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The Lateralus Duet - 1 - Schism

by Valyssia

O Looking-Glass Creatures Come Near


The poetry that comes from the squaring off between and the circling is worth it, finding beauty in the dissonance.

Fuck! This is a nightmare! Buffy ran in the shadows between houses, trying to put as much distance between herself and Revello Drive as she could in the shortest amount of time possible. She leapt a garden fence and the sound of a dog caused her to bristle, but the dog was too slow. She was over the back fence before it caught up. Her mind raced. There's a new suck house over on Andasol. Her direction changed to meet the new target. She's been there, living my life. They didn't even fucking miss me. I—seeing Will wasn't on my to-do list...soul, guilt, pain...more pain, but I wanted her to at least miss me.

Buffy crashed through the front door of the run-down house, not even bothering to open it. She leveled on the first vampire who was taking money in the foyer. "Did you miss me?" she growled. The words 'shit' and 'slayer' hit the air between them. He raised a large axe that was propped against the wall behind him. There was a shower of burning money and vampire when she twisted the axe from his hands and drove it into his neck. Not really, but thanks for noticing.

Vampires scattered like cockroaches when she advanced into the living area of the old house. She cut a sweeping arc around the room, leaving a storm of dust in her wake as she sized targets up and decapitated them. Her face shifted involuntarily with the carnage. She moved quickly through the downstairs rooms. In a back area that might've been a pantry at one time she found a large male vampire feeding on a young girl. She dropped the axe and it clattered on the old wooden floor.

Hearing her enter, the vampire looked over his shoulder and growled, "Get your own."

Her arms wrapped around the large man. "Don't mind if I do." As he flailed back, Buffy sunk her fangs into his neck. She wrapped her legs around his waist and hung on while he tried to shake her. Her hold slipped and she grunted when they crashed through the wall into the main room of the house. She clamped down harder then buried her fangs in his neck once more. Shifting her bite as they continued to crash off the walls of the house, she lanced his jugular and suckled the wound. The 'no circulation' thing sucks. Too weak from the blood loss, he eventually collapsed to his knees. She continued to drink until she could nurse nothing more from the wound. Then she returned to the pantry for the axe. One brutal swing and he exploded in a cloud of ash. Buffy mopped the blood from her chin with the back of her hand and licked it clean. Her attention shifted to the upstairs. She burst into the first bedroom and instantly decapitated a female vampire that was feeding off a young man.

He looked up at her bleary-eyed and begged, "Please don't."

"Not gonna, but you might wanna move on," Buffy replied, offering a hand down. She helped him rise and moved to the next room. When the house was clear, she pressed the demon down and returned to the pantry. Her grip on the axe loosened and it fell from her hands again. The girl was still sobbing in the corner of the small room. She reached down and the girl flinched, pressing her body as tightly into the corner as possible. "It's okay, sweetie. Not gonna hurtcha," Buffy said in a soothing voice when she coaxed the child into her arms. She moved to the kitchen, rifling through the drawers until she found a book of matches. She returned to the living room. After taking one final look around to make sure all the victims were clear, she lit the old draperies on fire then burst out onto the street.

The small body clung to hers as she made her way down the sidewalk away from the blaze. She didn't bother to look back while the old house went up like a tinderbox. "Let's get you somewhere safe, 'kay?" she cooed to the girl. Once she'd deposited the girl in the arms of a nurse at the hospital, defiantly meeting the accusing stares, Buffy made her way back to Mary.

When Buffy arrived she was surprised to find the door unlocked, but no one there. There was a note on Mary's desk instructing her to make herself at home. She went to the kitchen to locate a trash bag to put her clothes into. Then she returned to the room and carefully peeled them off, trying not to spread the soot. When she was finally naked and the bag of ruined clothing sat next to her pack in the corner, she went to the bathroom to shower.


The plume of smoke caught her attention as Buffy ran through the graveyard. I thought sure she'd— If it was me—and it was—I'd be all about the inflicting. Details snapped into place in her mind and she changed directions to find the source of the smoke. Would the slayer be split? No...probably not. Then how would my twin—? I mean, she was gone. A human couldn't get away from me like that. And she was with Spike. How would Spike react to a human me? OH SHIT! I died...when she—I can't even think it. Would he be that crazy? Her eyebrow arched. Yeah...and I'd kill him for it. You'd have to slice and dice to get the chip...no human could do that without serious—there'd be drugs involved. Where would she get them? If she just dusted him—poof chip. It all fits. At least I think it does. I need Will.

Buffy leapt the graveyard fence and tore off down the street. Moments later, she slid to a stop next to an emergency vehicle. Her gaze fixed on the front of the house. It was gutted by the fire. Black charred wood showed through shattered glass windows. This was her. Timing's too good. She came straight here. Wrath. She scanned the scene for survivors. A young man covered in soot was being loaded into an ambulance. Her attention fixed on him and she made her way to his side, ignoring the perturbed voices of emergency workers. "What was this place?" she asked, scanning the young man's face for answers she already had. Her attention shifted to a dirty wound on the inside of his arm.

The young man finally stopped gaping at her long enough to mumble, "Vampires."

Buffy backed away, offering him a sympathetic grateful smile. She burned a suck house. Turning home, she jogged out of view of the emergency vehicles and took off in a full run. We've gotta find her, but what then? She's looking to make the cover of National Psychopathic from what I saw back there. I hope she didn't kill anyone. Her face fell. But would she care?


