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Re: Whole 'Coming Out' thing/FIC:One Day At A Time

Hi all,

I've been offline for a few weeks and I'm not quite caught up with my emails but I did want to say one thing on this topic (apologies if someone's said it before me).

Not everyone's coming out is a painful experience. That's not to deny the experiences of those who have had an unpleasant time of it, just to point out that it isn't always a bad thing. There are many positive tales to tell as well as the negative ones. It's important we don't forget that. If anything, we should celebrate it.

Just my tuppence worth.

I'm way behind on the writing and the muse doesn't seem to want to descend at the moment but I'll try to get the continuation of the Enchanted Theme written as a part of the (optimistic) Coming Out story asap.



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