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FIC: New Feelings(7)


Next part of Round-robin. Been awhile. Willow's POV after "Invisible Girl". I leave the story in the hands of the next contributor.

Trying to figure out Buffy is like trying to get to the center of Tootsie Pop. You never know how many licks.okay, choice of analogy is wrong. Was that even an analogy? My brain usually functions, I just can't get it straight. Arrgh! Trying again now. Trying to figure her out means peeling off layer.I should just stop, shouldn't I?

It's not that I'm full of raging hormones, but every word that comes out.see? Okay Rosenberg, just get to the point. You have a point. And I do. Buffy just stopped an invisible Marci Ross, from permanently disfiguring Cordelia. Then the girl got taken by the FBI. But that's another story. Well, actually it's not cause I don't know the story, unless I made something up and.

Get on track! Okay, well I've been mulling over my feelings for Buffy, and besides giving me that feeling in my chest.you know. The good feeling? The happy on you get when she's around? Well anyway, I realized she makes me not invisible. Without her, I would have faded just like Marci. The teasing and taunting of me would have worn off, the fun factor gone, and poof! Bye me.

And you may say, "What about Xander?" He and I are coupled together as an insult unit, so that if one of use gets picked on, it carries over to the other. I go, he goes. And vice versa.

But see, Buffy, she pulls me out of invisible land. She might be an outcast like me, but she's a noticeable outcast. And I get noticed by association. I know, huge self-esteem issue, but that's not the point. Buffy's shown me danger, but she's also saved my life. In more ways then one.

I love the best-friend role with her, I really do, I'm just getting ready to move up. To tell her even. When Xander tries to get her attention anymore, I just wanna put a clamp on his mouth to make him stop before he finally wears her down and she goes on a pity date and then they end up falling in love and..I've thought about this a lot. He's seemed to stop talking about her and planning lately, though.

I've been thinking thoughts too often to keep quiet for too much longer. And I have to do it before she goes back on her "stay away from Angel" thing. I'm going to do it. Whatever happens, happens. And Buffy's turned me into a risk taker.

So really, if she runs away, it's not my fault. It'll be her fault for giving me the courage to make her run away. That.didn't make much sense, did it? Off to the Bronze, where the rest of my life my hang in the balance. That was awfully ominous and Giles-esque. Going away.

"If I could just say a few words...I'd be a better public speaker." (Homer J. Simpson)

"You know what the secret of life is?"
"Your finger?"
"One thing. Just one thing."
"That's great, but what's the one thing?"
"That's what you gotta figure out."
(Jack Palance, Billy Crystal, City Slickers)

"I heard your heartbeat." (Buffy Summers, to Angel, ANGEL)

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