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The Amazingly True part 5/?

Title: The Amazingly True Adventures of Two Girls and
a baby.

Distribution: Anyone who wants it would make me happy,
just let me know so I can visit.

Rating: PG-13 for now but subject to change

Disclaimer: Buffy and all of her people belong to Joss
Whedon and all of his people; I don't want to steal
them I just want to play with them for a while.

Spoiler: Everything up Hush

Summary: It's six years later and Willow and Buffy
help out a friend and get much more than they bargain

Feedback,: please, it's better that ice cream, and
makes me write faster. This my first Will/Buffy so
that just makes me extra nervous :(

Thanks & Dedication: Once again I want to give a huge
thanks to my wonderful spectacular BETA readers Jon,
Pat and scr3amer. I dedicate this to you. YOU GUYS
ROCK.!!!!!! Thanks for the effort, time and for
sticking by me. The next part is coming to you guys
soon I promise!!

To the list Moms and Dads for giving us a home, To
the wonderful & brave authors that share there stories
with us, and lastly to you all, gentle reader's, you
are who we are writing this stuff for.

SPECIAL THANKS: To all of the wonderful people that
wrote to me and gave me feedback. Thank you so much.
It means a lot to me, and makes me want to write more.
THANK YOU!!!! Also, to the people who sent me
feedback and encouragement. I really do appreciate
it. If you haven't gotten a response from me, it's
because I lost an entire e-mail folder. So, THANK

OK done now.

June 24, 2006
Chapter 5
My Head is a Yo-Yo

I'm an emotional yo-yo. Last night I was so angry
that I bruised at least four knuckles and nearly
sprained my wrist, beating the crap out of a punching
bag, and this morning, sheesh, I don't know if I even
want to talk about this morning.

Last night the gang and I spent the better part of an
hour putting Talia's things together. If the
circumstances weren't so wretched, it would've been a
funny sight. Everyone loves that little girl.

Most of the bickering and arguing wasn't about where
to place the crib or dresser, but who was going to
hold and feed her. I don't know who was more
pathetic, Xander or Giles. We eventually got them to
all go home for the night, but only after I promised
Giles and Xander that I would let them both baby sit
our little princess as often as possible.

I wonder if Giles ever regrets not having children?
Although some would say that being a mentor to Buffy,
Xander and I is hard enough. I suppose they have a
point. Yeah sure we all stopped the apocalypse a few
times, but we were still teenagers. ICK!! I shutter to
think about what I'll have to deal with when Talia is
a teenager. As Xander would say, "Scary visual place."
Oh, well. There I go rambling again.

Anyway, after they all left, Buffy and Talia and I got
ready for bed, and settled in for the night with the
Disney Channel. Sounds great, right? Wrong. After
Talia drifted off to sleep, I did something that
embarrasses me to even think about. When Buffy was
about to leave, I asked her to stay with me, in my
bed. It's not that we haven't slept together before, I
mean every once in a while, we would both fall asleep
while watching a movie or something, but she always
left in the middle of the night.

Buffy's presence has always been a comfort to me,
after all, she's my best friend, and that's what best
friends do. Right? But this was different; it wasn't
just a comfort thing. It was a need thing. I needed
her to stay, as surely as I need air to survive. I
needed to be able to wake up in the middle of the
night and know that she was next to me. That scared

I told you I was an emotional yo-yo. I'm a freak on a

I woke up this morning, and there was this warm body
next to me, not a common occurrence at all. Buffy was
curled up against me on her side, her arm thrown over
my waist, and in the space between us was Talia. She
had fussed in the middle of the night, and I guess
Buffy brought her to bed with us. The sight of the
two of them was enough to make me want to cry.

I've always known that Buffy was beautiful, I mean
hell, you'd have to be blind to not see it, but when I
saw her this morning as the sun danced across her
golden hair, and her face relaxed and unguarded, she
was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.

It was then that I understood why a two
hundred-year-old vampire would fall in love with a
fifteen-year-old girl. Simply put, Buffy was
luminescent. Here I was, lying in bed with my best
friend, and this beautiful precious baby and I was
overcome with how right and wonderful it felt. I felt
complete somehow, like a family.

Then the guilt started. Tara has only been gone for a
few days. I don't deserve this. Talia is her daughter,
not mine. Not to mention the fact that I'm in la la
land and the whole "family" thing is nothing but an

I love having Buffy here, she is a great roommate and
I like having my best friend around, but I know that
this isn't a long-term arrangement. One-day she'll
meet Mr. Right and they'll fall in love. Then she will
move out and have a family of her own. I want that
for her. I do, I want her to be happy, but there is
this awful, selfish part of me that wants things to
stay the way they are. It's no secret that I have a
less than desirable relationship with my parents,
(understatement of the century.) They were either not
around, or too busy to spend anytime with me. I guess
that is one of the reasons why the Scooby gang became
my family. I suppose that is probably why I am
projecting this whole family thing on Buffy. Sheesh I
don't know.

See, I told you I was a freak.

We went to the bank today and got the stuff out of the
safety deposit box. There was a bunch of papers about
Talia's guardianship, and her parent's estate and
such, as well as Tara's Will and a package for Buffy
and I. We have an appointment with the lawyers
tomorrow for the reading of the Will and such. Grrrr,
I am not looking forward to that at all.

There were also letters for Buffy and myself. That
fact alone fills me with dread, it's almost as if she
knew that something was going to happen to her. We
haven't opened any of the packets yet. Buffy had to
patrol, and she wanted us to go through the stuff
together. As for Tara's letter to me, I guess I
haven't read it yet because I'm afraid of what it
might say. I never said I wasn't a coward. I don't
even want to think about the ramifications of that
one. Speaking of letters, it's strange that she had a
letter addressed to Buffy, but not to any of the
others. I wonder what it says.

Ahhh, saved by the bell. My little precious is making
hungry sounds again. If I didn't know that it was
impossible, I'd say that she takes after Xander. It
seems like she's always hungry. I'm not complaining
though, I love having her around. It's a huge
adjustment, I know that, but she really is adorable.
Oh goddess, I am beginning to sound like Xander and
Giles. That is a truly scary thought. Well, I'd better
go feed the little monster before she starts sucking
on Mr. Gordo.


What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire?

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