Baby O baby

by Lost


A/N: I hadn't seen anyone pick up this challenge, so I guess, let me know how badly I've butchered it? - L.

The gang sat around Giles' table, discussing the Native American spirits who had attacked their dinner after Buffy had left. Willow had been watching her surreptitiously, and had noticed her noticing Angel. The redhead sighed as she thought about how Buffy was missing the feast she had worked so hard to prepare.

"So how's your Syphilis?" She asked Xander, doing her best to take her mind off of her slightly angsty best friend whom she was madly in love with.

"Eh, you know," Xander answered her cryptically, shaking his hand left and right in the air. "It comes and goes."

Willow raised her eyebrows and nodded once to show that she understood but didn't really want to press the issue. "I hate his Syphilis , it keeps him from giving me as many orgasms." Anya complained.

A slight blush appeared on the hacker's face as she glanced anywhere but the couple. Xander cleared his throat uncomfortably and looked to Giles to pick up the conversation. "Yes, well, I must say," He started, after he had finished cleaning his glasses, "Well done everyone, dinner was excellent."

After the clean up, Willow walked back to her dorm; wondering about when Buffy would return home from L.A. She tried to wait up, but eventually she drifted off to sleep.


Buffy sat up in bed. It had been a long night, after following Angel back to L.A., she had returned home. Their conversation had been short, not lasting more than five minutes. She sighed as she turned over to look at the clock. It was nearly nine, which meant that the beautiful redhead laying in the bed next to hers would need to get up. "Hey Will..." She said. "Willllllllooooowwww." She sing-songed out. The redhead still didn't stir.

The slayer got up out of bed and sat down next to her best friend's sleeping form. She stared wistfully at the redhead who looked so peaceful in her sleep, if she was honest with herself she would have admitted that she'd been in love with the shy hacker since the moment she'd met her. "Willow, time to wakey wakey." She said, giving her shoulder a soft nudge. She still got no response for her efforts. Well, that wasn't entirely true. Willow had begun mumbling, but it wasn't anything coherant.

"No, the tadpoles will win..." The redhead said. Buffy laughed and leaned down.

"Be careful, they're right behind you!" She whispered in the redhead's ear.

"Ahh!" Willow said, sitting straight up in bed. "Buffy that wasn't funny." She pouted at the blonde who was doing her best not to fall off the bed from laughing. Buffy stood up.

"C'mon Will, it's time to get up." She said as she made her way to collect her toiletries. For some reason she felt the need to take a shower much more strongly this morning than she usually did.

"How was L.A.?" Willow asked as she too grabbed her shower kit.

"Smoggy." Buffy replied. Willow's eyes searched the blonde in front of her, trying to guage her reaction and figure out what she wasn't telling her.

"Oh." Was all she could think of to reply.

******Two Weeks Later******

Willow was awakened by the sounds of retching. She glanced over to see Buffy leaning over her trashcan, throwing up for all she was worth. She quickly stood up and held her friends hair back. "Man, I really didn't think getting engaged to Spike would make you literally throw up." Willow joked after Buffy had finished disembowling herself.

"Heh, me neither." She said and wiped her mouth with the back of a very shaky hand. "Must be coming down with something."

"Yeah, you should really go to the doctor... I can schedule you and appointment at the campus clinic?" Willow asked, trying to be helpful.

"Naw, that's okay, I'll probably be over it in a couple of days." Buffy said, waving the sickness off like it was no big deal. "Sorry I didn't make it out of the room before I lost my guts, I'll take the trash out." She said and made a face.

Willow chuckled. "Ok, well, I've got class, I'll see you later?"

"Yeah, definately. We still on for patrol?" Buffy asked.

Willow nodded and waved before exiting their room. Buffy glanced down at her shaking hands. 'Great, sick, my period starts in two days and I'm sick. Well this is gonna be a fun week.' She thought sarcastically to herself.

******One week later******

Willow glanced down at what she was typing. She had been keeping an online journal since she was in high school, under the guise that it was a fiction story she was writing. "I'm in love with my best friend, but she'll never return my feelings, she's still caught up in the angst that is Angel." She finished off her entry for the day and posted it. She put her laptop into 'hibernate' and went to class.

Buffy got to the dorm ten minutes after Willow had left. She needed to figure out possible reasons why she could have not gotten her period yet, and so she had planned to use the redhead's laptop. She pressed the power button and brought it out of hibernation. A web browser popped up and she looked at it, reading the "Your blog has been posted" message that appeared on the screen. She mentally debated with herself for a minute about weather or not to read what the wiccan had written, with her curiosity eventually winning out.

She pressed the "Read my entries" button and scrolled down the end. She read the latest entry. Her eyes nearly bugging out of their sockets. She started reading backwards in time, realizing that Willow had been keeping track of nearly every battle they had been through. She scrolled down to the last entry and clicked on "Post a comment" and typed "I'm in love with you too- B." Before clicking the "Submit" and quickly shutting down the computer. Now all she would have to do is wait.


