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FIC: TT&T (Chapter 13: It Begins.)

Hey all!

Now here the action starts, 3A find out about someone that's gunning for
Buffy, Joyce and Spike are reborn by fire and Willow teaches Wesley how to


Stefan Cilia

Through Thick and Thing

Chapter 13: It Begins.

".my head." Joyce moaned as she tried to stand up.
"Easy there mum." Spike said and helped her sit up.
"Spike what just happened?" Joyce asked.
"Not sure mum, but something tells me that that belongs to you." He answered
and pointed at the sword the hovered over the altar.
"But I. Oh my god." Joyce exclaimed as it all came back to her.
"I've been looking for more glyphs and apparently you've been chosen to be
an avatar for a Higher Power." Czar stated
"This is a allot to take, I can understand." Luna said as she kneeled
besides them and helped Joyce stand.
"Are you sure about."
"The sword. Pretty sure." Czar said and showed her a darkened palm.
"That and the fact it has your name engraved in it." Spike added.
"I still don't understand why me?" Joyce asked as she walked up the steps
towards the stone altar.
"We honestly don't know." Luna stated.
"Well here goes nothing." Joyce said and reached out for the sword.
Spike took a small step backwards.
"William!" Luna hissed.
"Just being careful that's all."
Joyce's hand closed around the hilt, the blade flared to life and she was
surrounded by a wall of flames.
"Would you look at that." Spike exclaimed as he backed away.
"What you all staring at?" Joyce asked she walked calmly through the flames
a few moments later.

* * * * *

The toilet flushed and Buffy walked back into the bedroom.
"Still sick?" Willow asked.
"I don't think so Wills." Buffy answered.
"Then what is it?" Willow asked.
"I'm late." Buffy stated.
"Late as in late, late?" Willow asked nervously.
Buffy gave a small nod.
"GILES! WESLEY!" Rang through the house. Followed by a crashing thunder.
Stjar'a looked up from the fallen form of Cordelia.
"So it begins." She said as Cordelia tackled her feet, with triumphant
shout, and she fell to the floor.
"You're in serious trouble." Amy said to the two men as they sat around the
research table and then Willow in burst through the doors.
"Oh bloody hell." Both men muttered.
"For how long have you known." Willow demanded as Buffy came running.
"Not long day, maybe two at the most." Wesley answered and soon found
himself flying.

* * * * *

Three figures crawled out of the New York sewer system.
"We've got to get back to Sunnydale." Angel said as he inspected the ruined
remains of his jacket.
"And fast." Anya added taking stock of her torn clothing.
They spent the night fighting the hordes they'd found below New York and
learned some interesting facts. One a new avatar of the higher planes at
emerged, second there was new major player on the scene and third and most
important that the Slayer was with child and steps were being taken to
eliminate that threat to the balance of things.
"Already done. There is a jet waiting." Al'x said as he closed his phone, he
was without a scratch. The only visible damage was the dirt on his leather
"Lets get going then." Angel said.
"How did you manage." Anya started.
"Tricks of the trade kiddo." Al'x answered simply.
"Let's go." Angel stated as he held the Taxi's door open,