Dawn ran out the front door, slamming it behind her. Unbelievable asshole! And to think I had a crush on him. Buffy announces that Spike's dead and Xander wants to have a party. I liked Spike. He was nice—listened to me when no one else would. She paced angrily in front of the house, wanting to run, but she knew they'd be mad. Finally, she flopped on the stairs and dropped her head in her hands. Assholes! An annoyed growl rumbled from deep inside her chest. Tears streaked her cheeks and she furiously rubbed her face on her sleeve.

Willow poked her nose out the door and came to rest next to the upset teen. "I'm sorry, Dawn," she offered sympathetically, drawing the younger Summers into a gentle hug.

"It's just not fair! I can't believe him," Dawn spat through the tears.

Her hand moved soothingly across the teen's shoulders. Eventually, when Dawn had calmed enough, Willow reflected, "I know, Dawnie," she sighed, "Xander doesn't understand how hurt you might be. He can be pretty insensitive. I think it's the Y chromosome." She drew back enough to perceive the quirky smile. "Once he does get it—the groveling—he's good at it," she smiled back, "Hold out for jelly doughnuts."

Dawn mopped her face with her sleeve. "It just doesn't seem like anyone cares, Willow. I mean, you and Buffy are around more, but..." she commented honestly.

Her expression reflected empathy as Willow replied, "We care, Dawn. It's just hard. Neither one of us are really used to being a... I don't want to say 'parent.' We can't be...and maybe that's a big part of the problem. You need—and it's hard 'cause we're not sure how."

Her body shook as Dawn sniffled back the tears. "Just listen."

Willow smiled. "Here listening now." As she stood, something caught her eye. Making her way around to the edge of the porch, she lay down on her stomach and reached under the railing, fishing a pale, gnarled piece of wood out of the hedges. "Wanna see if we can guilt Xander into sugary goodness?" she asked aloofly while she studied the piece of wood.

"Yeah...sounds nice," Dawn replied with a feeble smile, making her way over to look at what the witch had found. "Whatcha got?"

Her brow creased as Willow remarked, "The reason for the current crazy. At least I think so." After placing the stick in the back pocket of her jeans, she made her way in the house and walked up to Anya. "Remember the Magic Box break-in almost two weeks ago?"

"Do I ever—" Anya started to confirm.

"Did you inventory everything?" Willow asked in a petulant manner, breaking the ex-demon off from her pending rant.

"I was just going to comment how thoughtless people are. Thank you! Thank you for making my point," Anya huffed. Her eyes leveled on the piece of wood the witch was holding under her nose.

"You must've missed this," Willow stated bluntly.

Anya's eyebrows threatened to disappear into her hairline. Her tone was thick with shock as she asked, "Where'd you get that?"

Willow flopped onto the couch. Cupping her face in the hands, she started to massage her own temples. All this time...Buffy could've died at any second. We got the stronger one. Slayer half. The weak one...shacked up with an obsessive psychotic vampire. Good place for her. If we can even merge them—no idea if we can—what will she be? Will she still love me? Her voice was thick with exasperation when she finally inquired, "Think we could maybe lock the dangerous stuff up next time? Finding that in the yard...not so much a thing."

"Wait. What is that?" Xander queried, peering down at the strange stick. His expression was awash with comprehension and distress as he stuttered, "Oh, oh no. No way."

"The ferula-gemina," Willow confirmed. Deep worry corrupted her features as she commented, "Buffy died, but it was temporary. Kill the weaker half and the stronger half dies. Spike's dead. The other Buffy brought us the chip."

"Oh my god," Anya gasped, catching up first. Her gaze fixed on the weapon in the witch's hand. "The other Buffy's a vampire. But how? I mean can we just—does it work to just toss them back together if one of them is dead?"

Willow scanned the apprehensive faces in the room and got up, dropping the stick on the coffee table. "Calling Giles. If vamp-Buffy goes and gets herself staked...badness. We need to find her. Xander, Anya, why don't you start on that? Maybe find the human one so she doesn't stake herself."

Xander was halfway to the door when he called back, "On it."

Anya snatched up her coat and followed him out.

Willow picked up the phone and steeled herself for the chorus of 'my words' and 'dear lords.' Taking a seat on the couch, she began the patient process of explaining the facts to the elder Watcher. She was on the fourth set of Giles-expletives when Buffy erupted through the door, barely stopping to open it. Thank Goddess! "Giles, I'm gonna have to call you back," she said into the receiver. Not waiting to hear his response, she hung up the phone and was on her feet before her partner made it into the room. "I think...I'm not sure how to say this—" she fumbled.

"The other me's a vampire?" Buffy prompted. Her arms wrapped around her partner's slender form before the look of surprise even registered. She laid her head on her witch's shoulder and listened to the sounds of affirmation. "She's kind of a nutcase—burned a suck house not far from here after she bolted. Just guessing...but she may've cleared it first."

Willow tried to withdraw enough to see the expression on the slayer's face, but the blonde was having none of it. "What makes you think that?"

"Just the look—there was a guy there that—he'd been fed on. He gave me the weirdest look when I asked," Buffy replied plainly and loosened her grip.

After pulling back just enough to meet her partner's gaze, Willow reflected, "She wigged. The noise you heard—the fact you didn't catch her. You second guessed her. She's more you than me. I'd be off the streets."

A pensive expression creased her brow as Buffy confirmed, "Makes sense. I sure wouldn't go out dancing unless I wanted to be found."

"Let's assume not. What would you do?"

Buffy shrugged. "I'd use someone I met."

"One of the three people at The Bronze maybe? I'd say the girl, considering. What with your recent come out-y-ness. And then there's the 'Spike' thing. Goddess knows what he did to her. Factor in the 'vamp' thing... And I don't wanna hear about me as a vamp, but think about it," Willow offered more or less stream of consciousness.

