walked over to take a seat next to Buffy, looking expectantly for an answer.

"Nothing like that, no," the Slayer, replied in a distant voice.

Willow took in the look on her partner's face. Sensing the pain and confusion in her was sobering. She snapped awake almost instantly. "What's wrong, Buffy?"

Buffy rose off the couch, walking over to the MV, she started maneuvering the machine into place in the corner of the room. It was several moments before she spoke, fussing with the motorcycle instead. "I'm not sure what to say. Not that I don't want to...I just don't have the words. I need a ride. Would you be willing to drive me?"

"Let me get dressed," Willow responded as she made her way back upstairs.

"Thanks, Will," Buffy said in an aloof tone, still looking at the MV.

Willow returned a few moments later, she put her arms around the Slayer's waist, hugging her from behind. She stood silently considering the machine herself. After a moment she said in a soft voice, "May I?"

Startling slightly at the touch, then the sound, Buffy replied, "Sure, Will."

The witch placed a hand on the MV, taking in the details. Things like this always feel so cold, machines, making machines. There's no life in them unless they're loved. Bernadine feels different for the love. This one does too, but there's pain and loss here, as well. "What's her name?" Willow asked, turning back to face Buffy, she sat sidesaddle on the MV still taking in the sensations the motorcycle had to offer.

"Tamara," the Slayer responded, moving forward to take the witch into her arms.

Willow didn't need to ask. She knew that Tamara had been the former owner. There were still missing pieces, but that was enough for now. In time Buffy would tell her what happened. "You'll have to tell me where we're going."

"A78 just north of Irvine," the Slayer whispered, releasing Willow, she grabbed her jacket and headed for the door.


They drove together in silence until Willow spied Bernadine parked at the roadside and pulled up next to her.

Buffy was out of the car before it was parked, walking to the shoreline.

Willow came up behind the Slayer and put her arms around her again.

"I'm sorry, Will. Wish I could do more," Buffy said, turning to face the witch. "What I want most, really is for you to just understand," she whispered, pleading with her eyes.

"Can't Buffy. Not this time. When we're in danger that's one thing. This...totally different...we can do it the hard way if you want," the witch responded in a firm voice.

Buffy took Willow's hand, leading her to the spot where Tamara died, she sat down. "I have all day," she whispered, offering her hands and opening her thoughts to the witch.

Willow sat and took the Slayer's hands, sharing her empathy to connect them. Buffy was already relaxed and open to her. The desire for mutual understanding so strong that it didn't take the witch long to relive the moments shared by vampire and slayer that morning. Once done, she found herself speechless too.

Have you ever been in contact with a vampire when they died, Will? Buffy opened her eyes searching Willow's face for an answer.

Willow opened her eyes and met Buffy's gaze. Never.

It's really weird...been there twice now...both of them were people I cared for. Weirder still is that I can't exactly tell you why I cared for Tamara. There was just something about her. It was like I understood that part of her that loved someone else just a bit too much. I dunno...

Willow took Buffy's cheeks in her hands and wiped the tears away with her thumbs. She could feel the confusion and grief in her. She tried to sooth the emotion, bleeding some of it away. I'm not sure that you can love too much. I know better than just about anyone how destructive grief can be. I get the sense though, that Tam wanted closure. She wanted to end the suffering being caused by that thing. It's almost noble if you look at it that way. Maybe that's why you understood her?

Maybe, I've always kinda laughed to myself when you and Miss Hartness use that word to describe me. I so don't see myself that way. Don't think Tam felt very noble either. Looking calmer, Buffy wiped her eyes and dropped her hands to her lap.

You should...it's true. I know that regardless what you said to Tam, if it were world in peril stuff. I'd take a backseat. Willow took Buffy's hands again, searching her face.

Buffy looked annoyed as she spoke in a low voice. "Will look...the thing is if it's world in peril stuff...you'll be right there with me. No backseat. More like we'll be getting each other's backs. It doesn't get to play out any other way." She breathed a deep sigh and stood up. Moving to the rock where Tam had been when they met, she sat at the base again.

Willow strolled over and sat on the rock, continuing to listen.

Buffy looked at the ground and started to inattentively fidget with the blades of grass as she spoke, "Anyway, I was talking about the day-to-day slayage. I let it get in the way before. It's bullshit to let your job kill what you have at home. We watched our parents do it...knew it was senseless then...letting it happen to us...not a plan. It's just not as important. Totally weird... The job, but the same applies." Buffy smirked and shook her head. "Wonder how 'I kill monsters' fits on a resume?"

"Dunno...have you thought about a career in the growing field of law enforcement?" Willow giggled, trying to move out of the Slayer's reach before she caught up. She failed miserably.

