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I finally catched up


I finally read the stories I missed while being away. I was like, in fanfic
So, here goes:

Cilia, everytime I read an update of "BTVS 2117" you leave me craving for
more, so feed me!

Carol, the same goes for you "exquisitley bored" story. I really like what
you have done to the characters and how you mixed up the personalities. I'm
curious to find out what's wrong with Buffy ans how the rest of the gang
will react.

Lesley, Ok, about "Female of the species. You made Buffy feel attracted to
another woman! Wonder what Willow has to say (or yell) when she finds out...
I'm loving the story do far.

Shyfox, I'm in awe, really, that's quite the story you've got going there. I
would love to see how it will go on, like, when Buffy and Willow tell their
parents (not to mention Xander), that tey're having a baby. So, what I'm
trying to tell is: I want more, more, more!

Ah, Kimber, what can I say that isn't already been said? The road series is
turning into epic proportions. Not that I mind, though. In fact? I like it
*a lot*. Oh, And what do you mean, Faith being Buffy's ex-fling?! I want to
find ouy. SOON!


Buffy: "Willow, you're alive."
Willow: "Aren't I usually?"

Wesley: "I didn't get this job because of my looks."
Buffy: "I really, really believe that."

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