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FEEDBACK: Erin, Janine, Shadow, Angela, Pat, Barbara, Caligryphy, Lucy

Hey all,

Just thought I'd provide my 2 cents in a collective feedback thingy. I hope you don't
mind, but I send this to the lists cuz it inspires me personally when I see that I got
feedback that everyone else sees too. So without further bantering:

Erin - You are so the bomb on the Wolf Within fic. I've loved every chapter and love the
way you had Willow rush to Buffy's aid, instead of always the reverse. Keep it up and I
wanna see more and more from you.

Janine - I am waiting with baited breath for every installment in the Star Light fic. You
end it in the most interesting places and keep me waiting for the next chapter to get
beamed into my mailbox.

Shadow - Your killing me. . .Here that? Killing me! One measly little chapter in the
Stormchaser series is all we get? (sigh) I guess one chapter is better than no
chapters. Terrific as always. Stop goofing off!! lol

Angela - Well, as Giles would say, 'Oh, dear'. You nailed me to my chair in your
heartache series. You almost had me pulling for Tara there in a couple of the middle
chapters, but Buffy reigned supreme. I think you remained totally true to Tara's
character and I loved every bit of it. Lurk for a while, but you better come out to play
again soon. . .I can't wait to see what you write next. One thing, did you ever consider
writing an alternate ending to it and posting it on the WILLTARA list? I'll bet all the
shippers over there would love and worship you!!!! It's just a thought. . .

Pat - My wonderful neighbor! Loving, as always, your style of writing and the way you
convey the characters emotions. So Riley is in the clinker, huh? lol Can't wait for the
next part. . .and oh, what about Walkaways??????? I need to get my grubby little paws on
another chapter of THAT!!!

Barbara - Geez, what to say? There probably aren't enough words in the dictionary to tell
you how much I love everything you do. In my last 'one shot' I tried to convey the
feelings of the characters and describe exactly what they were feeling - and that was done
because of you. Even when you describe the smallest hand gesture I feel like I'm there
witnessing it. You're awesome.

Caligryphy - Just as I was getting disheartened that I'd have to wait for more of the
'Soul Mine' series, you beam it into my mailbox! Your description of the steamy wackyness
was great and very realistic. Keep going. Please!

Lucy - Still waiting patiently for the next part of 'Late Night'.

So that's it. . .Hope to read more from all of you guys plus new writers soon...There's
over 340 members on the list so I know you new writers are out there!!!! Come play with
us. . .

"Seduce my mind and you can have my body. . .find my soul and I'm yours forever."


Xander: It's nice to see you brought your boogie shoes tonight, Will.
Willow: Yeah.. I-I know I've been sort of a party-poop lately, so I said to myself,
"Self!" I said, "It's time to shake and shimmy it off."
Buffy: Sounds like a good policy.
Willow: Yeah! And it works, too. You know, I figure, in the grand scheme of things, we're
all just...(Grabs her jacket and from underneath it falls a bottle of beer, it's contents
foaming out)
Buffy: Drunk..?
Willow: (laughs and picks up the bottle)Drunk.. I mean, that's such a-a strong word. Kind
of a guttural Anglo-Saxon word. Drunk.
Xander: Will, not loving the drowning of the sorrows.
Willow: Not drowning ... wading. A-a-and.. See? (She points to the beer bottle) Light. No
Buffy: No big? Anyone remember when Buffy had the fun beer-fest and went one-million years
Xander: Sadly without the fuzzy bikini..
Anya: Off topic, Xander.

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