Buffy tugged the witch down, pinning her to the ground. "That was just mean," she snarled playfully.

Rolling onto her side, Buffy grew serious again, appearing pensive and distant. She drew in a deep breath and concluded; "Actually, I think it was the part of her that couldn't live with what she'd become. There are some pretty painful parallels there...easy to recognize and connect with. I had to show you. It was impossible to just talk about. I'm so sorry. It seems like we'll be forever picking the same scabs."

"There's no reason for you to be sorry," Willow replied, turning to make eye contact. "Actually everything you said was well... Really sweet."

"It was really true," Buffy said matter-of-factly.

Willow stood up and offered the Slayer a hand. "Let's go make that phone call and get some breakfast. I'm starved."

"Works for me." Buffy took the witch's hand and stood up.


"Are you sure you want to do this?" Willow said, looking apprehensive.

Buffy chucked as a warm smile covered her face. "This is what we do, Will. Since when have you had trouble with the idea of a little snooping?"

"Since I heard a lawyer say he'd contact the police to investigate," Willow rolled her eyes and gave the Slayer a look.

"It'll be fine, Will. I'll go myself if you don't wanna. Besides I said I would. It's not like there's much mystery left with the 'what happened,' but there's lots in other areas and I wanna know. If you'll come with, just look for an address book. Memorize some names. No big," Buffy replied in an indifferent tone.

Willow sighed deeply, there was a hint of exasperation in her voice as she spoke, "Of course I'll go with you. Though, do you seriously think Tam even considered the police?"

"I'm goin'," Buffy said, getting out of the car. "The police 'll total trash the place. You know how they are. I wanna see it as she left it. It's now or never. Longer we wait, worse it'll be."

Willow shook her head, giving the Slayer and annoyed glance. "Come back, Buffy. If we're gonna do this, we're gonna do it right."

Buffy got back in the car looking satisfied.

"Let me have your hands, Buffy," Willow asked in a patient voice. She passed her right hand over each of the Slayer's, barely touching the skin. Breathing deeply she whispered, "heylm" She repeated the process on herself. "Now you remember how this spell works. Anything you contact with bare skin comes into phase with you so be careful what you touch."

"I remember. Though making the furniture vanish...has a certain appeal...especially with an audience." She looked at her hands. They were completely smooth. "That hand thing's wicked, Wills."

"Be nice, Buffy." Willow whispered the words to open their thoughts and got out of the car, closing the door with her foot. She felt the Slayer do the same.

All I want is a quick pass through and a photo album. I figure that's the best way to get an idea who these people were. We can leave then. Buffy set off down the sidewalk with her hands in her pockets.

Willow sensed the movement, following her and catching up. She took Buffy's forearm, freeing her hand to hold it. Much easier if we stay in contact.

Couldn't you make it so we both were like in the same...whatever...phase? Buffy fished for the keys and unlocked the door. So will the door vanish?

I suspect so. Put your sleeve over your hand and open it. This is one of those spells I made up. I've not needed to alter it. May look at that now. Though, I suppose if you want I can force us into phase with each other.

Buffy pulled her sleeve over her hand and opened the door. Slipping quickly inside, she shut it behind them. Might be nice. She took both of the witch's hands and waited patiently. We're alone for now. This is a pretty place, very open and airy...like the plants.

That should do it. I'll go look for names and addresses. Willow set off into the house, careful not to disturb anything.

Buffy walked through slowly taking in some of the details. You know why I want those, right?

Not so much, no...I can guess.

I'd like you to play research gal and see if any of their friends are renting. Buffy walked up to a bookshelf in the living room. She spotted a row of albums on the bottom shelf and stooped down to take the one, furthest right, moving the bookend to fill the gap. Got my end of. How you doing, Will?

Almost...found something.

Buffy kneeled down, setting the album on the floor to open it. Jesus, Will...


Nothing, better you should just see. Buffy set the album aside and pulled the one to the far left. Let's see if we can get an idea how long. She opened the album and found picture of two girls that were younger than her. Long time. High school probably... She returned the album and picked up the one from the floor.

They were together in high school?

Looks like...mighta just been good friends. Hard to tell... Buffy sighed and began to deliberately walk through the rest of the house, careful to stay to the middle of the traffic patterns. It was a big place. Kitchen, dining room, living room, four bedrooms, two full baths, den, recreation room and a pool in the backyard. Wonder why they needed so much space?

They probably just liked the house. It's really nice. I'm done when you are.

Buffy stopped in the doorway of the master bath. Well Tam wasn't kiddin' when she said there'd be plenty of DNA evidence. You might not want to find me, Wills. Just stay put. It looks...well it's bad. Comin' down.

