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Re: [buffyloveswillow] All mine


Mock me, will you, it's all your fault, if you were faithfull none of this
would have happened.And people don't think I'm crazy, *looks around with a
menacing look* do you ? As for the Rodrigus part, it's also your fault, you
made me lose my soul AND you made me drop five tic tacs, and now i've become
the evil-me , the leather pants evil me.I live in a burning hell, do you
have any idea of what wearing leather pants will do to my legs?

I'm suffiring here, and all because of you, but i won't let you feel cheap,
you're my lady, Dave is the one that took advantage of the situation, trying
to steal you, a poor inocent girl, away from me.I'm pretty confident that
i'll come out of this war as a winner, so don't worry, we won't have to take
this to a national level.Besides, if I let it come to the war between
countries i would loose, seem as the whole country has a more urgent thing
to do right now: party.You know, right now i'm looking at the tv and i'm
being reminded of the reasons why i like this country. : )

Look both ways bvefore crossing the street
----- Original Message -----
From: ~~Kimber <kacoe@xxxxxxx>
To: <buffyloveswillow@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Tuesday, March 07, 2000 12:26 AM
Subject: Re: [buffyloveswillow] All mine

From: ~~Kimber <kacoe@xxxxxxx>

Oh GOD!!

I am dying in hysterics over here!!! Rod, I can't believe you sent the
email to the whole
list!!! now it's a guarentee that everyone thinks you are
mad.....Rodrigus??? I'm
laughing so hard i can't even catch my breath!!!!

I really hope you all find it humerous....lil 'ol me...causing a duel
between canada
(dave) and brazil (rod).....this little email has poor shadow all worked
up over the book
cages scene and dru and ugh....

and now everyone knows about the little tug of war you and dave are
having.....i feel

(crawling under my covers about to asphixiate from embarassment)


"Sure Willow is bi! And she's getting it on with a man! To all you fanboys
out there:
Damn, I am an *evil bastard* ain't I?"
Joss Whedon, Creator BTVS

". . .and so far, well, the only thing that I know she likes is you."
Riley to Willow, 'Initiative'

"It's a good fight, Buffy, and I want in."
"I kinda love you."
Buffy and Willow, 'Choices'

"I. . .I just kinda like having something that's just . . You know, mine."
"I am, you know. . .yours."
Willow and Tara, 'Who Are You?'

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