* * * * *

Joyce felt like the blood in her veins had turned into fire, but it didn't
hurt. She looked down at herself, she was now wearing modern outfit by any
standards. Her forearms were wrapped with golden bindings, but the rest was
a shamelessly formfitting sleeveless black outfit aside from a belt and
sheath for the sword. She looked at the blade of flame she held and noticed
that the ring Willow had given her was gone and in it's place rested a ring
with a single red ruby that seemed to pulse with the fire. She turned around
and saw the wall of flame. She reached out her hand and smiled and then she
simply walked through. The fire didn't burn her, she just felt strangely
"What you all staring at?" She asked calmly as she sheathed the flaming
sword and its fire died.
"Sun coming up soon should we watch?" She asked as she walked passed them.
"Sure why the hell not." Spike said and walked out after her.
"Spike what just happened?" Joyce asked as they looked to the east.
"Not sure mum." Spike answered.
The sun rose up over the mountain bathing them in a golden light. Spike
started laughing and soon Joyce joined him. Luna walked up to Spike and took
his hand.
"I guess there is nothing left now, but to go home." She said smiling.
Joyce bent down and picked up a piece of rope that lay on the ground and
tied her hair back. Spike pulled out his phone and noticed the 29 missed
He redialed.
"Willow just calm down." Giles said before answering. "Giles here."
"Rupert its Spike." Spike said with a smile in his voice.
"Spike thank god you alive." Giles exclaimed
"Rupert is something wrong?" Spike asked as he heard a crash on the other
end and then Amy shouting at Willow for throwing Wesley so carelessly
"No it's just that, well lets just say something has come up." Giles
"We'll be there as soon as we can. what's the situation?" Spike asked in his
best I'm-in-control-voice.
"Buffy may be pregnant."
As Spike's jaw dropped, so did the phone and the connection.
"Spike what is it?" Luna asked.
"The Slayer is pregnant?" Spike stated.
"Who Faith?" Joyce asked looking extremely calm.
"No Buffy." Spike answered.
"WHAT? BY WHOM?" Joyce demanded.
"Red would be the most likely candidate." Spike stated.
"Get the jet fueled now." Joyce ordered as Spike could swear he saw fire in
her eyes.
She picked up the phone.
"Damn!" She muttered as she noticed the battery was empty.
Czar just stood calmly and watched.
* * * * *

"That was Spike they're on their heading back as we speak." Giles explained
as he put the phone down.
Stjar'a, who'd appeared as soon as the shouting started, held Willow back
seemingly with ease. Amy was helping Wesley stand up from the piles of books
that had fallen on him when he hit one the bookcases. Buffy sat calmly and
started at the gathering.
"What did we miss?" Cordelia asked as she and Faith came running down the
"Not much. I may or may not be pregnant?" Buffy explained calmly.
"You are!" Stjar'a stated.
"And how can you be so sure?" Buffy asked.
"It's in your aura, when ever a woman is with child her aura takes on a very
distinct hue." Stjar'a explained and let Willow go.
"But how?" Cordelia asked. "I mean I don't want to sound mean or anything,
but last time I knew they're were both female." She said.
"A child born of magic." Giles muttered.
"Excuse me?" Faith asked.
"That's what the ghosts said: A child of will be born of magic." He
"So Red's the dad?" Faith asked with a grin, which faded as Willow glared at
"What do we." The phone rang again.
"Angel? Angel slow down lad." Giles said.
"Demons gathering, plotting to eliminate... oh my."
"Giles what is?" Buffy asked.
"Just get here as fast as you can. Godspeed." Giles said and hung up.
"Giles you're pale." Faith said in concerned voice.
"That was Angel." Giles said as he went got a bottle of scotch from behind
one of the books and poured himself a glass.
"Giles what is it?" Willow asked as Giles gulped down the amber liquid.
"Someone is seeking the destruction of your unborn child." He answered and
the room was dead silent.

"Get this thing in the air now." Joyce ordered the pilot, who looked at
"Do as the lady asks." Spike answered as the palmtop bleeped.
"Oh bloody hell!" Spike cursed as he read the message
"What is it?" Joyce asked.
"Someone going to try and prevent Buffy from having the baby." Spike
"I said now!" Joyce yelled into the cockpit.

Angel, Al'x and Anya's Taxi came to a halt next to their jet. Angel threw
the money at the driver as they ran out of the car.
"You Mr. Harris?" The pilot asked.
"That's me, how fast can you get us to Sunnydale California?"
"Well given the weather and the fuel." The pilot started counting off.
Angel pulled out a bundle of cash.
"6 maybe 5 hours." He answered, more money. "Four if the winds are good."
"That's more like it." Al'x said.

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