Blood had pooled and dried on the floor where the vampire had been and where Tam had gotten out of the tub there was a trail. Ash mixed with blood that should cause them to puzzle. The tub had a ring and was a dull pink over the entire surface. There were splotches of blood on the walls in places where she'd apparently gotten careless. Hard to be careful when you're bleeding to death, I suppose. The parts that really caused Buffy pause were the bloody footprints that showed every step she'd taken, and the spot where she'd fallen. Signs of life in what was obviously a scene of death.

Well that was a bit much. Let's get outta here, Wills. Buffy bounced down the stairs and found her way to the front door. She opened it and turned the lock, waiting for Willow to pass through, she closed it behind them.

Willow pulled the Slayer into an alcove between two houses and whispered, "Let the spell be ended."

Emerging hand in hand moments later, they set off down the street.

Well the bathroom and bedroom looked like something outta CSI whatever. God I hate those shows.

Got that...I'm glad I didn't follow. Don't really need to feel any more pain today. Willow opened the car door and got in, starting the engine, she waited for Buffy to get situated and pulled away. "I'm just going to go down the street a bit and park again. Just don't want to be so close."

"That's prolly smart. No telling how much we missed the cops by. Odds are...given...not a lot." Buffy held the album on her lap and waited patiently for the witch to stop. Once they were stationary, she said, "Remember watching on the news when all those people went to London to get married? After that marriage act passed." She handed Willow the album and looked as she paged through.

"So, the last album they had?" Willow replied, already familiar with the answer she'd receive.

"Yup, looks like wedding and honeymoon to me. Sandy beaches, tropical setting...happy people all around... Wasn't that long ago, and from the other album, they'd been waiting a long time. My guess is Tam was in her early-mid 30's. Strange seeing Tam actually happy. Sorta got a small taste of what it might be like this morning." Buffy accepted the photo album and set in on the floor behind Willow. Placing her arm on the windowsill, she cupped her head in her hand and looked back at the witch.

"She was 33, if you need any other info. I even have her American Social Security number. She grew up in Chicago. That would explain the flat, mid-western accent. Marie was 31, from the same place. Both took the name Eldritch. Sort of uncommon, but Eldritch is a much more interesting name than Smith. How many Marie Smith's you think there are in the world?" Willow finished the thought with a subtle smirk.

"I think I know all I need to," Buffy said, appearing sullen and withdrawn.

"Not quite. Tam had an Ivy League education, Oxford to be precise. Explains why they came here. She was a writer. Looked to me like she just enjoyed it, all kinds of files on the computer. She wasn't poor...not even close," Willow said, taking Buffy's hand.

"How not poor are we talkin'?" Buffy inquired in a flat voice.

"Her mother and father died when she was a very young, plane crash. Looked like half interest in a software company was left to Tam. When the shares were sold, it left her a multimillionaire. Her nanny got custody after her parents died; my guess is they were close. The nanny lived into her late teens and was murdered, no suspects. So basically, yeah...she lost everyone. No other family I could find. Really sad story."

"That's really awful. Though I sorta took what she said at face value. There anything else about the nanny?"

Willow shrugged, sighing deeply, she responded, "Not that I found. Hard to get a complete picture from some old papers in a drawer and some files on the computer. I have a name...about it."

"So, how many multis are we talkin'?" Buffy inquired, looking a little uncomfortable.

"Several, but it's impossible to really say. There wasn't enough there. They weren't hurting for money," Willow responded, giving Buffy's hand a slight squeeze.

"Well I guess I'll find out...not that I need it. No money, flipping burgers and now... Think I may find a good charity for some of that." Buffy sighed.

"Not a bad idea. It has to be weird. Like winning the lottery from hell. Here have a lot of money and some nasty emotional baggage." Willow's face was filled with sympathy.

Buffy turned to stare pensively out the window. "I don't so much mind. It's not like there's regret, but all I really wanted was a good picture. She could've penciled the rest out. I really don't even deserve the bike, but she knew I'd love it so that's something. Not everyone would appreciate it."

"I'll get researchy with the friends. I think I can do it without raising any eyebrows, but you'd think that if Tam had really had close friends. Well..." Willow shrugged as she started the car and drove away.

"You didn't happen to find the obituary? Any idea on the street address where Marie died?" Buffy inquired, looking back toward the witch.

"I can find it," Willow replied in a matter-of-fact tone.

The Slayer's eyes narrowed as a wicked grin crossed her lips. "Feel goin' out tonight?"

"Absolutely," the witch responded with a smile.