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OT: The death of my website

Hey guys,

My apologies for sending this to all my lists, but I find it very important for you to know.

My web site provider is Fortunecity and I was going to upload a ton of fic tonight, but alas....it's bitten the dust.  I am way freaking out because I've heard in fic circles that Fortunecity will delete your page if it has received complains of 'objectionable material' being displayed or if they deem the material inappropriate.  I really don't consider fic to be objectionable, but it has happened to at least one  person that I know of.  So I went to my FTP server today and this is the message I got:

Connecting to: Kim Fortunecity
Connection Established
220 ftp.fortunecity.com FTP server (Version wu-2.4-fc(11) Tue Oct 5 16:14:43 GMT 1999) ready.
Connected to: Kim Fortunecity
USER TheScribe99
Error logging on to: Kim Fortunecity

So, I am freaking out.  First let me apologize to all the fic writers out there.  I know I am the only archive for several of you and it sucks when you direct a friend to my site and your stuff can't be seen.  I have e-mailed Fortunecity and am eagerly awaiting a reply.  If I have in fact been deleted off the face of the internet, rest assured I will tell you.

So I'm off to fret and worry until I hear back from them.  I'll keep you all posted, but, like I said before....I am expecting the worst case scenario here and as soon as it is confirmed I'll move someplace else and let you know when the archive is available again.

(sig is too upset to come out and play)

If you have any suggestions for other webpage providers, please send them to me off-list.
My e-mail is kacoe@xxxxxxx

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