Buffy giggled and cocked an eyebrow. "Seems reasonable. And why not? I'd pay to see you in that leather bodysuit again."

Willow rolled her eyes, but the subtle grin betrayed her feelings. "Let's go tell Dawn what's up then hit the Bronze. Maybe someone will have a clue," she reflected as she withdrew from the hug.


Mary shifted the shopping bags in her hands and opened her bedroom door. Her gaze fixed on the beautiful blonde vampire in her bed. I'm surprised she's back. A faint sheen of moisture from the shower gave the blonde's bare skin an almost unnatural appearance. It's like she's too perfect. Mary was mesmerized and simply stood frozen, watching the vampire vigorously caressing her sex. Finally, not tearing her eyes away from the bed, she made her way across the room and set the packages down. When the vampire's eyes eventually met hers, she wasn't terribly startled by their amber color. "I sorta went shopping," she offered sheepishly.

Her body tensed, forming a rigid arch as Buffy came. She gasped, crying out, then lay panting and absently running her fingers over the moist, slippery folds. When she'd quieted enough to talk, she replied, "Shopping this late at night?"

"Yeah...it sorta depends on what you want. There's an adult book store up on the freeway," Mary commented while she unpacked the bags.

Buffy leaned forward to look over the contents. "Oh my...you're a naughty little thing, aren't you?" she purred.

A seductive smile played at the corners of Mary's mouth as she remarked, "I figured, if the fantasy was gonna come to me, I'd take advantage. Now get dressed." After a moment of watching the vampire play with the stretchy lace garment, she picked up the second bag and went into the bathroom.

Buffy watched the girl disappear from view, then sat up and began to carefully work the black, floral-lace body stocking over her form. When she'd managed to stretch the last of the delicate garment into place, hooking her thumbs through the ends of the long sleeves, she tossed the lace thong aside and picked up the black, asymmetrical, pleated micro-miniskirt. After sliding the short strip of fabric over her hips, she took a seat on the bed, propping herself on the pillows to wait. She looked at the soft, cotton-covered bustier and decided against bothering with it. The rest of the package's contents meant that she was going to get fucked—with any luck, thoroughly—and she wanted Mary to be able to play with her breasts. Her hands traveled over the rough lace, caressing the skin beneath. She pushed the skirt aside and began to massage her center through the opening in the body sock. She watched the young woman exit the bathroom wearing her street clothes. A large tee-shirt covered her jeans down to thigh level.

"How 'bout we go out?" Mary prompted, hoping the vampire would like the idea. She was a bit depressed to see that she hadn't bothered to put on the shoes or the bustier. "Do you need help with the—?" she asked hopefully, cutting off when her lover shook her head.

"The porch is as far as I'm going, sorry," Buffy replied, rising from the bed to step outside. I wish I could...thing is... Her senses opened to all the movement around her. A rabbit in the field next to the house caused her to shift her gaze. She drew in a deep breath, taking in all the aromas the cool night air had to offer. She'll forget soon enough.

Mary followed the vampire outside, taking a seat on one of the deck chairs. She unfastened her jeans and let the large dildo slip out.

Buffy walked over to the girl and kneeled in the chair across her hips, facing her. A raspy groan escaped her as she settled onto the large cock. "God yes," she purred. Her hands pulled at the neck of the body sock and the garment sipped down, exposing both of her breasts. She began to writhe, moving the large phallus inside her as her lover pulled a nipple into her mouth, brushing her teeth against the tender pink mass. "Oh god, fuck me," she demanded.

Feeling the crushing need radiating off of her lover, Mary thrust her hips against her. The L-shaped dildo moved inside her and she groaned. Her movements were erratic at first, but she finally managed to slip down in the chair enough to allow herself leverage.

When the rhythm evened out, Buffy started to move against the girl, extending the length of the stroke. Her body rose and fell as she pumped the large cock inside herself. She pulled the girl's mouth greedily to her breast and shuddered as teeth scratched the surface of the sensitive flesh again. The girl's hands cupped her ass, caressing through the rough fabric. Perfect. Her eyes opened as her hands moved to cup the girl's cheeks.

When Mary met the vampire's gaze, eyes too green to be human stared back. She relented as her lover drew her into a hungry kiss. Her body seemed suspended right at the moment before climax. She continued to move with the vampire to draw the sensation out. This is just unreal.


Buffy had patiently allowed her witch to dress her, mostly out of her own lingerie drawer. She felt a bit too exposed for her liking, but she went with it. The leather miniskirt stretched tight across her hips, chafing slightly against the lace teddy. The doorman gave her a look that said only one thing as she passed a bill to him. Great. Now even the bouncer wants to fuck me. Thanks, Will.

Willow gave the doorman a scathing glance and draped her arm around the slayer, inattentively caressing her ass.

The doorman glanced back and forth between the two women and sighed.

Willow held out her ID and money, receiving a stamp so she could order drinks, then led her partner into the crowded bar. Leaning in to speak over the music, she instructed, "I'm gonna get us some drinks and find a table. Go dance." Still not missing the sexy, she reflected while her lover made her way onto the dance floor and started to move, openly flirting with anyone not paired in a dance. The petite blonde soon disappeared from view as a crowd gathered around her. Willow ordered their drinks and found a table where she could watch. I'm one lucky book-geek. Look at that...it's almost like feeding sharks.

Buffy spun to face a young man when she felt his erect penis press against her through the fabric of his jeans. It was all she could do not to seize him by the throat. Pressing down the desire to rip him apart, she continued to flirt until he leaned in to speak.

