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OT: Dru

In my defense, ol wise and rather mad Brazilian list dad, I don't usually intend on putting Dru in any of my fics.  She just shows up in them and won't leave until she gets some screen time!  {That's my story and I'm sticking to it!!!}
Besides is it really wise to anger an insane vampire who talks to dolls???  I mean getting drained would probably be the least of my worries. *ROTFL*  If I said no to her, I could end up tied to a chair and forced to watch Barney and the TeleTubbies for fifty hours straight or something equally terrifying.  And honestly would anyone really wish THAT on their worst enemy???
All right, I'm officially moved into "silly mode" its time I stop typing now.  I get silly when I'm tired, which I am right now, not to mention talkative.  And I'm going.........

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