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Re: new cast members (and off topic)

In a message dated 19/01/00 1:27:13 AM Eastern Standard Time,
pbnj@xxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:

Well, in the interests of getting over my own lurkish habits of late
(everywhere, not just here), I'll chime in and agree that I'd a lot rather
see Anya in the credits (great delivery of one liners and I like her
relationship with Xander). She's a great addition to the cast, whereas, I
personally find Riley bland, if way too eager to be killing things (and the
Initiative entirely too reminiscent of Dr. Mengele and crew) and would just
as soon he was demon fodder in the near future.


Don't get me wrong. I don't despise Riley (not yet). He's still got that
squeeky-clean, FOTB, good-guys always win attitude. He's probably a mornigng
person too. And you don't have to be psychic to see that he's gonna be
waking up and smelling some industrial strength decaff pretty soon.

But rather than having yet another innocent sacrificed to the dark side it
would be nice to see someone leaning some of the good stuff about being
human. And if that someone happens to be a tasty treat with less tact than
the delectable Ms. Chase then that's just a bonus. :)


"I can't believe that you, of all people, would Scully me."

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