"Ready for round two?" he asked just loud enough for her to hear over the music.

Buffy draped her arms around his shoulders, continuing to move with the music. "Actually I'm looking for someone. Little dark-haired chick I met here the other night," she remarked hopefully.

Shrugging off the interest, he offered, "Oh yeah...Mary. Bit of an art freak, but...she's cool."

Buffy brushed her lips against the young man's cheek then whispered, "Know where I can find her? I'd be really grateful."

"No clue. I just see her at school. Same class," he remarked aloofly.

"Senior?" Buffy guessed, looking at the shadow of peach fuzz on the attractive young man's face. He is a doll. Least I have good taste. When he nodded, she released him and made her way purposefully to the table to join Willow. He followed her over and she took a seat on her witch's lap, drawing her into a lingering passionate kiss. She draped her arms around the redhead and withdrew from the kiss.

"Any luck?" Willow finally managed through deep strained breaths. Yup...majorly lucky book-geek I am. Her index finger traced the edge of the teddy between Buffy's breasts.

"Mary; senior, Sunnydale High; Art Club, probably. Should narrow it down," Buffy offered. Rising to leave, she grabbed her drink and took a sip. "You remembered," she remarked absently and took a larger gulp of the juice, detecting the faint hint of alcohol.


Mary locked the handcuff around the vampire's wrist, threaded the other end through the headboard, then fastened the other cuff closed. She moved down and pulled the miniskirt off of her lover's supine body, taking in the thatch of soft, blonde curls exposed by the open crotch of the body stocking. Her mouth naturally gravitated to the glistening pink folds. Goddess she tastes good...musky and sweet.

Buffy pulled against the cuffs causing a little twinge of pain to mix with the sweet sensation. "Mary, fuck me again," she asked hopefully, adding a 'please' as an after-though. She spread her thighs open and watched her pale, young lover move up to meet her gaze. The dildo pressed back inside and she groaned appreciatively. "Just keep fucking me. Don't stop, please. Never stop."

A thin smile warmed Mary's features as she began to move, pressing the phallus into her undead lover. Her body trembled under the strain. She rose up, allowing the vampire to wrap her ankles around her neck.

Buffy dug her head into the pillow as the dildo pressed deeper still. A loud groan erupted from her while Mary moved against her in a harsh, almost-painful rhythm. Perfect. It needs to hurt a little. Sharp pain from her chest caused her to tense as her young lover seized her nipples and clamped down, twisting the tender flesh. A low, feral growl rumbled from deep in her chest and she felt her features involuntarily shift.

Mary stared at the face of the demon in her bed and wasn't afraid. Weird, she's pretty—either face. This one's actually more...I dunno...honest, maybe. I'm sorta sad she won't feed off me. In a really twisted way I think it'd be more intimate than this. She arched her back, drawing close to the demon's face as she continued to thrust into her. Her lips closed against the demon's mouth. She ran her tongue over the sharp teeth, intentionally lancing the tip.

Sweet, warm blood filled her senses and her mind reeled. Buffy suckled the tiny wound, drawing the girl's tongue deep into the mouth as their lips caressed in a passionate kiss. The girl pounded the dildo mercilessly into her as they kissed, not relenting for an instant. Her body exploded with sensation under the heavy strain. She briefly broke the kiss to moan approvingly then reclaimed her young lover's lips.

Mary nicked her tongue again, allowing more blood to fill their mouths. It was the most deeply erotic thing she'd ever experienced. Her pace slowed as the vampire dropped her legs, wrapping them around her waist. The position change was good and she ground her sex against the harness. Two sharp thrusts and she broke free from the kiss to cry out with pleasure. "Oh Goddess, Anne..."

Buffy was momentarily confused by the name, but quickly caught up. "Buffy," she whispered, reclaiming the girl in a hungry kiss.


"Mary Hoffmann," Willow said triumphantly. Leaning back in the chair, she laced her fingers together and cracked them against the crown of her head. "She's not a senior...actually, she's fast-tracked to graduate early. Made it a bit more difficult," she commented distantly.

Buffy leaned over her witch's shoulder to look at the laptop display. "Have I told you recently how much I love you?"

Willow smiled and turned to kiss the slayer's neck. "Not since this morning," she whispered.

"Well I do. Now let's go get my evil twin," Buffy offered as she zipped the leather jacket over her teddy.

"Wait, Buffy, you know we can't just break into a private residence and—" Willow replied nervously, trailing off when she saw the look on the slayer's face. 'Kay, so...maybe we can. "Lemme call Giles and let him know first," she commented while she picked up the phone.


There was one dim light on in the large villa as they approached. Gesturing for her witch to hold back, Buffy made her way silently past the pool and up the steps to the small patio entrance. She pulled a pair of handcuffs out of her pocket, closing one side around her right wrist and seizing the open cuff in her right hand. The door swung open with a single snapping kick and Buffy burst into the room then her jaw hit the floor.

Mary turned her head in shock to look at the intruder. She looked from the woman in the doorway to the woman in her arms and the only thing she could come up with was twins.

Willow pushed in next to the slayer and said, "Umm...Buffy, maybe we should—she's not going anywhere." She put her arm around the slayer and led her back onto the patio. "We'll just give them a few minutes to...umm..."

Mary twitched. Perfectly identical twins named exactly the same thing. Oh boy. I feel a story coming on. The vampire in her arms was desperately trying to get away. Mary got up, drawing the covers over the vampire, and grabbed her robe, disappearing into the bathroom.

Willow sensed that the young woman had left and she took the slayer's hand. Leading her over to the bed, she instructed, "Do it, Buffy."