Willow came home and clicked on her power button, scrunching her eyes in concern when she saw that she had gotten a comment on her latest blog entry. She read it. Then reread it. And just to be safe reread it again. Buffy walked in from the restroom (where she'd been brushing her teeth from throwing up...again), and saw the hacker sitting at her laptop. She saw the deer-in-the-headlights look Willow seemed to be sporting and before the redhead could say anything at all, Buffy had leaned in and kissed her.

It wasn't a passionate kiss. At least not to start off with. It was gentle, exploring, and questioning. It took Willow all of two seconds to return the kiss, and before either of them knew how it had happened, they had ended up making out on Buffy's bed. Willow pulled back slightly. "I love you." She said, searching Buffy's eyes. "I didn't mean to fall for you, honest, it just happened."

"I love you too. And neither did I." The blonde replied. They spent the rest of that day becoming acquainted with each other's bodies and snuggled up to go to sleep together on the small twin, classes forgotten for the rest of the day.


The next morning had Willow waking up to the sounds of Buffy throwing up that had become almost regular for them. "Baby, you need to go to the doctor. I'll take you myself if I have to." Willow said while she held back the blonde's hair.

"Give it one more week?" The blonde asked, making the best puppy dog eyes that she could manage.

"Fine, but if the throwing up keeps up, you're gonna be lucky to get two days without the doctor Missy." Willow said, placing a soft kiss on the blonde's forehead.

******Two weeks later******

Buffy glanced down at the little stick in front of her. 'C'mon please be negative, please be negative...' She pleaded silently with it. "+" the little stick read. "No no no no no...." Buffy dropped her hand down in her hands. That was her seventh test. She had been sick every morning for the last two weeks (and sometimes during the afternoon) and now the little stick was telling her she was pregnant. She was over at her mom's house at the moment, sitting on her old toilet and holding her head in her hands. In the last month (to her knowledge) she hadn't had sex with anyone (besides Willow), and she'd had her period a month and a half before. She steadied herself, then did the only thing she could think of. She called Giles.


Buffy sat at the table researching. Things would be so much easier if she wasn't so nervous about telling Willow. She hadn't cheated on the redhead, at least she knew THAT much. She sighed as she turned another page in yet another dusty tomb. There was a knock at the door and she looked up, watching Willow, Xander, and Anya as they all came in. "So what's the what G-man?" Xander asked, already munching on some much needed chips.

"Well, we seem to have a slight predicament." Giles said as he took off his glasses, cleaning them once again.

Willow came and sat down near Buffy, not overly close, but close enough to be comforting if the slayer needed her. They hadn't told the rest of the gang about their relationship yet, and although Buffy was good to go, Willow was slightly hesitant. She had known the whole time they were in high school that Xander had a crush on Buffy, and so she was worried that Xander would see their relationship as a betrayal.

"Buffy's pregnant." Giles stated as he looked quickly at the blonde then back to the rest of the gang. Willow's eyes nearly bugged out of their sockets. Buffy was pregnant? How did that happen?

"She's pregnant?" Xander asked, his brows scrunching together in confusion. "Why do we need to call a meeting about this?"

"Because Xander," Buffy said, her tone and stance conveying her agitation. "I haven't had sex with a guy in a long time."

"What do you mean 'with a guy' ?" Anya asked, even using the little air quotes.

"I mean-" Buffy started, only to be cut off by Willow.

"Uh, Buff, can I talk to you for a minute?" She asked, dragging her girlfriend out into the courtyard without even waiting for a response. She let Buffy sit down in the chair before she started pacing back and forth. "How did this happen?" She finally asked, throwing her hands up in the air.

"Well, I'd love to tell you Lover o mine, but I don't know!" Buffy said, for the first time letting herself feel overwhelmed enough to let the tears well up in her eyes. She did her best not to blink, not wanting to actually cry, but all that she accomplished was a tear delicately escaping and rolling down her cheek. "I SWEAR that I didn't cheat on you Will. You have to believe me, I -" She was cut off again, only this time it was by her girlfriend's lips.

Willow had swooped in so that she was sitting on Buffy's lap, and tilted the blonde's chin up so that they were looking in eachother's eyes, "I believe you Baby, but there has to be a reason why you'd be pregnant. Maybe there's a prophecy?" She asked, her voice sounding slightly hopeful.

"I don't know. That's what we've been looking for.... but so far nothing." Buffy said glumly, the overwhelming sense of confusion threatening to make her cry again. Her bottom lip started to quiver.

Willow saw, and gently placed a finger over her lover's lip. "It's okay, we can do this Buff, we're just gonna do it like we do everything else. Together." She said staring into conflicted hazel eyes.

She leaned forward and kissed the blonde. "Oh wow." Xander said from his perch behind the couple. They jerked away from eachother in surprise.