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A Higher Power (10/?)

Here's the next part there may be more I haven't decided yet.
I guess it all depends on how ya'all feel about this one.
Title: A Higher Power (10/?)
Author: Alex
Feedback: Please any comments or suggestions to: keeper444@xxxxxxxxx
Summary: Ancient forces are forced to take a hand in Buffy & Willow's
Spoilers: I don't know I put them in college because that's where they
are now.
Disclaimer: The characters of Buffy Willow Giles and any others from
BTVS are the property of Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy etc. No
infringement of any kind intended.
Notes: Willow gets a history lesson
and learns some hard facts
A confession is made
Title: A Higher Power (10/?)
Author: Alex
Hearing that Buffy was awake Willow leapt from the bench, Brigit's last
words ringing in her ears.
  She stopped at outside the door to Buffy's room trying to calm
herself down before her friend saw her.
Taking a deep breath Willow walked into Buffy's room quietly her entire
body trembling with nervous fear of what she had just learned in the
garden and the ramifications of that new found knowledge.
She approached the bed quietly hoping in the back of her mind that
Buffy would have fallen back to sleep so she'd be able to postpone the
conversation she knew they'd soon have to have.
Buffy was awake, her sunken blue eyes brightened when she saw Willow.

"Hey" Buffy said softly, her voice too weak to speak much above a

"Hey yourself" Willow answered forcing herself to smile.

Buffy patted the mattress next to her.

"Come on over Wills" she said as brightly as she could.

"Sure" Willow squeaked nervously.

<>Oh gods I can't do this.<> Willow thought as she climbed into her
friend's bed <> but I have to for Buffy's sake<>

Willow started to settle on the edge of the bed.

"Please Wills over here next to me." Buffy pleaded weakly "I really need
to feel you next to me right now."

Willow's breath caught when she heard the almost prophetic statement
Buffy had just made.

"What's the matter Wills?" Buffy asked at her friends hesitation, a look
of horror crossed her face. "Oh my god! Did I do something while I was
out of it?
    I didn't hurt you did I Wills? Please tell me I didn't hurt

Willow jumped to Buffy's side and wrapped her arms around her frail
looking friend, hugging her tightly.

"Hush now Buffy, of course you didn't hurt me." Willow said reassuring
Buffy and began rocking her gently and stroking her sobbing friend's
soft blonde hair."My Buffy would never hurt me but you very nearly got
yourself killed trying to protect me,
  Scared me half to death out running around slaying when you were
so sick. I was afraid I was going to lose you.
  Don't you ever do that to me again.
If anything happened to you how would I be able to live without you.
I love you Buffy and I have for a long time."

Willow could feel all the anger and frustration of all those lonely
hours combined with the stress of Buffy's prolonged illness rising in
her demanding to be let out.

"But Wills..." Buffy sobbed

"NO!"Willow barked realizing she was crying too "I'll not be put off
  Do you think you're protecting me by refusing our love from each

" No you weren't, Willow said her anger rising "You were just being
selfish and cruel to both me and yourself, That is over as of now, I
love you and you love me and that's all that counts, and before you say
it I don't care what anyone thinks.
  They don't matter anymore.
As for the evil nasties, well we'll just have to face them together."

"Don't yell at me Wills" Buffy sobbed like a little girl "I'm sorry, I
didn't mean to hurt you."

Hearing Buffy's apology Willow realized what she had just said and how
she had said it. Her face turned bright red embarrassed by her own
  When Buffy saw that she had to giggle knowing an assertive Willow
was still her shy little Wills and how could she not love that. Suddenly
she felt very tired, not weak tired, but tired in a good way.

"I'm gettin' kinda tired." Buffy sniffed then yawned, she felt Willow
start to get up. "No please Wills stay with me. I don't want to be alone
and I really need to fall asleep in your arms."

"Alright Buffy" Willow said smiling at her newly declared love "Let me
get out of these clothes and we'll get snuggly under those covers."

Both girls eyes sparkled and they were giggling like children, tears
  Willow got out of bed and hurriedly pulled off her dress and
slippers then clad only in her underwear she jumped into bed and crawled
under the covers.
  The two young lovers faced each other The waves of complete love
and absolute devotion swept over them almost overwhelming them entirely.
  Willow drew Buffy into her arms as Buffy lifted her head and their
lips met for the first time as lovers.
  Their lips brushed lightly at first then slowly deepened becoming
hungrier, more passionate until they were forced to separate so they
could breath.

"Wow" Buffy gasped breathlessly "that was..."
"intense." Willow said finishing the sentence "Exactly."

Buffy snuggled closer to Willow burying her face in Willow's neck.

"I do love you Wills." Buffy sighed as Willow hugged her tighter to her.

"I know Buffy" Willow whispered "I love you too."

"Promise you won't ever leave me." Buffy mumbled as she fell asleep

"Never" Willow whispered "We'll be together as long as we live."

Both girls shivered and shared a long deeply passionate kiss melting
into each others arms.
They fell asleep simultaneously and the universe shifted back to it's
proper place as another prophecy was fulfilled.

Brigit and Morrigan came into the room later that night and stood
watching the two much younger women sleeping peacefully, their limbs
tangled around each other.
Brigit smiled and nodded as she could feel the health and vitality
returning to the Slayer.
Willow whimpered in her sleep and Brigit used her hand to sooth the
girl's furrowed brow.

"Their minds have touched." Morrigan whispered "She is seeing the cost
of slaying for the first time. Perhaps we should have warned her."

Brigit nodded knowing she was right.

"To what purpose?" Brigit said a tear fell as she recalled her own first
experience with her beloved "There is no way possible to adequately
prepare anyone for that."

Her gaze once again to the two in the bed then back to her companion.

"Remember when we were that young and love was new?" Brigit sighed
wistfully, she took the other woman in her arms.

"Every precious second." Morrigan moaned as she leaned over and nipped
at her beloved's neck.

The two lovers left the room so they wouldn't disturb the sleeping young
End part (10/?0

No matter where you go - there you are.
Sorry didn't mean to offend won't do it again. ~A~

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