Buffy closed the other end of the handcuff over the vampire's wrist, then pulled the body stocking over her exposed breasts. "Look for a key, Will," she directed, then noticed that her witch had already started to comply. She couldn't help but feel immense amounts of pity for the vampire who lay weeping.

After locating the key sitting on a nearby desk, Willow came over and removed one of the cuffs holding the vampire to the bed. There was no resistance when she locked the vampire's wrists back together. She picked up the miniskirt off the floor and pulled the covers back to dress the vampire.

Buffy looked away, uncertain whether she should be embarrassed or not. We just hit a new level of weird and disturbing. "Are we gonna wait?"

"What would you say?" Willow asked pensively.

After a moment of scanning the pained expression on her vampire-self's face, Buffy remarked, "Nothing."

Willow offered a hand. "Let's go then." When the vampire wouldn't move, she removed the cuff, allowing Buffy to pick the vampire up, then snapped it back in place.

As they silently made their way across town, the vampire wept in Buffy's arms. She felt horrible. It was like a type of passive torture for both of them. When they finally arrived in their room, she placed the vampire on the bed and Willow began to get out the shackles.

Her mind reeled as the cuffs came off, replaced by the rough, cold shackles. In the short distance from Mary's mansion to their home, every twisted, evil event of the past two weeks played back in her mind. The vampire trembled with fear as Willow peered down at her. The urge to fight won out and she pulled against the restraints. Pain bit into her wrists and ankles. Grateful to feel anything else, she twisted her wrists in the shackles causing blood to seep out.

"Her mind's broken, Buffy," Willow remarked thoughtfully while she peered into the vampire's eyes.

"Wh-what are we gonna do," Buffy asked fearfully.

"I think the only thing to do is ensoul her and then end the spell that's keeping you two separate. From there, it's anybody's guess," Willow commented in a distant voice. Her hand moved to sweep a lock of hair from the vampire's face as she fought against the chains. She tried to soothe her, but it was useless. She went to her desk and got a pair of scissors to cut the body stocking off the vampire and added, "I'd like to chain you up too. There's no telling what the first few minutes will be like, and with... I think you'll be able to..." I hope. She pressed down the fear that welled up. "None of us knows, Buffy. Giles said 'try' and he's as close to an expert as we have. He's gathering what we need to ensoul her, should be here any minute."

Buffy turned to see the scissors slide down the body of her double, exposing her. I guess I'm next. She began to silently undress. When she was naked, Buffy moved to the foot of the bed and stood, facing away from her writhing duplicate, patiently awaiting the chains.

Willow went to the closet and retrieved a second set of shackles and chains, then pulled a chair over to stand on. After popping the false ceiling tile, she hooked the chain in place and snapped the shackles closed around her lover's wrist. Stepping back, she looked from one Buffy to the other and a surge of naughty thoughts hit her. I know how Anya felt now. This is just too tempting. She stooped to lock the manacles around the slayer's ankles and when she looked up it was all she could do to stand again. Her body flooded with longing and she struggled to press the sensations down. Goddess, this hurts. I need to focus or...

Buffy stood watching her witch's face flush with desire. A soft chuckle slipped out, then she remarked, "Think maybe you should get some air before... I mean—no offense—but at this rate I'm liable to end up with a tail or something. Not that I don't trust—just..."

"Good idea," Willow agreed, making a hasty retreat from the room. This is gonna kill me. She burst through the door into the cool night air and dropped onto the step. Worry took hold again as she quietly contemplated what she needed to do. It was so easy with Xander. One day and nothing really changed. This is way past complicated, but leaving them is so not an option. I just hope Buffy's strong enough to recover.


Buffy stood completely still with her hands over her head. It was tempting to allow her wrists to sag against the rough shackles but, from what she could hear from behind her, she was afraid to. I'm gonna be screwed up enough without the adding—making it worse. I should be terrified, but I'm not even sure what to expect. Suppose that's where the terror comes in: the not-knowing. All I can think about is that girl. She was almost seventeen. Same age I was with Angel. I wonder how I would've felt if someone had burst in the door and taken my lover. It's cruel in new and horrible ways. Though, I guess Angelus did exactly that. Not so much with the new. I'm tempted to find her when this is all over. What would Will say? Should I even tell her? Her eyes shut as she resigned herself to whatever came next. Soon the room filled with the sounds of chanting, but still her eyes remained tightly closed. This is gonna hurt. She began to steel herself against the pending pain. There was a scream behind her and she almost twisted around to look. Several minutes passed. The only noise in the room came from her vampire-self as she continued to wrench and writhe against the restraints.

Then five words rang through the air, hanging there like a muttered oath. "Let the spell be ended."


South of Heaven Productions
In association with:
Drain Brameged Inc. Proudly presents,
A Mad-Hamlet Production

We would like to dedicate this to every one of you that's ever complained that a piece of fiction was left unfinished, but was too timid or lazy to give the author props or constructive criticism for writing it in the first place.

Valyssia carefully approached the giant cyborg. His knees were at eyelevel, so she craned back to look up at his face. Not much better. Think I'll stick wiff da knees. They're shiny! Tucking her arms behind her, she clasped her hands behind her back, lacing her fingers. As she swayed back and forth sheepishly, the little lurikeen mumbled, "Umm...Mr. Mad Hamlet sir?" Please don't sneeze. Do cyborgs sneeze? Or move...or umm... He'd swish me like a bug. She tried again, a little louder this time, "Umm...Mr. Mad Hamlet?" When the cyborg moved, Valyssia jumped. Umm...Mr. Big-Shiny-Killer-Please-Don't-Squish-Me-Cyborg...I don't taste good...even wiff ketchup. This was a very bad idea! Very, very, very...horrible, terrible, awful, stupid, prolly gonna be painful...idea.

