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Re: Welcome to buffyloveswillow@xxxxxxxxxxx

Hi my name is Tairis...well it's not but it is what i use. I think this list
is a great idea. I am a writer who predominatly writes action and
Buffy/Xander fic. I have one B/W fic but i need to censor it. (Under UK law
submitting adult literature to a forum that permits minors can get me six
years in prison....as Michael Cain says "Not a lot of people know that")
Anyway I wish everyone well and hope that the list goes from strength to

Tairis Anders
Fascist (but cuddly) Dictator of ActionBuffy@xxxxxxxxxxx and
Cute Bunny owned by Drusilla

Tairis Shrine To Buffy The Vampire Slayer

Buffy and Xander Forever

----- Original Message -----
From: <buffyloveswillow-owner@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <tairis.anders@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 1999 8:57 PM
Subject: [buffyloveswillow] Welcome to buffyloveswillow@xxxxxxxxxxx


Welcome to the list. Please take a moment to
review this message.I am a robot.Just kidding...

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Okay, now on to the list itself.This list is
dedicated to the most perfect couple to ever
appear on a tv show, Willow and Buffy(hey, i can

I created this place because i feel like there
are a few people that, like me, think they would
make great couple.So, this is a place where we'll
all be able to exchange ideas, post fics, talk
about that cute moments that are shown in the
episodes, tell others why you think they would be
good together and things like that.

It's kind of a hang out place for Buffy and
Willow fans.

Now, a few things i have to get out of the way
before i make a list FAQ: i'll adopt a no
flamming policy.People have different opinion,
but we don't have to be rude in order to express
them.Also, put spoiler spaceor a note in the
disclaimer if the discussion or fic is about a
new episode, hopefully there will be people
overseas and some of them don't like to be
spoiled(these patient people, i tell you, they're
crazy).Also, all W/B fics will be allowed, any
rating, as long as it is W/B.I mean, you can
write a fic wher Willow derats Amy and spends
time/dates with her, buffy gets jelous and all
and realizes that she's in love in all.What i
mean is, it has to have them at some point.Of
course, i didn't have to talk about the Amy
thing, it was just an idea that has been in my
mind and i wanted to see what you can make of it
: )

Well, that was it.

If i remember more i'll let you know.

Bye for now.


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