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FINALLY, FINALLY! (Feedback on Whither Thou Goest... and more)

Hey all!
I'm going to kill my Icelandic teacher, since he shot down my short
story I've not been able to write a single word, but that will hopefully
change, but enough of me and onto some of you.

Feedback on Whither Thou Goest:
Yes, doing the happy dance, I'm doing the happy dance.
Very nicely done, at first I read the previous three stories in the series
without knowing that they were in fact connected, but when I found out I
wanted more. I'm looking forward to more of this story. Since there is allot
of stuff still unresolved from "It all depends on your timing" and
"Interludis Neanderthalensis" this story holds grate promise from chapter
one and just to make myself clear. "I want more!"

Feedback Amazingly True Adventures...Part 6:
Warm happy feelings and I was walking around with this huge grin after I
read it in school this morning. You try explaining to my so very
"understanding" classmates (they're all trying to figure out if I'm gay, bi
or straight) what I'm reading and why. Some are a little phobic, but I don't
blame them. Still it's a great piece of fiction and I look forward to the
next chapter.

Feedback on the Road series:
Haven't taken the time to read them, but what I ran through in class
looks promising.

Feedback Restart
Liked it, don't watch the show so I won't judge beyond that.

Well that's all he wrote, but then again maybe not.
I'm thinking about doing more stories in the style I wrote Under the
Willow in, just for fun since I'm stuck with Two Worlds at the moment, well
not stuck, but I don't want to write it when I'm just writing for the sake
of writing. But for those who've missed parts of it I've just uploaded all
that's done at my site www.mmedia.is/~cilia

Later gang.


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