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Re: Who(or what) are you-a little survey

Yet another lurker !

English is not my language, it's french (or portuguese but I guess it's
getting worse than my english ^_^)

Rodrigo a écrit :

Real first name -


Age -


Location -

(No I'm not from Brazil but my parents married there) ;)
Paris, France

Fav Buffy and Willow moment: (Yeah, I know this is a hard one . . .try to
narrow it down to the top 5) -

Never watched BtVS with that in mind until recently. So I'll go for two
scenes from season one (I got the british season 1 boxed set for X-Mas).

1. When Willow decides to look for Willow in "the Harvest".
2. Prophecy Girl, that scene in Will's room after the AV room killing.

In both cases, Buffy decides to do her slayer duty because of Willow.

Willow - pink and fuzzy or leather baby!? -

Man, I really loved evil Willow but the regular one is far safer ! ^_^

Fics written so far -

None so far. I'm currently writing a Willow centered fic (in french

Home page (even if it's not BTVS related) -


I'm more like Buffy or Willow and why -

I guess I'm more like Giles. ^_^

I write fic because -

It's fun playing with someone else's toys.

I have a pic of myself! Wanna see? Here's the URL -


Top three episodes from each season -

season 1 :
Prophecy Girl
Nightmares (or the Pack)

season 2 :
Becoming 1 & 2

season 3 so far (last episode aired in France was "the Zeppo")
the wish
the Zeppo
Lover's walk

Oz should stay away or Oz should come back and why -

Errr... should come back and stay away from Willow ?

Finally, I'd just like to say (Say what's on your mind or thank
people for support or both!) -

To all the writers on this list : Thanks for your wonderful stories !

You can get intouch with me through (ex. ICQ, AOL instant messenger, MIRc,
Yahoo pager,
etc...) -

None, regular e-mail only (ferreirc@xxxxxxx)


Carlos Ferreira
- Buffy, certaines filles aiment que leur copain ait des tirets. Comme
petit-ami tiret guitariste tiret génie tiret lapin en peluche...
- Et soudain le repas n'est plus la seule chose à me donner la nausée
dans cette pièce.
-- Willow & Alex --
-- comic Buffy , Bad Dog, dans BtVS Annual '99 --

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