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Announcement re: Wolf Within story

Ok, I know there are a few of you out there who are looking forward to
part ten of The Wolf Within. Rest assured that I haven't forgotten
about it, things are kinda hectic around here with my husband starting
at a new job, and us probably moving closer to his work. So instead
of sacrificing quality, I'm going to have to sacrifice quantity. I'm
over halfway done with part ten, so it should be up in the next couple
of days. I'll try to follow every few days with a new part, so I beg
your patience. :)

Thanks to everyone who emailed me and the list with their support and
feedback; I really appreciate it.

Willow: "She's like this cleavagey slutbomb walking around going,
'Ooh, check me out. I'm wicked cool. I'm 5 by 5.'"
Tara: "5 by 5? 5 what by 5 what?"
Willow: "See, that's the thing! No one knows!"
*email: erin@xxxxxxxxxxx

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