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[WillowsBuffyRPG] Buffy / Angel RPG


I just thought I'd forward this. :)

From: Meisei <Meisei@xxxxxxxxxx>

Hola. :>

I know this is unusual, and many of you won't have any idea whatsoever
what I'm talking about, but, bear with me, if only for those of you who _do_
know what this is. ^-^

A new MUCK opened last Tuesday. Buffy: the Vampire Slayer // Angel
MUCK. _If_ you know what a MU* is, come join us! We have nearly all the FCs
available, various types of characters you could get, a nice staff, and
great RP, as of yet. :>

Address: biowolf.erols.com
Port: 5454
WebPage: http://www.envy.nu/btvs/

Thanks for listening. :>

- Meisei.


"Night came on, and a full moon rose high over the trees,
lighting the land till it lay bathed in ghostly day. And the
strain of the primitive remained alive and active.
Faithfulness and devotion, things born of fire and roof were
his...yet he retained his wildness and wiliness.
And from the depths of the forest, a call still sounded."
- 'Call of the Wild'

ICQ: 16625209
Homepage: http://bounce.to/anneke
Buffy-NL homepage: http://welcome.to/buffy-nl (dutch)

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