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Re: OT: Heartbroken Fic Writer

Decloaking - er, delurking from the shadows momentarily. I've loved
all of the stories posted on this list, so if I've forgotten people
(and I know I will) please remeber I've only had 2 hours sleep -not
because I have a life mind you, just because I can't stop reading!

Kimber - I absolutely LOVE your stories! 'Enough of Me' is one of my
all-time favorites (and I read a LOT of fanfic). The Road Series is
is also rapidly moving up the list as well! And the one-shots, well,
love 'em, and they don't leave me dangling precariously off a hundred
foot cliffhanger!

Pat Kelly - I never thought I'd say this about a guy, but your B/W
fic is maahhvelous! 'Becoming One' simply floored me. 'Who Am I' is
wonderful - you characterization of Faith is perfect! If you ever
decide to start posting it to a different list, please let us know
which one - I HAVE to know you it turns out! (Willow showing Tara the
ins and outs of the computer - AWWWWW! How cute!)

Pink Rabbit - Your site was one of the first sites I visited when I
first started reading Xena fic(OT - excellent site, BTW). Your fic
was the first Buffy fic I ever read, and it hooked me in. 'Whither
Thou Goest...' is awesome, but please don't keep us hanging! Every
time I get to the end of one part, I can't wait to read the next!

Janine - 'Starlight' - Wow! What a wonderful piece. I love the fact
that Buffy is the one being saved in this one. Please post more!

Cilia - I adore 'BTVS 2117'- but I'm not sure how I feel about Cordy
and Giles doin' the nasty. Oooh, at least we don't have to witness

I've prattled on enough. Thanks for writing. I am now running for
the shadows now. Bye!



"Don't get fresh." - Willow to Riley

"She likes cheese." - Willow to Riley

"Buffy, I believe the subtext here is rapidly becoming text." - Giles

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