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Re: Serious Question...


I'm right there with you man. I see all these fics coming and i keep
thinking how good it would be if i could do that too.I really look up to
people that can write.These people, through simple words are able to play
with our mind, to entice our imagination, to make us feel things and go to
places that we could never get in our real lives.They can make the
impossible come true.I guess that's one of the reasons why i like fics and
literature in general so much.

I'm even a little okay when i write dissertations and stuff, but ni can't
seem to be able to write a real story, with romance, suspense, adventure and
things like that.There are times when i get all these ideas in my head but
when i try to put them on the paper they seem to fly away or i can't get
past the first line.

As the one or two people who read that fic i wrote a while ago(the ones i
haven't been able to kill...yet : ) i'm not very good with the real thing.I
myself can't read it without getting all judgemental, wondering why the hell
i ever posted that.But i guess that's life, some have a few talents, someone
else has others and i have none : ) But i'll keep on trying, maybe
someday(hopefully soon, i'm not a very big fan of the waiting period) i'll
be able to make a little progress in that area.

Well,it's nice to know i'm not alone

On Wed, 24 Nov 1999 06:01:51 -0500, Gary Thompson wrote:

I have a question for all you awesome authors out there.

I've been reading the stories here... and so far they are ALL incredible!

How do you do it? I mean, I've always wanted to write. It's been this
secret fantasy of mine. But I was never any good at it. I love these
of stories so much and I've always wanted to write them but I am not any

Were you any good at first? Or was it something that just took time to

I was able to write one good thing. A poem. It's terribly sad and it
ripped out of me after a breakup I had. If I have to go through that in
order to write something good then I'd much prefer to never write again.

If I can write something good without feeling the pain then I'd love it.
Any advice?

Gary Thompson
"The Psycho"

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