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Re: Whole 'Coming Out' thing/FIC:One Day At A Time

From the strange land of January 4, 1980, Jon Penner wrote:

From: "Jon Penner" <jonpenner@xxxxxxxxxxx>
I just wanna know how you're posting from 1980. Please tell
me? Please?

Casseigh (who is working, slowly, on "Lupine Dreaming," as
well as a Willow/EvilWillow fic)
Its easy - you get a really old, crap laptop, with no working
battery(including the little clock battery - Later reading leads me to
believe it is the BIOS Battery, which is very dead - thanks Erin!), unplug
it occasionally, forget
to reset the clock, and have no idea how to get into the useless thing to
find/change the battery (if indeed there is one, it really is an old piece
of kit, got it free from an old IT mate of mine who found it living in a
shoebox under his desk, and it was me or the bin, so I got it for the
price of a couple of pints of Guinness), but at least it works (sort of)
and I'm hoping to get a REAL PC today or this weekend, so everything should
get easier and maybe a little less surreal then (Hi KC! Its my favourite
word again!). Well spotted by the way.
Anyway it fit my music listening tastes last night.


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