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Re: Who(or what) are you-a little survey

Real first name - Ophelia

Age - 17

Location - London, UK

Fav Buffy and Willow moment: (Yeah, I know this is a hard one . . .try to
narrow it down
to the top 5) -
1. The Prom - Buffy crying in Will's lap over Angel leaving
2. Choices - 'I kinda love you' + 'I'm fond don't get me wrong of you'.
3. The Pack - end, when Buffy takes Willow's hand
4. Earshot when Willow says 'Sorry Buffy, I can't do this', because to me
that just screams fic - maybe there's something in her thoughts she doesn't
want Buffy to see...
5. Dead Man's Party exchange of insults.

Willow - pink and fuzzy or leather baby!? - Pink and fuzzy, 'cause she's
just so darned cute.

Fics written so far - I'll Love You For Eternity, Seeing Clearly, plus a
bunch of non B/W fics.

Home page (even if it's not BTVS related) - Don't have one.

I'm more like Buffy or Willow and why - Willow - shy, bookinsh, tendency to

I write fic because - I love to write and fic provides loads of ideas for my
itching fingers.

I have a pic of myself! Wanna see? Here's the URL - N/A

Top three episodes from each season -

Season 1
The Pack
I Robot, You Jane - just for the bit at the end where B/W/X's smiles
disappear after their love-life on a Hellmouth discussion.

Season 2

Season 3
The Prom

Season 4 - all I've seen is Freshmen but I'm gonna put it down 'cause I love
the bit where Willow is worried about Buffy after they find the note in her

Oz should stay away or Oz should come back and why - Come back because I
like his laidback non-reactions and he doesn't *have* to date Willow to be
on the show.

Finally, I'd just like
to say (Say what's on your mind or thank people for support or both!) - This
is the nicest list I've been on, because it has great authors, lots of
wonderful fic, and really nice people, and a nice atmosphere... and I told
you I tend to babble, right? It even happens while I type!

You can get intouch with me through (ex. ICQ, AOL instant messenger, MIRc,
Yahoo pager,
etc...) - None of those, only email.

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