Whirring noises emitted from the metal shell as Mad Hamlet turned at the waist and bent down to inspect the tiny dark haired elf. After several moments of study, he finally responded, "You are?" chuckling when the tiny elf jumped.

"Umm...well...err..." Valyssia stammered. For a fraction of a second she considered running then she finally added in a small voice, "Valyssia...umm...Corana."

Mad Hamlet righted himself and queried, "How may I be of service, Valyssia umm Corana?"

Valyssia tapped her foot impatiently for moment and stared at the cyborg's knees again. Well, he hasn't squished me yet. "It's just Valyssia Corana, but most folks just calls me Valyssia. It's that 'first name' thing, y'know," she tentatively explained. After scratching her nose because it was itchy, she grabbed hold of the armor on the cyborg's knee and started to climb. She stood on the knee plate and looked for another handhold, carefully scaling the huge machine.

Mad Hamlet tilted his head and watched the tiny elf struggle for a few moments. Finally, he laughed and pinched the back of her robe between to fingers and lifted her by the garment, carefully set her on his shoulder. "So Valyssia, how may I help you?" he asked again, turning his head to peer at the small elf.

Valyssia pulled a cookie from her pocket and nervously started to nibble.

Valyssia: Oh my. Well, let me consider that for a few and I'll get back to you?
Mad-Hamlet raised an eyebrow.
Mad-Hamlet: As you see fit.
Valyssia chuckled.
Valyssia: I was actually just curious to meet you. I've very much enjoyed the stories you wrote based on the Buffyverse. I was wondering if you continued writing and if so what you were working on now?
Mad-Hamlet: Ahh.
Mad-Hamlet: I did wonder.
Mad-Hamlet: Hurm.
Mad-Hamlet: Well, which ones did you read?
Valyssia: I tried to email you through the BWW Yahoo group, but they hates me.
Valyssia sniffled.
Mad-Hamlet: Much better to just email me directly.
Mad-Hamlet: I rarely use third-party programs.
Valyssia: I fished and even read the story you wrote one Halloween where the two characters came to visit you. I think I've read it all though the Roman series did not have what I felt to be a proper ending. Might just be me.
Valyssia: If I had had your email addy, be assured, I would've.
Mad-Hamlet: Odd.
Mad-Hamlet: My email address is on the bulk of my work.
Mad-Hamlet: As for Roman, it did not have a proper ending because it did not end.
Valyssia: Mad-Hamlet@usa.net or whatever bounced back.
Mad-Hamlet: That's my current email address.
Valyssia: Curious
Valyssia: I got an undeliverable receipt.
Mad-Hamlet pondered.
Mad-Hamlet: Moot point. You have found me.
Valyssia: Well, no matter, I did catch up.
Valyssia laughed.
Valyssia: So, any projects or did you drop the pen?
Mad-Hamlet: I left the BtVS community if that's what you mean.
Mad-Hamlet: My 'exit' was a short story called 'Curtain Call'.
Valyssia: I was aware of that and it saddens me, but you have to write where your muse tells you to.
Mad-Hamlet: Muse, hell. I was fed up with the apathy.
Valyssia laughed.
Valyssia: Gotcha
Valyssia: I'm living in apathy.
Valyssia: Not to name drop, but the major drive for my contact is the my beta Howard Russell felt we would mesh on some level.
Valyssia: He mused that he wished you were still around then poof you appeared on the BWW list.
Mad-Hamlet: Howard, he's still keeping the torch lit, eh?
Valyssia: Indeed
Mad-Hamlet: That was a lark.
Mad-Hamlet: I've been underwelmed by the amount of traffic I've not seen.
Valyssia: http://www.ikoly.com/fanfic/review.php?set=read&no=737
Valyssia: I'm with you on the apathy front.
Valyssia: Peruse that at your leisure.
Mad-Hamlet: Schism.
Mad-Hamlet: This your work?
Valyssia: It is.
Mad-Hamlet: Ugh, IKOLY.
Valyssia: Indeed.
Valyssia: It's an ancient board that only half functions, but so little of my work is fit to see the light of day.
Valyssia: I hide in the dark for now.
Mad-Hamlet: Elaborate.
Valyssia: I want to go through and rewrite the bulk of it.
Valyssia: I began writing in May with no formal training.
Valyssia: Over 400K words later I'm told I pass.
Mad-Hamlet: That remains to be seen.
Mad-Hamlet: Four hundred thousand words is impressive.
Valyssia: the first few stories in Thirteen Steps are pretty immature and it doesn't get much better for awhile.
Valyssia: It's a pile.
Mad-Hamlet: However, we can look at a large number of stories and find them, while to be of epic length, they are of questionable quality; I'm looking at you Bear!
Valyssia laughed.
Valyssia: If you are curious about me. What I do. Try Blood Letting. It starts off a bit tedious because like your Crow piece it is a story at the end of a story, but it clears up around chapter 2 and gets fairly amusing.
Valyssia: 15 year old vamp Buffy in a room with Whistler.
Valyssia: Actually she's 22 but she was turned at 15.
Valyssia: Just use your imagination. It gets sorta sick.
Valyssia: Blood is standalone. And the latest is stand alone.
Mad-Hamlet mused.
Mad-Hamlet: When you have people requesting stories where Tara grows a magical penis and impregnates Mrs. Summers, then you can start telling me what sick is.
