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RE: FF A dark day (1/?)

good what more

-----Original Message-----
From: Holly O'Neall [mailto:evilskankygay@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Saturday, January 15, 2000 4:01 AM
To: Buffyloveswillow@xxxxxxxxxxx; Buffywantswillow@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [buffyloveswillow] FF A dark day (1/?)

From: "Holly O'Neall" <evilskankygay@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

This is the very first FF I've ever wrote. I want to thank each and every
one of the very talented writers on this list, you inspired me to give it a

*The standard disclaimers apply - I own nothing and Joss has it all ;) This
story is the hopefull intro in a series.*

Today is dark. Today is the kind of day that makes me
wonder why I even bother <I mean, the whole slayer thing>
why DO I even try? Has it gotten worse since I arrived? Sometimes it's
hard to tell, <and this is definitely one of those times>.
If I stay in bed long enough will the world just go away? Yes, I know I
need to go to school, but why should I? The people there don't get me at
all, and I'll never graduate. I suppose there is one reason to go, but <oh
great> it's also a reason to hide! What am I going to do about it? What
should I do about . . .?

((and in another house across town..))

I'm not feeling sunny today. I usually can find some reason to maintain the
cheeriness factor, but I can tell this is not one of those days <not even
close>. I have to get up! Depression is not my thing. I have always been
the one to find the bright side of things; life, school, Hellmouth..
Hellmouth? What on earth is the bright side of a hell-spewing hole?
<Vampires and Demons are definately not bright-sidey things> Oh wow, I have
to stop feeling like this! I have to get out of bed. There's a big chem.
exam today and I promised Xander and, and...... uh, oh jeez.. talk about the
bright side of a Hellmouth!! What am, mmm.. what CAN I do about. . .?

<In unison - in their respective bedrooms>


Thanks for taking the time,


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