Valyssia: So far, sadly no... No requested boy parts.
Valyssia: Shame really.
Valyssia laughed.
Mad-Hamlet: Oh we'll just set that topic aside.
Mad-Hamlet: How goes things in the Wiffy universe anyhow?
Mad-Hamlet: Anyone even notice that Wiffy-Universe or whatever it was vanished?
Valyssia: In my slice of it peachy. It's a nice place to romp around and torture things.
Valyssia: http://www.buffywillow.com/fanfiction/index.php
Valyssia: You mean that?
Mad-Hamlet: I heard someone has archived the...archive.
Mad-Hamlet: Sheesh, just butcher my banner why don't you.
Valyssia: I've not been around long enough to have any real experience with the Wiffy crowd. I sorta missed it and fell in years too late.
Mad-Hamlet: Ah, missed Radio: JAABAFF then did you?
Valyssia: I started writing Wiffy because the pairing made sense to me.
Valyssia: It was purely a logical digression.
Valyssia: I did miss it.
Valyssia: I missed it all, but I've been entertaining the stragglers.
Mad-Hamlet: Who remains?
Valyssia: And I've been compared to you a lot. Too much for comfort.
Valyssia: Howard is the only real older timer I know.
Valyssia: I chat with a young woman who goes by Whedonist.
Mad-Hamlet: You've been what by WHAT?
Valyssia: Was something unclear?
Valyssia: You are still read and loved by the fans.
Mad-Hamlet raised an eyebrow.
Mad-Hamlet: First I've heard of it.
Valyssia: My little circle thinks you're pretty wonderful.
Valyssia: But then...not many of us.
Mad-Hamlet: Did ...Patrick I think...did he ever tell anyone else my plans for ending Roman?
Valyssia: I've not heard a thing about it.
Mad-Hamlet snickered.
Valyssia: I lurk on BWW occasionally. You can see my one post.
Mad-Hamlet: So no BWW'ing then?
Mad-Hamlet: Where do the WIffy's hang their hats then?
Valyssia: Just a 'hey thanks for the motivational posters.'
Mad-Hamlet smirked.
Valyssia: All the contacts I have come from IKOLY.
Mad-Hamlet: Yeah, I saw those and dropped a quick re-edit of an oldie of mine.
Valyssia: I didn't dig far enough to see that I suppose.
Mad-Hamlet: Sheesh.
Mad-Hamlet: Well, let's see what I can find.
Valyssia: Yahoo groups make me a bit crazy. I actually hate them.
Mad-Hamlet: Don't get me started- Despite having an incredibly sophisticated forum at Wiffy-Dreamverse...that's what it was....we had almost zero contributors.
Valyssia: I'd kill for a space like that and the ability to get people to migrate there.
Valyssia: It would be nice to have some sense of community.
Valyssia: When I update on IKOLY I typically get 50 hits in the first couple hours, so there are people.
Valyssia: It's organizing the lemmings that sucks chunks.
Mad-Hamlet: Holy shit!
Mad-Hamlet: Quin is still around?
Mad-Hamlet: ......
Mad-Hamlet: Well, let me put it this way.
Valyssia: I have no clue.
Mad-Hamlet: The one fic you showed me has received more and more in depth- barring a few exceptions- than any of mine, probably all of mine put together
Mad-Hamlet: Ah here it is.
Valyssia: I've talked with Howard about just doing it. I tried posting my fics to the Buffyforums initially and the reception was like and arctic winter.
Mad-Hamlet: Very motivating I think.
Mad-Hamlet: http://img159.imageshack.us/img159/4429/fantasyrn3.jpg
Valyssia laughed so hard she almost fell.
Valyssia: yet when I moved over to IKOLY the reception was pretty warm.
Valyssia: Not bad at least.
Mad-Hamlet: If it ain't broke....
Valyssia: I kicked a couple of times.
Valyssia: 'I'm not doing this for my health people. Say something or I'll stop talking,' sorta crap.
Mad-Hamlet: .....
Mad-Hamlet: You lost me.
Valyssia: But then I'm not shy. We were talking about feedback and contact within the community. A feeling of apathy.
Valyssia: You said you quit because of the apathy.
Mad-Hamlet: Ah.
Mad-Hamlet: Yes, it was the failure of multiple projects that had me chucking it over my shoulder.
Mad-Hamlet: That and one more 'feedback' reading like a dyslexic, illiterate blind being let lose on a computer 'Omgz u rokksor, mre plz kthnkby' and I would have done serious damage to the nearest human being.
Valyssia: Prisms is an amazing story.
Valyssia: Still
Valyssia: Many, many, many kudos.
Valyssia: does that make up for a small fraction of it?
Valyssia: It was even in English.
Mad-Hamlet: Yes and no.
Mad-Hamlet: That it is considered good is gratifying but a persons thoughts on why is the real meat and milk.
Valyssia: I understand the amount of work it takes to assemble a good story arc.
Valyssia: You want the why?
Mad-Hamlet: Always.
Mad-Hamlet: What else is there really?
Valyssia: The 'why' is simple. Conflict between the two characters must come from and outside source. Period. They are far too compatible to arrive at conflict on their own. Your choice of conflict was quite brave and tastefully presented. It left me feeling that you had some personal experience with the subject matter.
Valyssia: The characterizations were crisp. You never compromised the characters for the sake of story. It rang very true.
Valyssia: Joss would be proud.
Mad-Hamlet whistled.
Mad-Hamlet: Well expressed.
Mad-Hamlet: No, never had any personal experience with rape.
Valyssia: Now it's been awhile since I read the piece.
Valyssia: It was very tastefully done. You showed just enough to till the emotions.
Valyssia: And as a writer of THICK angst that tries to do just that. I was impressed. Though, I sorta dove into the muddy waters of squick on my last two pieces. C. Clarke I am not.
Mad-Hamlet: Carol Clarke?
Valyssia: Yes...
Valyssia: Scary human.
Mad-Hamlet: Um... I can only recall Willow anally banging away while in discussion with Archangel Gabriel when it comes to her.
Mad-Hamlet: Nah, that Buffycest shit I MST'ed- that was scary.
Valyssia: Eh?
Valyssia: I have no clue what you mean.
Mad-Hamlet: Oh wow.
Mad-Hamlet: http://www.realmoftheshadow.com/madhamlet.htm
Mad-Hamlet: At the bottom.
Valyssia: I hadn't found that page.
Mad-Hamlet boggled.
Valyssia: I guess I have some reading to do.
Mad-Hamlet: That was pretty much my main posting site.
Mad-Hamlet: You can see the Nocturnal Interludes: Secundus in its original JPEG form there.
Valyssia: Cool
Mad-Hamlet: Was B/W your first fanfiction area?
Valyssia: Yes
Valyssia: They are the only characters I've ever written.
Valyssia: Period.
Valyssia: Save for a few originals.
Mad-Hamlet: I mean the community.
Valyssia: Tam in 'For Marie' is the best of the bunch.
Valyssia: Yes...I've never been a part of another fandom.
Valyssia: Wiffy be it.
Valyssia: I'm not really the 'fan' sort. I wasn't a shipper going in.
Valyssia: at all.
Mad-Hamlet: Now I feel old.
Valyssia: How old are you?
Valyssia: too personal?
Mad-Hamlet: 34 tomorrow
Mad-Hamlet: And no, not too personal.
Valyssia: I'm 40.
Valyssia: Wow! Happy Birthday!
Mad-Hamlet: I have a general rule: Nothing is forbidden.
Valyssia: You are not old.
Valyssia: I'm the crone in this arrangement.
Mad-Hamlet: Feh.
Valyssia: Of course, the site is sadly out of date.
Valyssia: I need to work on it. LOL
Valyssia: B5 fan too? Cool
Mad-Hamlet: Not really.
Mad-Hamlet: I ran a writing group called BRUTAL for a short time.
Mad-Hamlet: The B5 fic was in answer to a challenge of whether I could.
Valyssia: Of course you can.
Valyssia: The only thing that does not translate well strangely enough is song.
Valyssia laughs her ass off at the intro to the MST piece.
Valyssia: Very funny.
Mad-Hamlet: Keep reading, there are TWO MSTs after all. Bear and SC Rose felt my wrath.
Valyssia laughed.
Valyssia: Who is SC Rose?
Valyssia: Have I missed some bad fanfic?
Mad-Hamlet: The author of Slayer-Cest and someone who I deeply, deeply hope mentally cracked like an egg after reading this MST.
Valyssia: 'Kay, so...not a fan?
Valyssia: Is that the proper Cliff Note?
Mad-Hamlet: Hmm?
Valyssia: No love for SC Rose.
Mad-Hamlet: None.
Mad-Hamlet: Which isn't saying much- if it's on the net, and I think it'd amuse me, I'll roast anything.
Valyssia nodded.
Valyssia: Point taken. 'Nothing's sacred'
Valyssia: Get that.
Mad-Hamlet: Nothing is forbidden.
Valyssia: Now I've not roasted any fellow authors.
Valyssia: Might be fun.
Valyssia: Picking on The Bear or Red Willow would be so simple.
Valyssia: Easy even.
Mad-Hamlet: Red Willow.
Valyssia: They simply wrote fuck for the sake of the aesthetic.
Mad-Hamlet: She had real potential in erotica; the ideas and passion were certainly there. Occasional spark of originality too but it was swamped.
Mad-Hamlet: Nothing wrong with that, I did too.
Valyssia: Her sex scenes all read exactly the same.
Valyssia: It was the same four or five words over and over again to describe the act.
Valyssia: Boring
Valyssia: I yawned, then I slept.
Mad-Hamlet: Point.
Valyssia: Use the Thesaurus Luke.
Valyssia: it is sad.
Valyssia: How much of an act of God would it take for you to continue?
Mad-Hamlet: A winning lottery ticket and a complete reconstruction of the psyche of every god damned member of apathy central.
Valyssia: And you say you're writing nothing else?
Mad-Hamlet: I have other projects these days.
Mad-Hamlet: Mostly video/photo editing.
Mad-Hamlet: And work.
Valyssia: That's truly a shame.
Mad-Hamlet: I don't think so.
Valyssia: I do.
Valyssia: You had a marvelous voice.
Mad-Hamlet: Still do.
Mad-Hamlet: It's just reaching other caverns now.
Valyssia: I can appreciate that. I'm a projecty sorta girl too.
Valyssia: Something to keep me busy and off the streets.
Mad-Hamlet: That's always a plus.
Mad-Hamlet: Then I shall see you anon.
Valyssia: anon?
Mad-Hamlet: Old English.
Mad-Hamlet: Eventually, soon, in the near future.
Valyssia: I see. Anon is an abbreviation of anonymous in Jiffy Pop culture. Funny how things change.
Mad-Hamlet: Yeah.
Mad-Hamlet: Shakespearian really.
Valyssia nodded.
Mad-Hamlet: Adeiu.
Valyssia jumped to the ground and bowed.

Author's Note: Yes, that was an actual chat log. I left it primarily unaltered for this posting, simply editing out details about the end of the Roman series and changing emotes to actions. It was posted with permission, if not blessing as simple food for thought kiddies.

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